
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reject GE13 results - Anwar tells Malaysians: PR to continue rallies to SAVE MALAYSIA!

Reject GE13 results - Anwar tells Malaysians: PR to continue rallies to SAVE MALAYSIA!
VIDEO INSERTED Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim called on his countrymen to reject the results of the recently-concluded 13th general election, urging them to defend their rights and "save Malaysia" from a bleak future where corruption and political tyranny would dominate.
His call comes as pressure mounts from Prime Minister Najib Razak's government to accept the outcome of the May 5 polls, which has been marred by allegations of vote-rigging, phantom voters and even the use of illegal foreign workers to slip into the polling booths and vote for Najib's Umno-BN coalition in return for which they would be given permanent residency.
The 64-year-old Anwar is disputing Najib's claim of a 133-seats victory in Malaysia's 222-seats Parliament. His Pakatan Rakyat coalition, which won the popular vote, sweeping 52% of all ballots cast, wants a re-election in 27 seats where they say they have evidence of highly irregular procedures. Anwar has refused to concede defeat, and has kicked off a nationwide tour to take his case to the people.
A final clear message
"We had a Pakatan Rakyat leadership council meeting with PAS and DAP just now. What is the meaning of being a leader if we cannot realize the aspirations and rights of the people and then by God, we will defend them. On Friday, we will gather in Negri Sembilan, on Sunday, we will fly to Kota Kinabalu in Sabah. Without exception and everywhere we see the people rising up. Rise up even more now than before the GE," Anwar told a 60,000-stong crowd in Ulu Tiram, Johor on Wednesday night.
"To you all, especially the young Malaysians, this is about your future. The Malay youth, the Chinese youths and the Indian youths. Your future, safety, your family and even the government is far safer with Pakatan that with the 'robbers' in Umno.The Umno-BN spin all about Anwar. I am telling you I am humbled by your support but this is not about Umno or Anwar. This is about your future.
"A final clear message, we are not talking about the next election we are talking about this election and we won this election. Najib, Muhyiddin, Election Commission listen, we are not asking you to rectify the 14th GE but we want you to review the 13th GE, which we won.
"And we have compiled evidence and facts, compelling facts [such as] pictures of a Bangladeshi caught voting - where are u from? Dhaka; when did you start working - 2 years; where do you work - Selangor; why are you here - to vote; who asked you to  come - boss; who did you vote for - Umno."
"We must continue with our efforts. Each one of you - go home Twitter, Facebook, blog, whatever the means - send out the message to everyone  and give the real facts. We will fight with facts and not slander.
"Never in the history of mankind can dictators even with their guns ever fight against a people's uprising to defend their rights. My friends, arise and defend your rights and this country that we love. Defend your rights, please. Don't entertain not even for a minute to give BN 5 more years. NO! Save Johor, Save Malaysia!"
People on the Pakatan's side
It is clear Anwar and Pakatan have managed to mobilize the people. They have held 5 major rallies so far, drawing astonishing 'sell-out' crowds.
Even critics and political rivals have to concede the response has been phenomenal.
The Pakatan leaders have somehow managed to get under the people's skin and Najib's advisers must be trying hard to figure out why are the people especially those in their 20s and 30s coming out to attend the rallies - even in the rain as was the case in tonight's rally in Ulu Tiram, Johor.
"They do not like the government ruling the country now. They are not happy with the voting," a Chinese man in his 30s told Malaysia Chronicle on Tuesday night in Kuantan, where even a last-minute change in venue could not deter the residents there from coming out to support the rally.
Unmoved by new Cabinet
Earlier today, Najib unveiled a new Cabinet which he claimed was "transformational". However, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang has described the new lineup as being "completely unimpressive at all", while Anwar has mocked his arch rival by expressing surprise that the PM had not included a "Bangladeshi".
"Najib's lacks legitimacy... The Cabinet that he announced today - what do you think? Are you impressed?" asked Kit Siang, drawing loud 'Nos' from the crowd.
"This is the most unimpressive Cabinet in the history of Malaysia," Kit Siang agreed.
Malaysia Chronicle spoke to several young people at the Ulu Tiram, Johor rally, and they didn't seem very impressed either. They also wanted Anwar to keep the pressure on Najib to call for re-elections.
"The current government has done a lot of strange things and this has made a lot of us very unhappy. I think it is important that Anwar continues with this sort of campaign. It raises people's consciousness, gives us hope and feedback. And we also give our feedback," a young Chinese man in his early 20s told Malaysia Chronicle.
"We need a change. We don't want the BN anymore," said a young Indian man in his twenties.
Malaysia Chronicle

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