
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 17, 2013


Dear Editor,
THERE are plenty of your readers from BN who are perpetually in Denial about the irregularities in PRU 13. One example is the prohibitions as follows:-

Voters at the Polling Centre or in Polling Station are prohibited to do the following:

1) wearing shirts or clothes or bring in items which have picture of candidate or prints of party logo;

2) talking or behaving noisily while inside the Polling Centre or Polling Station;

3) taking too much time to cash a ballot;

4) intentionally spoiling the ballot paper;

5) taking photograph of your ballot after casting your vote (social media addicts take note!);

6) taking out the ballot paper from the Polling Station;

7) campaigning or canvassing for votes inside the Polling Centre;

8) wandering around inside the Polling Centre after casting your vote;
9) disregarding or ignoring instructions by EC officials / staff or engage in action that may cause disorder or tension inside the Polling Centre reference link: HERE

From my own experienced, I voted at St. Michael's Penampang, and the chief officer from SPR at my voting channel was standing infront of the two ballot boxes, ensuring that I entered the correct ballot according to the colours of the paper so that my vote for the ADUN wont get mixed with the Parlimentary votes and vice versa. His extra job was to ensure I return the ballot papers by putting them in the two boxes provided, and not try to bring them out of the room.

So now I challenge everyone, how come in Penampang P174, there was a total of 330 ballot papers not returned as per results from SPR? One of your readers who goes by the name of TAUFIK LEONG says that the voters are free not to return the papers, whereas you can check with SPR whether this is an offence ,OR and impossible thing to do since there are at least 6 pairs of eyes watching every move you make inside the polling channels?

( 4 spr officers comprising the chief, one clerk checking your name, one clerk marking ink on my finger, one clerk issuing me the ballot papers and at least 2 polling agents of the candidates?) In my case there were actually 6 polling agents whom I assumed two each from the candidates.

So how is it possible that a large number of voters in Penampang managed to bring out the ballot papers from the polling station when the rules state even taking a photo of your ballot papers is not allowed?

The ONLY way that 330 papers were missing is that someone cheated during the counting of the ballots when there was a convenient blackouts at some polling station. Of course the ballot papers removed from the trays could belong to any of the 4 candidates for Penampang. Now the same shortages of the returned ballot papers compared to the number issued also can be found in every constituencies throughout Malaysia, which is a proof beyond doubt that the conduct of this PRU13 is tainted with the mother of all cheats.

Also check out the election offense act as some excerpts is found in this link: HERE

Without doubt, the BN has violated nearly all the provisions found here especially when it comes to election expenses. The basic expenses alone could easily exceed RM200,000 for the parliamentary seats, what more if the allocations they gave to their BN friendly NGOs are included.

Of course, those NGOs campaigning for BN do not have to declare their expenses, such as organising events, provide free lucky draw prizes, foods, drinks, parties..etc etc..

So you call this elections CLEAN?
Best Regards,


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