
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 2, 2013


Nurul Izzah, PKR Vice President at 32 years of age and daughter to the one and only Anwar Ibrahim. Like her father; charming, charismatic, captivating and like all good politicians…caustic.

Landed and unceremoniously deported from Kota Kinabalu International Airport on Thursday, the 30th of May 2013.
Opposition supporters throwing tantrums, Lawyers fussing over torts and BN pulling out Sabah’s 20 point agreement - so why all the noise over one lady?

Culture Curious?

The Harvest Festival or Kaamatan is an annual event where Kadazandusuns express their gratitude and appreciation to ancestors and spiritual beings for their gifts of life – paddy (and alcohol).

Besides an abundance of babi panggang and booze, what’s wrong with hijab clad Nurul Izzah attending such a function if it’s in the interest of experiencing Sabah’s culture?
That’s what she claims.

A question with an obvious answer it appears, but take a closer look and you’ll see that therein lies the loophole for deception!

A Malaya State of Mind

Over in not so sunny Semenanjung, people of the big cities are unhappy about the nuances of rising costs, overcrowding and traffic jams reducing the value of their lives.

Never mind that they have homes, cars, jobs, welfare and good food - life there is just not ‘shiok’ enough, as the average Selangorite will usually nag about.

Racial harmony is over-rated it seems.

In the mind of the fanatic: Police are perceived as brutal thugs, the Government as some form of sinister regime, Electoral commissions as a pack of paid off lackeys and Anwar Ibrahim a saviour.

As an opposition supporting zealot, why contribute to nation building when I don’t believe nation building is even possible under a Government elected through a corrupted democratic process?

Sabahans (and sane people) must understand that those willing to riot for such political ‘causes’ implicitly believe a method in their own madness.

They are antagonistic to no end…or simply bored and addicted to civil drama.

Anarchy, Sabah, and Utopia

The man with the moustache, Chief Minister Musa Aman, has stated that his reasons for preventing Nurul Izzah entering Sabah were NOT POLITICAL, but in fact security based.

With the exception of the pugnacious Bung Moktar Radin, all of Sabah’s leaders seem to be in agreement.

Additionally it’s pretty much accepted by every lawyer group that Sabah does in fact have the constitutional right to control its own immigration laws.

Some questions beckon

Are Nurul Izzah’s intentions really as innocent as it seems?

Is this whole caboodle really about Nurul Izzah at all?

Take a look at a list of people who have been banned from entering the state in recent times and things start appearing a little clearer cut.

Haris Ibrahim – Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement Leader
Ahmad Syukri Abdul Razab – Bersih 2.0 steering member
Maria Chin Abdullah – Bersih Leader
Hilman Idham – Aide to PKR deputy Azmin Ali
Tian Chua Chung – PKR vice president
Mazlan Aliman – Anak NGO leader (who opposed Felda’s listing)

Sure, the critics will say that these individuals were barred entry simply because of their distain towards the government.

HOWEVER, let’s ask ourselves how many unruly mass demonstrations have occurred in Sabah in recent times? (Excluding the sad excuse for a certain Sultan’s army).

The answer is virtually none!

Sabah hasn’t seen a post-GE13 Rally, there’s no Bersih riot here and why should there be a Blackout 505?

Pakatan needs to take a step back and see that by instigating the public into disorder, they’re really just creating a monster they can’t control in the long term.

A society or state that believes it can collectively rule itself without higher authority will be defiant to the very end; case in point being Egypt and Syria.

The Best Defence is a Good Offense

If preventive measures eliminate the problem altogether, rather than try to fix them, then Sabah should be proud of its ability to maintain peace and security!

We don’t need our children traumatised or our women and elderly folk put in danger.

We don’t need our streets strewn with rubbish, our public facilities damaged and our tourist fleeing.
To what end are and for what cause are all these ‘legally illegal’ gatherings?

What has PKR achieved with all its attention whoring?

How are they going to form a government when they’re breaking laws passed in parliament?

If the intention is for progress, then Anarchy or dissension against a ruling government has failed time and time again as proven by history.

Hate him or love him, Musa Aman did what he did, because he could.

Whether politically motivated or with powers being misused, what matters more than anything is that he maintains the security and sovereignty of Sabah.

Cheers to Sabah! Cheers to Peace! Cheers to Kaamatan!

Aramai Ti!

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