
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 20, 2013

James Masing & the rest of BN, stop insulting the intelligence of our civil servants!

James Masing & the rest of BN, stop insulting the intelligence of our civil servants!
Recently, James Jemut Masing has gone on an extravaganza of intimidating, insulting and blatantly scolding civil servants in the state of being anti-government. He particularly singled out teachers. He cited how teachers had openly criticised the BN and supported the Opposition.
In my many dealings with civil servants, I have found them to be helpful and cooperative despite them knowing I am from the Opposition. They have shown their impartiality and neutrality to a very professional and satisfying standard. For Masing to chide them publicly is akin to insulting their intelligence. Civil servants are not children to be scolded by BN Ministers.
Teachers, in particular, should not have been singled out by Masing. He scolded teachers, especially those in the rural areas, for publicly supporting the Opposition. May I remind him that there were teachers who also openly supported the BN. Why scold those who supported the Opposition but remain silent on those who supported the BN? Double standards, Masing?
During the official campaigning period of the last GE13, Masing should have remembered that there was no government. The government had been dissolved. The armed forces were in charge of the nation and the outgoing government was merely a caretaker government. Hence, neither BN nor PR was the Government or the Opposition. Therefore, teachers were not bound by the General Orders to maintain their neutrality during that period. And yet Masing missed this important point and went on a rampage to vilify teachers.
Must always remain neutral
I agree with Masing that civil servants, including teachers, must not frustrate the execution of the policies of the government of the day. This is clearly stipulated in the General Orders of the Civil Service. However, it is no secret that many civil servants aligned to BN in Pakatan Rakyat ruled states still try to frustrate their states’ governments’ policies – which is in direct contradiction with the General Orders. What about them, Masing?
In short, civil servants and teachers must always remain neutral and impartial and do their work in implementing the policies of the government of the day.
Teachers, especially, are duty-bound to teach and educate and impart that which is morally right and academically sound to their pupils and students in the class-room, not promote political parties’ agendas, be it BN or PR. But it is not for BN Ministers to publicly insult their intelligence by telling them to support the government.
Civil servants and teachers are educated and have minds of their own and the more Masing insults them, the more they will know what to do. Carry on insulting teachers, Masing, and you will find yourself grossly insulted by them in return.
Masing owes nothing less than an apology to all civil servants, especially teachers, who are the pillars of education in this country!
Vernon Aji Kedit
Information Chief
PKR Sarawak

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