
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kau yang hipokrit, Wan Ahmad...

DAP hari ini menempelak Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang didakwa menjadi 'hipokrit sebenar' dengan menyatakan pilihan raya umum lalu bersih dan adil sekalipun bukti menunjukkan sebaliknya.

NONEDalam kenyataan, Pengarah Strategi DAP Ong Kian Ming mendakwa SPR menunjukkan sikap hipokrit apabila enggan mengakui bahawa dakwat kekal itu tidak kekal, perpindahan pengundi berlaku sewenang-wenangnya, persempadanan menyebelahi BN dan SPR tidak menguatkuasa peraturan pilihan raya.

Ahli parlimen Serdang itu mengulas kenyataan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar yang menyifatkan pembangkang sebagai hipokrit kerana akan mengangkat sumpah sebagai wakil rakyat di Parlimen meskipun mempertikai keputusan pilihan raya umum lalu.

Berdasarkan fakta, katanya, pelbagai tindakan yang diambil oleh Pakatan Rakyat - menganjurkan perhimpunan bantahan, memfailkan petisyen, menyuarakan parlimen - tindakan konsisten dengan hasrat mereka demi mewujudkan ketelusan, adil dan sistem pilihan raya yang bersih.-malaysiakini

EC the 'real hypocrites', cries DAP...

DAP today lambasted the Election Commission (EC) for being the "real hypocrites" for claiming that the election was free and fair despite evidence to the contrary.

In a press release today, DAP strategist Ong Kian Ming said the EC displayed hypocritical behaviour when they failed to acknowledge that the indelible ink was not permanent, that arbitrary voter transfer happens, that electoral boundaries are skewed towards BN and that the EC does not enforce election laws.

NONEOng was responding to EC deputy chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar's claim that Pakatan Rakyat were hypocrites for rejecting the election results and yet had no qualms swearing-in as lawmakers.

"They won 89 (parliamentary) seats and more than two-thirds majority in three states but on the streets, they reject the general election results. Really, this is hypocrisy," said Wan Ahmad during forum on June 20.

Ong said that such actions are "perfectly consistent" because the series of Bersih demonstrations had shown that it was effective in compelling the EC to change.

He said that the rallies had pressured the Najib-administration into establishing a Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reforms and also pressured the EC into making arrangements for Malaysians residing overseas to vote.

NONE"Let me also remind the deputy chairperson that it was only after three Bersih rallies that the EC finally agreed to the use of indelible ink after cancelling its use at the last minute just before the 2008 General Election," he said.

Ong said that there is still much to be done, such as a "cleaning up" of the electoral roll, amending laws which prevent the integrity of the electoral roll being challenged in court and redemarcation of electoral boundaries in a fair manner.

He said that the rally at Padang Merbok yesterday was designed to show the public's lack of confidence in the EC and flawed conduct of the general election.

"An election commission that fails to enjoy public confidence, as per Article 114 (2) of the Federal Constitution, should resign instead of being in denial and worst yet, accuse others who want to create a more transparent, fairer and cleaner electoral system of being hypocrites," he said.-malaysiakini



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