
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2013

KL CPO, where were the agent provocateurs?

YOURSAY 'It is very irresponsible and disappointing of Mohmad Salleh to make such false statement of an intended riot. He should apologise.'

Rally-goers ordered to provoke us, claim cops

your sayTenfold: It is the return of Mahathirism. Remember the first reformasi rallies in the late 1990s when agent provocateurs were used to create mayhem?

Kuala Lumpur chief police officer (CPO) Mohmad Salleh was playing reverse psychology. It is so much like Mahathir, smirking after throwing the stone.

Multi Racial: Organisers of Black 505 rallies have never once instigated the participants to create violence. Instead, the organisers went to great lengths to make sure the crowd behaved themselves.

There is no reason for the people to be violent and there is nothing to gain for the organisers if there is violence.

I have participated in most of Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat rallies. Never once the crowd did what Mohmad Salleh said. It's so sad to see high-ranking police officers play politics.

Fair Play: I suppose this is the best Mohmad Salleh can do or say under the circumstances.

Pahatian: The police, like all other government agencies, are good at cooking up stories to paint a bad picture of the Black 505 rally.

They should be seconded to Hollywood film producers to write out scripts for make-believe movies.

If at all they have evidence of the purported riots, then they should immediately arrest those masterminds and charge them in court instead of waiting for the riots to happen.

Fourtan: Shame, PDRM (Royal Malaysia Police), shame. Rally or not, you have brought utter disrespect unto yourselves.

Everybody, including a child, knows that you are the ones trying to stir up confrontations with the protesters with those statements.

How can you now call yourselves protectors of the peace and guardians of the people?

Kim Quek: Through such evil rumour-mongering, with obvious intention to discourage people from attending the rally, KL CPO Mohmad Salleh has rendered himself a political stooge and an enemy of the people.

This is undoubtedly a last-minute desperate attempt to put a spoke in the event engineered by Mohmad's dastardly political masters.
Villageboy: I have participated in many rallies. What I saw were well-disciplined participants who followed instructions of the organisers. They remained restrained in the face of police brutality.

We appreciated the police chief's hands-off approach in the Kelana Jaya rally. Everything was orderly and well.

It is very irresponsible and disappointing of Mohmad Salleh to make such false statement of an intended riot. He should apologise.

Anonymous_40c3: Overwhelming evidence has been produced by the rally goers that they are capable of gathering peacefully without any police supervision.

Given there is a pronounced differing view of the legitimacy of the assembly between the authorities and the people bent on gathering peacefully, it only takes a spark to turn the gathering into a riotous mob.

We have seen this in Turkey and we don't want this in Malaysia. PDRM should weight this factor and facilitate the process as any use of force will turn the rally ugly.

The people have proven they are capable of behaving themselves without police presence.

Speechless: Mohmad, where is the proof that such an instruction was issued by the Black 505 rally organisers?

Evidence has shown that all previous rallies had been peaceful until the police provoked the participants through the use of tear gas.

Justice Pao: This KL police chief is a embarrassment to Malaysia for his blatant lies. He is most likely the one to release his bunch of thugs and hooligans to create chaos and riots.

With a police chief like him in KL and with his men running wild beating up peaceful protesters, no wonder KL is rated the 6th most dangerous city in the world.

Abasir: PDRM should stop this speculative nonsense and concentrate on making KL crime-free so that ordinary citizens no longer 'perceive' the city to be dangerous.

But I guess that is such boring work compared to assembling the men (sans name tags) with truncheons, tear gas and tasers to continue terrorising taxpayers.

Dood: This man exemplifies one of the main reasons nobody respects or trusts the police. I can't wait for a regime change so that he and others like him will pay for their crimes to the nation and to humanity.

Mushiro: It is a "real wonder" that the police own intelligence report claims that the rally goers were ordered to provoke the police.

This same police intelligence failed to detect the 100 fully armed Sulus penetrated into Lahad Datu. Then the police intelligence further failed to trap the Sulus until eight police officers were shot dead by the Sulus.

So much for the police intelligence. - Malaysiakini

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