
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pressure mounts for EC commissioners to quit

YOURSAY 'The government cannot continue to remain oblivious and immune to the many serious allegations made against the EC.'

Gov't considering asking EC chief to resign, claims MP

your sayLittleGiant: Never before the country's Election Commission (EC) has come under so much criticism and controversies.

Instead of feeling embarrassed, the EC and the government seem happy to support each other at the expense of putting the nations's credibility at stake.

The government cannot continue to remain oblivious and immune to the many serious allegations made against the EC.

The only way it can get the rakyat to put their trust again in the EC is to stop its remote control of the agency and revamp the EC's leadership.

LKT: The EC chairperson and his deputy have clearly and blatantly shown that they are biased and partial to BN, especially Umno. This is completely unacceptable.

Resigning is the least they can do since they failed to show impartiality in holding GE13. In fact, they should be in jailed for their failure to run a clean and fair election.

I am angry and insulted by their arrogance and defiance. I am cursing them everyday until they are no longer in EC.

Harapanbaru: Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof and Wan Ahmad Wan Omar have been given more than five years since the first Bersih rally in November 2007 to clean up their act.

They are like an overripe fruit that has begun to stink as they rot on their branches.

Actually it's far more meaningful to chop down the whole termite-infested BN tree before it collapses in the next big storm and kills a lot of innocent bystanders.

Annonomouse""2: When millions of Malaysians demand the resignation of these two goons and the rest of their flock, it is surprising that these fellows and the government go on denying their guilt.

In a democracy, these two ‘saboteurs' would have been thrown into jail and their pensions revoked and saved for the poor.

Here it seems they are protected to help the illegitimate government of PM Najib Razak to hold on to power.

Kgen: Most people who have disgraced their office knows when to resign, but Abdul Aziz and Wan Ahmad don't know the meaning of disgrace.
If these two goons go, we don't want their replacement to be appointed by the PM. We thought the previous EC head was bad but his replacement is even worse.

A bipartisan panel should be set up to recommend men and women of integrity to the Agong.

Ksn: The full EC must go, replaced by people of competence, integrity, with backbone, and who are dead serious about the election process being free and fair with all the irregularities brought up by Bersih corrected. Remember, we are the best democracy in the world.

Hermit: When Bersih demanded for the EC to demonstrate the use of the indelible ink to the public, the chairperson persistently retorted that they have tested the ink many times.

The EC chairperson even made an undertaking that the ink would last at least for seven days. Please Wan Ahmad, do not treat the public like fools, when you are already a dumb fool.

Survivor: Abdul Aziz, do not be too arrogant. If the ground swell of the rakyat insisting that you resign, even the king will have to listen to the people.

Paul Warren: But Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong, these Umno-supporting individuals are thick skinned.

That is the most important criteria that they have to fulfill to be appointed to any kind of position such as EC chief, deputy chief or commissioners.

However embarrassing or scandalous, they cannot see it affecting them. So why and how do you expect them to resign?

After all, with all that is alleged against him, the prime minister and his wife too continue with their lives as if everything is alright. That is the Malaysian culture.

Prmaju: Even if he is asked to resigned, he will be given a plump post as a reward. The next EC person to come in will be exactly the same - help BN to cheat, then resign or retire with huge reward. The people should not be so stupid to believe this charade.

AngryBird: If the EC chairperson and his deputy have any conscience and dignity, they should resign on their own accord instead of being 'kicked out'. Both of them are shameless.- Malaysiakini

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