
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 3, 2013

Najib's Umbrella of Death

Najib's Umbrella of Death
On the occasion of His Majesty’s birthday, Bernama reports that Najib assures DYMM “your Majesty’s government is the umbrella for all Malaysians”.
Very assuring. Very promising. Najib’s birthday bouquet before the King appears to give the impression of being very subservient and loyal to His Majesty’s genuine and caring concern for the rakyat.
But the fact is Najib has placed the cart (Najib's political party) before the horse (His Majesty's subjects, the citizens of Malaysia).
Death of democracy, unity, multiracialism
To begin with, how can his government be the “umbrella” for all – unless of course if that “umbrella’ is akin to the one we use here in Malaysia, traditionally, when we are mourning the death of a fellow human on his her final journey of resting place (as is common at funerals of Malays and Chinese).
Najib had all the opportunity to heal the nation long before the GE-13. But that is not what we witnessed but suffered under his previous term of premiership.
He had every opportunity to act, redress and heal the following but failed deliberately and miserably:
  1. Seal the cracks in national unity he did not when the main stream newspaper was allowed to scream relentlessly about racial and religious divisiveness.
  2. Najib himself screamed “Chinese tsunami” when his party lost some seats to the opposition political party in the GE-13.
  3. The injustices against the murdered foreign citizen Altantuya is still hanging on the dacing and we still cannot know the motive let alone the mysterious issues of national security and abuse of systems surrounding this gruesome killing.
  4. The deaths in police custody are far too many and we still do not get any redress in the form of the PM’s initiatives. The latest murder stinks to high heavens and Najib does not get a single waft to respond decisively.
  5. When Bersih 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 came in waves after each situation of disappointment with Najib, he did not do what was needed to be done as a moral obligation to His Majesty’s subjects. He waited till the 1st of June 2013 to assure His Royal Highness of a “dream” for all Malaysians. He forgets pathetically that Malaysians are tired of the many betrayed dreams and they want realities now instead.
  6. His own deputy said ‘Melayu’ first and Najib was silent as a pin-drop but now he tells the King that BN is the “umbrella” for all “Malaysians”.
Dream or Nightmare
In fact the list of omissions and neglect is an awesomely long one and the rakyat are fully cognizant of it. And now, after the GE-13, Najib beacons all to a “dream of a Malaysia where people of all races and beliefs can live in peace and harmony without any suspicion”.
What dream Mr. Honorable Prime Minister?
Look at what a particular main stream media is pumping out almost on a daily diet. Look at what your crowned Home Minister said hot on his new appointed chair as Home Minister. Look at what your right wing members are screaming even as you shower His Majesty with a basket of rosy words of assurances.
You talk about the need for “national unity and national understanding based on constructive dialogues at all levels”; but did you in the first place accept any of all those invitations to dialogue in our run-up to GE-13? Where is your leadership by example?
You promise His Majesty that BN will see to it that “all Malaysians (are) to consider the togetherness factors that can unify us….”; but were you not the same person who screamed and thundered “over our dead bodies and crushed bones” as you militantly preached the survival of the race and religion anchored political party within BN?
Squandered every opportunity with doublespeak & insincerity
Bernama reports that you preached that “cracks in national unity (is) owing to national polemic based on beliefs, race, political ideologies, urban and rural demographics” will be addressed by BN.
But you forget that this is exactly what the opposition political parties and leaders and followers were trying to tell you since you took on the leadership of this nation after your right wingers jostled Pak Lah from his chair unceremoniously. In case you also 'mudah lupa', remember you and your commrades in arms responded to the rakyat's concerns by branding us as anti-nationalists out to destroy this nation.
You did nothing to correct this national polemic but high-geared the BN-UMNO fan to blaze the war cry all the way right into the GE-13. So what is this roundabout turn suddenly before DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agung, pray tell us.
You allowed the arrests of civil liberties; you ignored the calls for free and fair elections; you lifted not a finger when the rakyat cried to you to stop the race divisiveness attacks that keep raining on us throughout the GE-13 season and even till this day.
How are we to belief your assurances to our King His Majesty and Royal Highness that you will “practice inclusiveness.” over His subjects?
In short are you not guilty of having placed the cart before the horse?
You basically squandered every opportunity that the subjects of His Majesty gave you with hope and aspiration. Not only that, you betrayed all Malaysians through your inactions, actions, silence and pronouncements.
So do not ostracize the citizens if they do not buy into your beautifully spoken message on the occasion of DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung’s birthday unless if you are convinced that His Royal Highness' subjects are mere street bumpkins and village fools.

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