
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 14, 2013

No, Dr M - it time for Malaysians to get tough with YOU!

No, Dr M - it time for Malaysians to get tough with YOU!
The former premier’s no-holds-barred warning to Najib that it is time to get tough with the opposition again riles up the ralkyat who have been in recent pasts, unleashing their loads of criticisms and condemnations against this one man who once garnered undivided support from the entire nation.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad must be told that the opposition politicians in Malaysia are neither terrorists nor uninvited creatures of this beautiful nation. They deserve respect as much as you would expect the same for your UMNO-lama members for as long as Malaysia chooses to remain a democratic nation.
The Tun’s latest smoke-signal that the opposition politicians cannot be sparred and that it is time to get tough not only hurts the legitimate political block of PR but also implies more damage to his own UMNO-baru, let alone the citizens, the Sovereign status of this nation and the country’s reputation as a democracy.
Why should Dr M be above the law?
It is a foregone conclusion that this one man who once had the audacity to clip the powers of our revered Rulers by hoodwinking His majesty’s subjects, is very much apparently above the law. He can say anything, anywhere and anytime and yet get away with it all. Even when his words are deemed seditious and are laced with hints of treason, no law can catch up with him.
Just imaging, at an international platform – never mind the fact that the participants at the Langkawi-do (LID) were not from the developed circles of planet earth, he insults the Constitutional democracy that we preach and aspire to be.
By addressing an international community and allowing the global threads to report his statements, he is also embarrassing the very government headed by Najib.
By saying that it is time to get tough with the opposition, he is also implying that Najib is incapable of doing his job.
By condemning the opposition he is also belittling the majority of voters who cast their ballots in favor of the opposition parties. And in doing so he insults the very subjects of His Majesty DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung.
By belittling the citizens who exercised their democratic right he is conclusively condemning the very democratic principles that he himself proclaims to protect.
Time for Dr M to take his own medicine
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad does not have a license to say whatever plagues his mind and still get away with it scot free. If a simpleton citizen can be immediately hauled up for what is deemed treason against our revered Ruler, right-minded citizens are asking how come the Tun is spared for insulting the very subjects of His Majesty.
Many citizens had in the past almost begged the Tun to be the mortar that seals the cracks between the BN and the Opposition. Many had appealed to him to be a true and blue-chip Statesman who brings honor to our nation and our Rulers.
Many too had lambasted the Tun for his divisive and disparaging views.
But all of these are not working rightly on the Tun. The general perception is that he is dead bent on keeping to his drumming war.
Why can he not dutifully be subservient to the Constitutional Monarchy and do his personal bit as a loyal subject of His Majesty and paly his part in nation-buulding and not fighting tooth-and-nail to keep his legacy intact.
It is time that we put an affirmative and decisive stop to the antics of destruction, insult and embaressment coming out from the mind of our past Prime Minister who ought to remain ‘Honorable’.
This is one man who must learn fast that he must take his own medicine – if you are not happy with what you see then use the right channels to register your protest. Do not insult citizens, King and nation at public platforms.
And if the Tun remains adamant with using his ‘above the law’ license to shoot as he pleases, then the law enforcers who are subservient to the Crown must act decisively. We cannot continue to dismiss the Tun’s continuing stabbing at the nation’s heart of democratic principles as the ‘rumblings of an old man’.


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