
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 7, 2014


And that, in a nutshell, is how to get the Chinese to adore you. And because I do not play to the Chinese gallery but always say what I feel, I cannot win the adoration of the Chinese.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Learn from Marina Mahathir, DAP tells Umno
As Malay rights group Perkasa hits out at Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir for showing solidarity with Christians over the “Allah” issue, DAP has told Umno to learn from her.
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng lauded the actions of Muslims like Marina, who pointedly said that people will not want to visit the country despite it being Visit Malaysia Year 2014 when there is no moderation, and with Malaysia now being known as a country that grabs Bibles.
He said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin should learn from Marina how to be a peacemaker instead of being “a religious bigot and rabble-rouser” for political gain.
On Boxing Day, I wrote an article titled “From hero to zero and vice versa” (READ HERE). It looks like in just two weeks or so we have to, again, talk about this subject. But this time it is going to be about Marina Mahathir and not Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
Yes, this is how Malaysians of Chinese ethnicity, in particular DAP people, look at things. When you do not agree with them you are a dog (or running dog), pig, bitch, bastard, racist, turncoat, traitor, pariah, Mamak (which is now considered a degrading label like Keling, or Paki, if in England), and so on. However, when you say something or do something they find pleasing, then the world needs to learn from you.
To become popular with Malaysians of Chinese ethnicity is very simple. If I wanted to be popular all I need to do is say that the Federal Constitution of Malaysia does not stipulate the race and religion of the Prime Minister. Hence if Pakatan Rakyat wins the general election and if DAP wins more seats than PAS and PKR then Lim Kit Siang should rightfully become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. And if PKR wins the most number of seats and DAP wins the second-most number of seats, then Lim Kit Siang should at least be the Deputy Prime Minister.
That ‘endorsement’ will win me the award of ‘Towering Malay’ and ‘Anak Jati Malaysia’ and I will be hailed as the example that all Malaysians, Malays in particular, should emulate.
Up to just a few days ago on New Year’s Day I was having a hard time trying to educate Malaysians that one should not be condemned for what one’s parents did in “The sins of your father are your sins”(READ HERE).
You see, the problem was this, whenever Marina Mahathir said or wrote anything, Malaysians, those of Chinese ethnicity in particular, would whack her kau-kau. She would be reminded of what her father did and she would be told to stop ‘preaching’ to Malaysians but go ‘preach’ to her own father instead. Because she is the daughter of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysians have no interest in hearing what she has to say.
Today, that has suddenly changed. In fact, I had already given up and thought it was futile to try to educate Malaysians, non-Malay Malaysians in particular, to accept a person for what that person is and not condemn someone because he or she happens to be the son or daughter of someone you do not like.
I have been following some of the pro-Umno Blogs and can see that Marina is being whacked good and proper by the Malays, Perkasa included. Marina has whacked back and has also condemned Perkasa. I am sure that makes her even more a hero (or heroine) to the non-Malays.
I would not be surprised if some are now even going to say that Marina Mahathir should be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia when up to just two weeks ago she was the Mamak daughter of the most hated Mamak in Malaysia. And now even Lim Guan Eng feels that Umno needs to learn from Mamak Marina.
I take it Mamak is no longer a dirty word. One up for all the Mamaks of Malaysia. Mamaks of the world unite! Hail Mamak power! A Mamak has finally emerged to save the country! Why can’t all Malays be like the Mamaks? Malays would be very progressive if they can just emulate the very successful and progressive Mamaks.
So, now Mamak Marina is most hated by the Malays and most revered by the Chinese. What do the other Mamaks, Indians, natives of East Malaysia, and so on, have to say? Do they also share the sentiments of the Chinese?
If all you want is to become popular with the Chinese and have them sing your praises, it is actually so, so easy. We all know what the Chinese like to hear. So just say what the Chinese like to hear. And they will even support you as the next Prime Minister.
It does not matter whether you mean what you say. It does even matter whether what you say is the truth. Sincerity and honesty are not important. What is important is it is pleasing to the ear even though you do not mean what you say and what you say is not entirely true.
And that, in a nutshell, is how to get the Chinese to adore you. And because I do not play to the Chinese gallery but always say what I feel, I cannot win the adoration of the Chinese.
Does that make me stupid or is it the audience that is stupid?

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