
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 7, 2014

If Malays have failed, it’s fault of BN gov’t

YOURSAY ‘Once again the refrain that Islam is being insulted. And this time by DPM.’

Another 'May 13' not impossible, says Muhyiddin

Ferdtan: Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is concern about “what is going to happen to the Malays?” DPM, nothing!

That is if Umno do not start the problem. Why? Isn’t Malay a majority race, with Chinese, Indians and others the minority? Who are in control of the government? Who are the majority in the enforcement agencies like the police, army, and anti-corruption agency?

Immigration, Attorney-General’s Chambers, civil servants, judges in lower and higher courts, you name it - Malays are in charge. Top posts in the country - the PM’s and Muhyiddin’s position of DPM - are all Malay-controlled.

The Muslim religious bodies sometimes have more power than the Pakatan Rakyat state governments and at times even the federal government cannot interfere with their excesses.  Still you imply you are helpless?

Indeed Muhyiddin, we just cannot understand your expressed concern over the fate of our Malays. With so much power in your hand, it is shameful that you still want to play the defenceless ‘victim’.

We ask, “Defend what and from whom?” If Malays fail today, it is obviously the fault of the Malay-dominant BN government for the reasons stated above.

David Dass: Once again the refrain that Islam is being insulted. And this time by no less than the deputy prime minister. The question is who insults Islam?

The Christians from Sabah and Sarawak who insist on using the term ‘Allah’ as a reference to God? A term that they have been using for more than 100 years? A term that they used before they became part of Malaysia?

A term that successive prime ministers approved along with the Alkitab, the Indonesian Bible? A term that 20 odd million Christians in Indonesia use - Indonesia a country with more than 200 million people and more than 90 percent are Muslims? A term that was used by Arab Christians before the time of the coming of Islam?

A term that the government has now agreed can be used by the Christians from Sabah and Sarawak? The Christians who demanded the return of the Alkitab that had been seized by Jais, the return of which had been ordered by the AG?

The family of the corpse which was seized allegedly for being Muslim during a funeral ceremony? The family of the bride who was seized during her wedding ceremony for allegedly being Muslim?

The Hindu mother of the child who was abducted by his father following the father's conversion to Islam and who had obtained an order of the High Court requiring his return to her? And all the people who expressed their outrage at such acts?

It is not right to talk of another May 13 in circumstances when the persons wronged are non-Muslims and their protestations right in law.

Swipenter: What is Muhyiddin saying is that those who are being marginalised and discriminated for decades cannot and must not voice out against such treatment meted to them by those doing the marginalisation and discrimination.

They must take it sitting down indefinitely otherwise another "incident" can be unleashed upon them. They just have to be contended with being second/third or even no class citizens.

However, not all Malays and Muslims are bloodthirsty. They are very nice and understanding humans who crave for peace and harmony in Bolehland like the 52 percent other Malaysians.

Quigonbond: By another May 13 being a possibility, is the DPM referring to Umno instigating the violence? If so, yes, Malaysians won't be surprised.

But ultimately, the only people who are in for a rude awakening is Umno, Perkasa and Isma, as in, they will be in for a surprise how quickly their instigation and violence will be quelled by a united opposition of all races, and there is not a chance in hell we will go through another Emergency just so that Umno can tighten its control over the nation.

Wg321: The DPM said the country needed to return to its Merdeka roots, where society was united and could work out its differences and misunderstandings.

Society then was united because, at that time (1957), Umno was corruption-free and mainly controlled by teachers. Today Umno is controlled by greedy rent-seeking businessmen turned politicians.

Umno today is synonymous with rampant corruption, crony capitalism, nepotism, kleptocracy, poor governance, etc, despite being Muslim. Umno defend themselves from such attacks by playing racial and religious cards.

Kangkung: In any country in the world that faces racial problems, leaders of the country will do all they can to bring about unity.

They will want to find out the source of the disunity and find ways to bring about unity, but not in Bolehland run by the racist government of Umno. Its leaders are always calling and hoping for a racial riot.

Muhyiddin knows his position and also Umno's, is not secure so he has to play the dangerous racial cards to spark a riot. He knows he can make seditious statements as Umno's middle-path inspector-general of police (IGP) won't act.

Speaking Sense: Those who fan hatred and incite violence should be arrested and charged in court - whether you are NGOs or DPM.
Shame on this man for playing with the well being of this country by being so careless with his words and his clear racial and religious bias. The height of irresponsibility.

Hathriyan: Indeed, it is highly irresponsible and unethical for the DPM to utter such nonsense. The non-Malays, particularly the Chinese, were blamed for the economic backwardness of the Malays which supposedly had triggered the 1969 May 13 racial clash.

One of the objectives of the New Economic Policy (NEP) was to ensure that a similar racial clash does not recur. And this was to be achieved by nurturing greater unity among Malaysians through restructuring the economic stakes held by each of the major communities.

Since 1971, the Umno-led government had spent billions under the NEP, purportedly to economically uplift the Malays. Now, dear DPM, please tell us what had happened to all these billions?

Are you trying to say that the NEP had totally failed in its mission to uplift the Malays economically and intellectually and give them the confidence to live with the non-Malays without fear of being swallowed up by them?

If not, why are you still using the May 13 bogey?

Peacemaker: With Umno having the likes of Perkida (para-military group), Perkasa, Jati and Isma on its payroll, it can effortlessly engineer civil commotion and riots in the Malay heartland and create an excuse to bring out the troops from their barracks, declare an emergency, suspend the constitution and the country being run by a National Operations Council.

If it all sounds familiar, it's because that was exactly what Najib's father did three decades back. -Mkini

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