
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 7, 2014

No more, Malaysia’s minorities refuse to be blamed

YOURSAY ‘There is no agenda out there to insult the Malays or their religion.’

Another 'May 13' not impossible, says Muhyiddin

Slumdog: Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s spurious conjecture that another racial riot similar to May 13, 1969 was not impossible is a rather disturbing comment.

A very senior minister who should be advocating greater understanding, tolerance and mature debate on racial issues and religious beliefs, is instead fueling fear amongst the rakyat and harping on a sad blemish in Malaysia’s history that happened 45 years ago. It is well and truly time to move on.

There is obviously some ulterior motive on Muhyiddin’s part in bringing up such an issue from left field when there was no obvious trigger for him to do so.

If he is having sleepless nights and receiving text messages from concerned Malays, it is because they fear non-existent and imaginary enemies they claim are out to destroy and insult their race.      

Versey: As the DPM, he ought to know the difference between good leadership and failed leadership, a successfully run state and a failed state. Leadership is about solving problems, taking responsibility and be a good influence on others.

Should there be unfortunately another racial riot similar to "that incident", leaders in the government should take the load of their share of the blame as it shows that they have failed to promote racial harmony, to manage and to stop those troublemakers such as the racial and religious bigots' unbecoming behaviour in interrupting a marriage ceremony, seizing the religious scriptures of those with different faith and keep threatening the nation with past racial riot incident, etc.

Hence, is it not better that the DPM and his comrades to prove themselves as civilised and good leaders to ensure the nation that such "incident" would not be allowed to take place under his government?

Hearty Malaysian: It is irresponsible of you as DPM to air such fears without working for a solution, to say the least.

Does it mean you are helpless as an elected leader as much as PM Najib Razak? Resigned if you can’t do the job, let other more capable leaders build the nation.

First of all, stop funding or condoning the Malay NGOs which continue to drum the fears of purported threats to Islam and Malays.

No one is more insulting Islam than Umnoputras who pretend to be religious but corrupt to the core with huge assets and lavish lifestyle that their official income can not support at all.

They behave as if it is all right to be rich through questionable deals or bribes and yet proclaimed themselves as good Muslims.

Who to blame now when the people reject you? Are you trying to shift blame in the guise of racial and religious problems as you fear losing power?

Anonymous #85701391: The DPM is wrong. If ever there is another May 13, the hardest hit would be Umno cronies, the rent seekers, fixers for government contracts and handouts, commission agents, and not ordinary hardworking Malay Malaysians.

In 1969, the political awareness amongst Malay Malaysians was lopsided, scripted, crafted and manipulated by Umno for its sole interest. But today, this bullshit is no longer wholly applicable.

The social, political and economic environment are also totally different. The new generation of urbanised Malay Malaysians are fully aware of the values and contributions of a knowledgeable and a well balance society in a nation.

Turvy: As education levels our differences and erases them, we have become brothers and sisters all - Malays, Chinese, Senois, Ibans, Indians, Kadazans and all other wonderful groups that make our nation.

Political opportunists like the present government whose whole political policy is dependent on a nation permanently divided by race and religion are panicking because of this. They are beginning to lose their grip on power.

These predators of race have no other policies to move them forward, so they desperately revert to old myths of racial conflagrations. May 13 did not happen. It was made to happen. No one below 45 years is scared by that old bogey.

Anyway, leaders are there to rule wisely. If the DPM fears such nightmares as bloody killings on the streets, he should abandon everything and work to prevent it. To mouth it as a threat is irresponsible.

There is no agenda out there to insult Malays or their religion. There is no division; only divisive forces out to mangle this nation.

Wg321: If ever there is another May 13 incident, it has nothing to do with the Chinese. This time, the ‘new’ May 13 is over rising religious tension between the Malay-speaking bumiputera of Tanah Melayu and the Malay-speaking pribumi Christians of Sabah and Sarawak over the illegal Malay bible and the usage of the word ‘Allah’ by them.

Please don’t involve the Chinese. They are just too busy working very hard to earn a decent living because they don’t enjoy special privileges. They cannot afford to be lazy like the rent-seeking Umno bumiputera.

The Malay-speaking pribumi Christians of Sabah and Sarawak will openly and continuously use the Malay bible and the word ‘Allah’ despite the judicious decision of the Federal Court.

What is DPM going to do about that? Sending the subcontractors, Perkasa and Isma, over there to do enforcement?

Casey: "Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims," said American philosopher, Ayn Rand.

Ironically, the security of our otherwise relatively peaceful country is compromised, not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within the government.

The insidious acts of these bigots - at times gradual and subtle; and at other times crude and blatant - are all but designed to silence the peace-loving majority with the threats of communal riots and destabilisation with just one objective: divide and rule.

To these bigots and the corrupt, the harmful effects so created are inconsequential, suffice that they stay in power and that the end justifies the means.

Kim Quek: For Muhyiddin to come out with the May 13 threat, he must have been frustrated at not seeing the desired effect with the series of deliberate provocations by racial and religious extremists.

In fact, he could be at a loss at how to arrest Umno’s declining public support, now that the various races seem to have grown wise to such crude attempts to stir up sectarian conflicts.  And since such strategies wouldn’t work, why not use threat?

But if Muhyiddin thinks that the threat of a recurrence of the 1969 racial riot could break the non-Malays’ solid opposition to its decadent rule, he is badly mistaken.

For the opponent to Umno’s rule today is Malay-led Pakatan Rakyat, which has garnered 52 percent of total votes in the last election, half of which comes from Malays. It is no more Malays versus Chinese as it was made out to be the case in 1969.

It is simply a case of an antiquated, corrupt and racist regime versus a multi-racial alliance that is determined to bring national unity and good governance.

Hplooi: After constant bombardment of citizens - not constitutionally-defined-as-Malays - with highly charged and inflammatory insults and instigation, this chief 'black-hand' now blames said citizens as 'mencabar Melayu dan agama' and as chiefly responsible for 'disturbing the peace'.

He is like the Zionist who, after depriving the Palestinians of their land and country and then oppresses them with a severe occupation, now blames the Palestinians for all the ills and tension afflicting the Israeli-Palestinian divide.

If you are not angry I am. But instead of resorting to name callings and retaliation, I am saying, "No more, I refused to be blamed." -Mkini

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