
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Now extremists claim copyright on Negaraku

YOURSAY 'First 'Allah' cannot be used. Now Negaraku. What else?'

Utusan warns Ambiga could attract extremism
Anonymous_1399645532: I’m really tired about reading anything from these individuals. Be it Isma, Perkasa, Dr Mahathir Mohamad or Utusan Malaysia, they all spout the same hatred and anti-non-Malay rhetoric.

I hope all the moderate Malays and non-Malay stand behind the new movement, Negara-Ku. Not for one moment we must let these extremists think they are winning. I want my country back.

Multi Racial: First ‘Allah’ cannot be used. Now ‘Negaraku’. What else?

Anyway, S Ambiga is loved by Malaysians. What she did in Bersih is noble and admired. We are happy she did not quit the civil society altogether and now move on to establish Negara-Ku, another noble cause.

Only extremists or those supporting extremists like Utusan are not happy. They are merely the mouthpiece of Umno leaders who are simply out of touch.

Truth Seeker: Before it was the dispute over the right to use the word ‘Allah’. Now some party is claiming the sole right of the usage of ‘Negaraku’.

Will it come the day when the terms 'bapa' (father) and 'emak' (mother) become the sole property of some claiming to be having more right than others?

Casey: I'm as baffled as I'm puzzled by all these baseless claims that there are concerted conspiracies perpetrated by some imaginary enemies of the state against the Malays, Islam and the royal institution in this country.

So far the mercenaries and proxies of the fascist regime - Utusan, lecturer and columist Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Perkasa, Isma, and some idiotic ministers in the cabinet - could only spew and claim that Malays, Islam and the royal institution are under siege, albeit unable to offer evidence and reason to support their allegations.

However, to claim that the Malays, Islam and the royal institution are under siege is not the same as the Malays, Islam and the royal institution actually being under siege.

Truth be told, what we're witnessing in this country is a phenomena where the legacy of Mahathir's doctrine of government, that we'd incurred, had reached the critical point; and that the aftermath of the failed system is beginning to rear its ugly head and is breaking down.

It has built up to the extent that it can no longer explain nor overcome the challenges that we're facing as a nation.

Oh Ya: So now Negaraku is also a banned word? And is Utusaninciting the extremists to show their butts to Ambiga again?

MP: Charge shoe-throwing teacher with assault
Aries46: Throwing one’s shoes on another is one of the most degrading of actions in many cultures. Such an act is seldom heard of in our society and only a depraved barbarian would do it.

And for a teacher to commit such vile act on an eight-year-old female student is not only mind-boggling but an inexcusable crime whatever the reason.

It would be a travesty to treat this despicable act as in the normal disciplinary process governing teachers’ derelictions such as warning, transfer, etc. Such norms would amount to continuing to compromising the safety of the school and its students.

Throwing shoes and injuring others constitute assault with intent to cause injury and must be dealt with by the law.

Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan should recuse himself from this matter as he is not known to possess the courage or clout to handle forthright a case of this nature.

We cannot afford to have another ‘shower room canteen’ chaos that turned into a political vendetta.

Odin: This happened during the teaching of Malaysia's famed Morals subject? When you have a teacher of morals behaving like that, you cannot expect the pupils to learn good morals.

Damntlwbn: Even if the student was not paying attention or even naughty in class, that does not give the teacher or any teacher the right to throw a shoe at the student.

Ramachandran Muniandy: We have already had the first shoe throwing at a judge and now a shoe throwing at a female pupil. When we will have a shoe-throwing MP at the speaker?

Apa Nama: Now every teacher can throw their respective shoe at a pupil to get a transfer. What a 'good and moral' precedent our government is setting.

As Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo mentioned, we have to put a stop here and haul up the teacher for assault under Penal Code.

Moreover, is the teacher in the right mind to teach moral to the students? The result of a never ending policy, which turns out to be never ending of shoe throwing,

Pputeh: "Transferred," this hand kisser (Kamalanathan) says. The parents of the girl should sue the teacher, the school and Education Ministry and government for hurt and damages.

The parents of the child should not wait. This transfer of the errant teacher is only an excuse. The problem has to be nipped in the bud.

Anonymous #40538199: What happened to the guy whopunched the deputy education minister? The case closed already? -Mkini

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