
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

VICTORY OR BACKLASH? Umno depending on 'TERROR' groups like Perkasa, Isma to win GE14

VICTORY OR BACKLASH? Umno depending on 'TERROR' groups like Perkasa, Isma to win GE14
Six years ago, BN lost its two thirds majority. And along with it, their easy earned rights to live like kings. Gone were the good old days, when they could shake legs in their little palaces, snapping their fingers at servants and waiting for money to fall out of the sky. Now they have to start making a living, just like everyone else.
Shell-shocked to say the least, these people started panicking like monkeys in heat. Something had to be done to arrest the situation before the general election in 2013 or GE13 as it was popularly called. MCA and MIC had lost control of the Non Malays who were abandoning BN, faster than a sinking ship. The Non Malays needed to be taught a lesson.
And so their proudly nurtured brainchild, Perkasa was born. They even invited the Selangor Sultan to be their patron saint but His Highness politely refused. With the inauguration function just moments away, a visibly shaken Ibrahim Ali’s hide was saved with Tun Mahathir jumping at the golden opportunity to become their patron saint. The inauguration had their leaders and patron raising the keris or Malay sword high up in the air as a gesture to protect the rights of the Malay Race, Religion and Royalty.
Vanity, undeserved self-conceit and a lack of moral courage
But it didn't work because the Pakatan Rakyat led by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim still won 52% of the popular vote, leaving Umno-BN with an embarrassing 47%. Yet Umno president and Prime Minister Najib Razak still thinks moving to the right is the way to go in the next general election - GE14 or the 14th general election.
The Umno strategy appears to be to keep their shrinking stranglehold on the Malay electorate at all costs including mad promises of gifting the community the moon and stars - all because Umno had increased the number of Parliamentary seats it held in GE14.
In a nutshell, Umno believes Malays want greater supremacy over the non-Malays. They want more and more of everything and anyone who is non-Malay has no say in this country. Such a pitiful and sad mentality, yet Umno leaders have not the moral courage to lead them out a morass made by their own vanity and undeserved self-conceit.
As a certain group of people in Germany followed dictator Adolf Hitler to their doom, will Malays too be led to theirs by Umno? This is the question that remains to be answered and only time and history can be the judges.
The Malay Agenda
Perkasa spared no effort to warn everyone who would listen that; Malays were in grave danger of losing their political rights and Malays would one day become slaves in their own land, while Islam would no longer be protected.
With that agenda in hand, they started accusing the Chinese of trying to take over the country and sidelining the Malays. When their ill-hatched plot failed to rattle any nerves among the public, they decided to switch to smaller and safer targets like the minority Christians who would barely retaliate.
They accused the Christians of trying to proselytize the nation, with the intention to install a Christian Prime Minister. They even spoke of a Jihad (crusade) to go to war against the Christians. To add to the smokescreen, Perkasa had to start concocting rumours and hearsay to make their accusations sound credible.
During the Bersih 2 walkabout, Perkasa warned the Chinese to stay at home and stock up on rations instead. When they ran out of ideas to spook the Non Malays, they would accuse the Jews and USA of trying to take over the country through their alleged proxy Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
UMNO leaders, who disapproved of Perkasa’s crude tactics, were engaged in quarrels with Ibrahim Ali like UMNO Nazri Aziz and Khairy Jamaluddin. They also went after MCA Chua Soi Lek until he had to bid a hasty retreat with his tail quietly between his legs.
Political Rejects
During GE13 2013, 52% of Malaysians voted against BN, which came as another rude shock. Many people attributed the loss of votes on Perkasa’s crude scare tactics, and thought that BN would finally shut these Perkasa Clowns down for good, but it was easier said then done.
Perkasa also failed to realise that their antics were a mockery and a direct insult to the Malays. It was no surprise when both Perkasa Ibrahim Ali and Zul Noordin were rudely kicked out by the very same Malays, they purportedly tried to champion.
Today, they still walk around town as political rejects trying very hard to salvage their pride and career. With their key performance index (KPI) hovering dangerously below tolerable levels, they are hard-pressed to holler and scream louder just to compete with other new UMNO backed right-wing NGO’s on the block like ISMA, and a host of many others. It also meant much lesser funding for them.
With the mushrooming of so many new NGOs under the guise of either Islamic or Malay Rights, many people are beginning to wonder, why the Malays have become so spiritually pious and nationalistic all of a sudden?
Surprisingly, every NGO adheres strictly to the same Race, Religion and Royalty (3R) theme to a tee, while pretending to ignore graft and corruption.
Most of the leaders of these one man show NGOs, are unable to engage anyone in an intelligent argument so they conveniently hide behind religion while spitting their rhetoric, knowing that no one will call their bluff.
Their demonstrations have turned more radical and extremist lately; raving and ranting like mad mullahs at the top of their voices, invoking religious tones, slaughtering chickens spilling blood and even calling for the chopping of heads.
Yet, the Non Malays refused to be cowed and have written these NGOs off as nothing but freeloaders, rent seekers or rent-a-crowd NGOs who will chant racial overtures or go berserk for a price.
The spectre of May 13th
Perkasa Ibrahim Ali was the first to rehash the spectre of May13th, followed by Zul Noordin. But it was DPM Muhyiddin Yassin’s remarks that took the nation by surprise, because it seemed to echo Perkasa’s ominous warnings.
Penang DCM Ramasamy’s outburst by challenging the DPM to bring it on was just a reflection of anger shared by many other Malaysians who were tired of these silly threats. But is Muhyiddin dead serious that another May13th maybe imminent?
Are there any racial tensions or is it just an imaginary threat?
If anyone would just sit back and reflect quietly on the state of affairs in this country, they would conclude that there is hardly any racial tension in this country. Malaysia is uncannily peaceful with no one having any reason to hate one another. There are however, sinister attempts to artificially inflate and play up racial tensions and the public have short listed the culprits down to the right wing NGOs.
Even with them running around like headless chickens, the nation continues to be so peaceful, that our PM needn’t have to lift a finger to intervene. He is so contented that the nation is running like 'clockwork' and on autopilot just like MH370. And like the ill-fated flight, our nation looks ready to crash too.
Malays don't buy the story but keep quiet as they benefit from the Umno shower of goodies for their votes
The government’s determination not to rein in these radical NGOs can only be interpreted by the public as an attempt to trigger a racial conflict that will give the powers that be the excuse to impose Emergency rule.
But why is there such a high level of perceived tension amongst UMNO/BN leaders and these radical NGOs?
They are tensed because their voter base is abandoning them, tensed that Malaysians refuse to be suckered into their trap and blatantly ignoring their futile efforts to sow racial discord.
Tensed because the Malays refuse to buy their story and tensed because the Non Malays are ignoring them and acting as if nothing is happening. They have been lighting fires here and there but so far, the people have refused to fuel the fire.
Handicapped without the ISA, they have to use the painfully slow process of apprehending Opposition leaders under the Sedition Act. But before they can manage to lock every up, GE14 would be around the corner.
Knowing that the Armed Forces and the Police wouldn’t play along with their scheme, there are attempts to mobilize RELA and paramilitary units like Pekida which will come in useful, if they can pull the stunt off.
There is a simple solution
It is so easy for BN to resolve this problem. All it has to do is to switch of the autopilot and start running the country. But first, they have to get used to the fact that money is not going to drop out of the sky again, so they need to tighten their belts.
Secondly, sack all the right wing NGO’s and ask them to get a real job.
Thirdly, apologize to the nation for screwing up big-time and promise it won’t happen again.
Fourthly, return all the ill-gotten gains to the government coffers and pray hard for eternal salvation.
But expecting Najib’s Government do all that, is like waiting for the sky to fall. Malaysians have long written Najib off as a weak and spineless leader, and many will not be sad to see him go.
Although Malaysians may sympathize with his weaknesses, they won’t forgive him for selling out the country. - MAILBAG

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