
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 22, 2014

At worst, sultan should call for House vote

YOURSAY ‘It's totally absurd to ask for a fresh election in Selangor.’

NGOs to defend MB from street to palace

Basically: Weren't these the same clowns who demonstrated against Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim over the water rationing, and before that against Khalid for trying to take over Syabas, and during and before GE13 organising all those 'Save Selangor' rallies saying Khalid has “so many problems”?                            

Now he's their best buddy? So if Khalid implements water rationing now, what will Selangor Umno chief Noh Omar do with his anti-Khalid posters?

And I suppose very soon Khalid will be praised for not returning the bibles (and MCA will keep quiet this time). Politicians, ugh.

Casey: To answer these NGOs regarding the gender and place of birth of the candidate for MB’s post:

Article 8 of the Federal Constitution, among other things, ensures that all citizens are equal before the law; and that they shall not be discriminated on ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender in the appointment to any office under a public authority.

Article 9, on the other hand, provides that every citizen has the right to move freely throughout the federation and to reside in any part thereof albeit with some restriction for the state of Sabah and Sarawak.

Louis: Khalid has lost the mandate from his party, so how on earth is he going to administer Selangor? This is defending the impossible. These NGOs really look stupid.

Lamborghini: The NGO leaders are being used by politicians and looking pathetic and amateurish in their actions and demands.

Please follow the law and not simply make demands. Don't think that those who make the most noise or shout the loudest can just override the law.

Please use your time and energy more productively rather than making a nuisance to the public and making a mockery of democracy.

Drngsc: Dear IGP (inspector-general of police), please ask these NGOs to apply for a permit.

If they fail to do so, please arrest them when they assemble. Do to them what you did to Bersih 3.0. Be fair and not selective in your enforcement.

Fair Play: Like a slippery eel, Selangor is slowly but surely slipping from the grasp of those who wanted it to return to BN.

But Khalid had burnt all bridges and he is beyond redemption. The desperate act of these NGOs to organise protests ‘from the street to the palace’ would not doubt irk HRH (His Royal Highness) Sultan of Selangor.

Vgeorgemy: Once upon a time, these type of NGOs were carrying cow’s head to the state secretariat to condemn Khalid and his administration.

Sultan to return earlier as state reels from crisis

Loyal Selangorian: As the sultan whose state is in turmoil, cutting short his holidays to come back immediately is the right thing to do.

I hope HRH makes the right decision concerning the Selangor menteri besar’s position. The wise thing to do without attracting accusation of showing political bias is to throw the ball back to the state assembly to decide who the MB should be.

If HRH rejects Pakatan Rakyat’s nominee Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, he will likely be accused of gender discrimination and if he dissolves the assembly he will be accused of wasting public funds and showing injustice as there is an overwhelming majority in favour of Wan Azizah to be MB.

Therefore, Your Highness, please do the right and wise thing.

Anonymous_3f4b: All three Pakatan parties cannot even decide on a common candidate agreeable to all. There are grumbling on the ground over the selection of the Pakatan nominees.

How is the sultan going to decide which candidate have the confidence of the majority unless HRH interview each and every one of the Aduns (state assemblypersons) to make sure that they make their choice voluntarily and freely without fear of party sanctions.

The only way out of this impasse is to go back to the people and let them decide who they want as their representatives. Let the state assembly stands dissolved on the advice of the MB and have fresh elections in Selangor once and for all.

Otak-Otak: It's totally absurd to ask for a fresh election in Selangor. Wan Azizah, who is supported by more than two-thirds majority in State Assembly, just need HRH to endorse it, full stop.

Mushiro: Khalid has got no right or mandate to even see the sultan, much less to advise the sultan to dissolve the assembly.

I believe the sultan has realised that the people are getting restless and Selangor is in turmoil. That is probably why Tuanku is coming back earlier.

Pisasu 7: Something is not right when one coalition which has two-thirds majority cannot change its leader.

If PM Najib Razak can knock out Abdullah Ahmad Badawi midway in his term, why can’t others do the same? -Mkini

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