
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 15, 2014

Game over? Not until sultan decides

YOURSAY ‘HRH cannot refuse to grant audience to Azizah indefinitely.’

Two PAS reps on board, Azizah claims majority

Fair Play: Some might think that PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail lacked political astuteness by publicly saying that she has the majority support to be the next MB as she would give Khalid Ibrahim the opportunity to counter her. I think not.

Khalid informed HRH (His Royal Highness) Sultan of Selangor that he commanded the support of the majority of the assemblypersons to remain as the MB. HRH accepted that.

Now, the least HRH sultan could do is to grant an audience to Wan Azizah, and Khalid as well, to ascertain who really commands the majority of the assemblypersons.

It is now moot for whatever decision made at PAS’ Aug 17 meeting. They would have no choice since two of their assemblypersons have turned 'rogue' in the interest of justice and allegiance to one's partners.

Gerard Lourdesamy: The sultan cannot refuse to grant the audience to Wan Azizah indefinitely because it is unconstitutional to do so when she commands the majority in the State Assembly.

The sultan can ask her to produce the 30 Aduns (state assemblypersons) to be interviewed by him and in particular the two Aduns from PAS who are supporting her contrary to the official PAS position at present.

Since the party-less Khalid could get an audience despite not establishing his majority in the House and the sultan erroneously proceed to consent to him remaining as MB, he should now extend the same courtesy to Wan Azizah to show that he is apolitical and neutral in this crisis and deflect criticism that he has been partial to Khalid, PAS and Umno since the crisis started some two weeks ago.

By surrounding himself with advisers who are aligned to Umno, the ruler is doing himself a great injustice that will only undermine his reputation and standing with the rakyat. 

Mushiro: Wan Azizah has got 15 DAP, 13 PKR and 2 PAS. Khalid has 12 Umno and unconfirmed from PAS but maximum 13. How shameless can Khalid be then to still cling on to the MB’s post?

Congratulations especially to the two Aduns from PAS for standing up against their party. I believe they are doing this on sincerity, principles and commitment to Pakatan and the rakyat who voted them.

Aries46: Since HRH granted an almost immediate audience to Khalid and took about an hour or so to decide on the latter's claim of having majority support and consented that he may continue as MB, despite his party-less status, it is only fair that he assign the same level of importance and urgency to act on Azizah's legitimate claim of majority support.

Not to do so would amount to perpetuate the continuance of an illegitimate MB who by the way may have misled the sultan and as of today proven not to command majority support in the state assembly.

The sultan must ensure to do justice to his subjects in Selangor who have given a clear mandate exceeding two-thirds majorities to the Pakatan coalition in GE13. As a first step it would be nice if HRH would grant the audience to Wan Azizah to present her case.

Makcik Har: Don't you all get it? The sultan (and/or royal council) does not want Wan Azizah. Not because she is a woman. But because her name came up after PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim was 'unqualified' (be Kajang by-election candidate), in other words she is 'a proxy'.

This is not about numbers. PKR has the least number of seats. Pakatan is not registered and therefore is not a legal entity. Get it? Stop begging. The more you beg, the more annoying you become.

Khalid is not a traitor. He just exposed what PKR is truly is. That is what PKR/Anwar's supporters are blind to. If he is a traitor, would the sultan retain him? Don't get mad with Khalid, get even.

JustAMalaysian: Makcik Har, you have just given the word "traitor" a whole new meaning. Please bear in mind that HRH is above politics. Whatever that has been printed in the press has come from Khalid's mouth.

Khalid may have told the truth about the palace's stand on Khalid continuing as MB and on the sacking of the five exco members but he may not have told the whole story. We shall wait as the saga continues.

My conjecture is that HRH, with advice from all his right-thinking advisers (lawyers included), had merely consented to Khalid continuing as MB until the state assembly reconvenes in November or until such time when there is clear evidence that Khalid no longer enjoys the majority support of the state assemblypersons, whichever is the earlier.

I have full trust and confidence in HRH who is not only wise but also fair and has the welfare of his rakyat at heart.

Desperate for Change: I am for Wan Azizah. She has the intelligence, the maturity and the trust of the DAP and PKR. I am sure with the help of all the reliable advisers of PKR, she will be able to do a good job.

If the sultan refuses, I will truly be disappointed if there is no reason given for the refusal.

Quigonbond: Public opinion will soon be against the sultan if for whatever reason he refuses to grant Wan Azizah an audience.

It would be against constitutional convention to do so. Even more so now that Wan Azizah has evidence of majority support.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Knowing how our politics work, nothing is for sure until Wan Azizah is installed as the first female MB in Malaysian history. Our politicians are well known for switching sides and jumping parties like frogs.

It will be best if HRH the sultan advises Khalid to end the charade and call for an assembly sitting immediately to see whether he has the confidence by a show of hands.

KnockKnock: When Khalid was first appointed as MB most of us did have doubts whether he could perform or not. Now let us also be fair and get Wan Azizah to prove her capabilities.

The greatest quality within her now is she has a majority support. Second, her record is clean, cleaner that all past leaders of the state. -Mkini

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