
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 21, 2014

MAHATHIR'S REAL DILEMMA: 'I am not like any other Malays'

Stephen Ng
MAHATHIR'S REAL DILEMMA: 'I am not like any other Malays'
I have said before, and I am going to say it again - the reason why I hate UMNO for what it is today is because of one man, Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad.
It was when Tun Abdullah Badawi was prime minister. He was criticised by the mamak former prime minister, who himself had to step down after facing a lot of pressure from all quarters to resign.
When he saw Pak Lah bringing Barisan Nasional to the next level beyond his own ability to achieve in his 22 years tenure as prime minister, he could not stop whacking Pak Lah.
The old man started spewing his venom, and that was the first time when I saw the wickedness in this old troublemaker during Tunku Abdul Rahman's time.
Umno became a 4-letter word under Dr M 
The good name of UMNO, which was the result of Tunku's good work, had gradually turned into a four-letter word with the Mamak's daily venom spewed out against Pak Lah. Later, it was all the fitnah's that I saw being done against Pakatan leader, Anwar Ibrahim.

How the maverick is at it again on his so-called chosen one. When he was whacking Pak Lah, he said Najib Abdul Razak was a better candidate to be prime minister.
Now, he is singing a different tune. Although most of us agree that Najib is not worth his salt as a leader with his kangkung comments and One Ringgit chicken, I do not agree that the Mamak should start his tirade on another prime minister.
No doubt Najib is substandard but didn't Dr M know this when he backed Najib to oust Badawi
While I beg to differ with Defence Minister, Hishamuddin Hussein who said that Najib had done what Barack Obama or Vladimir Putin could not do, I believe the Russian separatists did not even know who Najib was. But, just to spite Obama and the rest of the world, they chose to give in to someone of lesser importance. At least, I know that both Obama and Putin did not pick up a chicken and said that he could still find chicken sold at one Ringgit a bird!
The response given by the Russian separatists comes to me as no surprise since we have read that Moscow taking on the black box would not help to save their credibility given that the whole world would not have believed in their own analysis.
This was not necessarily an achievement by Najib. We Malaysians are not stupid. I did not want to voice this out until Hishammuddin used the same illustration to boost his cousin. If Najib is so good, we should be sending him to Gaza and Israel, and also to the other war zones. Besides, we also need to improve our country's image in countries like Mongolia, Mozambique and Singapore.
Mahathir's own dad a new migrant to M'sia, yet he backstabs the other minorities
After all, which of Mahathir's successor can he see things eye-to-eye? If he could not see things eye-to-eye with former Singapore Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew over his crooked bridge, Australia's former prime minister, Bob Hawke (or was it Paul Keating?) who called him a recalcitrant, and United States of America's former vice-president, Al Gore, who walked out on him, how can Mahathir ever work with anyone?
Locally, Tun Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, and Anwar Ibrahim -- all of them have lots of things to say about this mamak.

In one of the articles that I read Mahathir saying, "I am not like any other Malays." He said that Malays do not usually criticise their leaders but they would talk bad things behind them.
Let me remind the Tun that he is the offspring of one Kerala man by the name of Iskandar Kutty, who came to Malaya much later than my own great grandfather.
Based on the tradition of the Malay culture, one should follow the lineage of the father, rather than the mother; in which case, Mahathir is a Mamak. No one takes on the mother's lineage, unless, of course, if Mahathir prefers to be known as Mahathir bin Wan Tempayan (after his mother's name).

Disease-ridden Umno will buy into his poison
Mahathir will not be stopped. He will continue on with tirade again, until the Umno general assembly in November. Then, out of the blue, he will resign from UMNO. We all know the game played by this 89-year-old maverick.
Along with this will be all the support given to him, by a small group of his diehard supporters. That's the standard strategy game that they are playing. When he quits, people in UMNO will buy into his 'dilemma'. It will then become the Mahathir Dilemma, and sympathy for the old man will drive them to throw out Najib.
So, keep your ears open and stay tuned. 

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