
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Najib dan Bik Mama holiday sakan...dan bakal MB Selangor baru...

Maklumat penerbangan dari data yang diperolehi secara umum menyokong dakwaan laman Asia Sentinel bahawa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak bercuti di Eropah, selepas lawatan kerja ke Netherlands untuk menangani isu penerbangan MH17, dua minggu lalu.

Maklumat dari laman penjejak penerbangan FlightRadar24 menunjukkan pesawat pengangkut VIP Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia 9M-NAA dilihat di beberapa lapangan terbang Eropah, termasuk di beberapa lokasi yang disebut dalam laporan berkenaan.

Bagaimanapun, tiada data awam yang menyebut identiti individu dalam penerbangan berkenaan.

Data itu juga tidak menyatakan dengan jelas sama ada Najib atau pesawat berkenaan berada di Cannes, France, seperti didakwa.

Pesawat berkenaan boleh digunakan oleh Agong dan ketua kerajaan lain, menteri, timbalan menteri, orang kenamaan asing dan pegawai tinggi kerajaan.

Laman Asia Sentinel pada hari Rabu lalu melaporkan bahawa “perdana menteri dan (isteri, Datin Seri) Rosmah (Mansor) berlepas ke Paris”.

“Mereka dilaporkan bertemu playboy China, Taek Jho Low dan bekas perdana menteri Qatar, dan kemudiannya dipercayai pergi ke Sardinia di Itali, ke Cannes di French Cote d’Azur, kemudiannya kembali ke Sardinia bersama apa yang disebut sebagai rombongan besar jutawan Cina Malaysia.

"Dari Sardinia, kumpulan itu berlepas di Rom sebelum kembali ke London,” lapor Asia Sentinel.

Perjalanan itu didakwa berlangusng bermula 1 Ogos, selepas Najib mengadakan mesyuarat dan sidang media bersama mengenai krisis MH17 dengan Perdana Mneteri Belanda Mark Rutte di The Hague pada 31 Julai.

Laporan yang memetik sumber tidak dinamakan itu mendakwa setiausaha akhbar perdana menteri Azlin Alias tidak menjawab pertanyaan mengenai kunjungan itu, seperti didakwa.

“Ia adalah percutian yang dirancang sejak beberapa lama sebelum ini, sebelum tragedi (MH370 dan MH17). Bagaimanapun, lebih menjimatkan jika ia ditunda, melihat kepada apa yang dilalui oleh negara ini,” kata sumber tersebut seperti dilaporkan Asia Sentinel.

Malaysiakini menghubungi setiausaha akhbar Najib, Datuk Tengku Sarifuddin Tengku Ahmad untuk mengesahkan dakwaan dalam laporan Asia Sentinel.

Katanya: “PM sedang bercuti,” dan meletak gagang telefon ketika diminta menjelaskan lebih lanjut.

Usaha untuk menghubungi Low juga masih belum berjaya buat masa ini.

Laporan sebelum ini menyebut, Najib sepatutnya berlepas ke Netherlandsa pada 30 Julai, tiba pada 31 Julai untuk lawatan kerja ke The Hagua dan Hilversum.

Bagaimanapun, maklumat FlightRadar24 menyebut, pesawat 9M-NAA berlepas dari Subang Airport on July 28 pada 6.40 petang, ke Bangkok.

Ia berada di Bangkok untuk kira-kira dua hari sebelum berlepas ke Lapangan Terbang Schiphol di Amsterdam, dengan perhentian singkat selama dua jam di Dubai.

Ia tiba di Amsterdam pada 31 Julai, 8.03 pagi waktu tempatan (2.03 petang waktu Malaysia).

Dua hari kemudian, pada 3 Ogos, pesawat tersebut dilihat meninggalkan Lapangan Terbang Charles de Gaulle di Paris pada 2.39 pagi waktu tempatan (10.39 petang waktu Malaysia).

Destinasi penerbangan tersebut juga tidak direkodkan, namun kemudian mendarat di Basel, Switzerland, kira-kira empat jam kemudian. Secara purata, penerbangan dari Paris ke Basel mengambil masa satu jam 23 minit.

Tiada rekod menunjukkan pergerakan pesawat tersebut dari Basel untuk tempoh enam hari, sehinggalah ia berlepas dari situ pada 9 Ogos, 9.24 pagi waktu tempatan (3.24 petang waktu Malaysia) ke Sardinia.

Selepas kira-kira tujuh jam penerbangan ke Sardinia, pesawat itu muncul di Rom menghala ke London.

Ia mengambil masa kira-kira 75 minit untuk penerbangan terus dari Sardinia ke Rom.

Walaupun maklumat FlightRadar24 tidak menunjukkan perjalanan Sardinia-Cannes-Sardinia, rombongan itu mungkin menggunakan pengangkutan lain untuk perjalanan itu, atau mungkin perjalanan 9M-MAA dikeluarkan dari rekod. - mk

Flight data shows gov't jet traipsing around Europe...

Publicly available flight information appears to back website Asia Sentinel’s claims that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak went on a European holiday, after a working visit to Netherlands to deal with the Flight MH17 issue a fortnight ago.

Information from the popular flight tracking website FlightRadar24 shows that the Royal Malaysian Air Force VIP transport plane 9M-NAA had been seen at several European airports, including at some of the locations named in the report.

However, there is no public data on who was on board the aircraft.
Additionally, there appears to be gaps in the data, making it unclear if either Najib or the aircraft had been in Cannes, France, as claimed.

The aircraft can be also used by the Agong and other heads of state, ministers, deputy ministers, foreign dignitaries and senior civil servants.

On Wednesday, Asia Sentinel reported that “the prime minister and (his wife) Rosmah (Mansor) flew to Paris”.

“They were reportedly joined by Chinese playboy Taek Jho Low and the former prime minister of Qatar, then are believed to have gone on to Sardinia in Italy, to Cannes on the French Cote d’Azur, then back to Sardinia with what was described as a large entourage of Chinese Malaysian tycoons.

"From Sardinia, the group flew to Rome before returning to London,” Asia Sentineladded.


This journey supposedly took place from Aug 1, after Najib held a meeting and joint press conference on the MH17 crisis with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte at The Hague on July 31.

The report quoted anonymous sources and claims that the prime minister’s press secretary Azlin Alias did not respond to inquiries on the supposed trip.

“It was a holiday planned some time ago, well before the tragedies (of MH370 and MH17). Yet, it would have been prudent to postpone it, given all the things the country is going through,” one source reportedly said.

Malaysiakini had contacted Najib’s press secretary Tengku Sarifuddin Tengku Ahmad today for verification of Asia Sentinel's report.

He said, “PM is on leave,” and hung up when asked to elaborate, while attempts to contact Low have been unsuccessful thus far.

According to earlier news reports, Najib was supposed to travel to the Netherlands on July 30, arriving on July 31 for a two-day working visit to The Hague and Hilversum there.
However, according to flight information from FlightRadar24, the aircraft 9M-NAA had actually departed from Subang Airport on July 28 at 6.40pm, to Bangkok.

It remained in Bangkok for about two days before flying to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, with a stop of around two hours in Dubai. It reached Amsterdam on July 31 at 8.03am local time (2.03pm Malaysian time).

It then departed for Amsterdam the next day (Aug 1) at 10.08am local time (4.08pm Malaysian time), but the destination is not recorded.

Two days later. on Aug 3, the aircraft was seen leaving the Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport at 2.39pm local time (10.39pm Malaysian time).

Again, the destination for this flight was not recorded, but it was recorded as landing in Basel, Switzerland, about four hours later. An average flight from Paris to Basel takes an hour and 23 minutes.

From Basel, there is no further record of the aircraft’s movement for six days, until it departed Basel on Aug 9 at 9.24am local time (3.24pm Malaysian time) for Sardinia.

About seven hours after the flight to Sardinia, the aircraft appeared in Rome and was on the flight to London.

It takes about 75 minutes to fly directly from Sardinia to Rome.

While there is no indication of a Sardinia-Cannes-Sardinia trip based on FlightRadar24’s information, it is possible that the entourage had used other means of transport for the trip, or that 9M-NAA's trip on that leg was somehow omitted from the records.

Tracker can be turned off

FlightRadar24 uses each aircraft’s Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) system to track its flight.
However, the system can be disabled to make an aircraft untraceable to the online service, without affecting other air traffic controllers, who may track the aircraft via radar or through manual reports via radio.

9M-NAA’s presence at these European airports is yet unexplained, but it still does not necessarily mean that Najib, Rosmah or any of those mentioned in the report were in those cities.

If Najib had been indeed been on holiday there, as Asia Sentinel reported, it would seem that he was working during his break.

On Aug 8, the prime minister issued a press statement commenting on Malaysia Airline’s delisting from the stock market.- mk

Photo: Mengapa tidak saja insan ini dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor... apakah beliau tidak layak?

Sumber2 dari dalam PKR kata,kononya DR. IDRIS ADUN IJOK akan dilantik sebagai MB SELANGOR yang baru setelah perbincangan PKR dengan DAP... Keputusan ini dibuat untuk menggelakan PAS KELUAR dari PR demi menunjukan SEMANGAT SETIAKAWAN dalam PR...Dengan langkah terbaru ini MB tak berPARTI Khalid Ibrahim dijangka meningalkan PEJABAT MB lebih AWAL...bila semua 43 ADUN akan bersama dalam GABUNGAN PR... Kita tunggu dan lihat...

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