
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 15, 2014

Rope to 'hang' Khalid now hanging PAS instead

Rope to 'hang' Khalid now hanging PAS instead
‘The betrayal comes as a shock and they will pay for it in future.’
Gerard Lourdesamy: PAS is making confusing statements. As I recall, party president Abdul Hadi Awang said that PKR had the right to appoint the MB in Selangor although PAS and DAP have one seat more in the state assembly.
That is why after GE13, both parties supported the nomination of Khalid. By extension, if PKR can appoint the MB they can also remove the MB for whatever reason.
All they have to do is inform PAS and DAP of their decision and the nomination of a new candidate. PAS and DAP are simply required to accept it and endorse the PKR candidate.
A similar practice was followed in Kedah, Kelantan dan Penang. So why is PAS now harping that it must have the final say on who is MB in Selangor?
Hadi Awang
If the palace rejects PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail for whatever reason (which is highly improper if she is endorsed by all three parties), then PKR can nominate somebody else.
But before this can happen PAS is working very hard to prevent Wan Azizah's name from even being put forward to the sultan. This suggests some other ulterior motive.
Fair Play: Oftentimes the best though-out and well-laid plan could go awry at the execution stage. Just looking the Selangor crisis, one would have thought that Khalid Ibrahim had outsmarted and outmanoeuvred everyone.
Now, it might not be the case. Resistance against the choice of Wan Azizah has reached the stage that PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim might have to accept a compromise candidate, especially a person acceptable to HRH (His Royal Highness) Sultan of Selangor.
PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's name has been floated around and Anwar might have to settle for him in order to avoid the collapse of the state government. It was reported earlier that Khalid Ibrahim would be prepared to leave so long as the candidate was not Azmin.
Now his worst nightmare might become a reality. And to what end, despite all his scheming and planning?
Casey: We didn’t get where we are with Khalid Ibrahim just yesterday, last week or even last year. Khalid Ibrahim is what Khalid Ibrahim is: a recalcitrant hypocrite, a callous and eccentric dictator, and a self-serving politician.
The sycophants and servile supporters of Khalid Ibrahim should now realise that they can't defend the indefensible.
Everything that Khalid Ibrahim had said or done were so glaringly self-serving and motivated by greed for power. And in a plutocratic Malaysia, power breeds wealth; and wealth feeds power.
That said, we're now confronted with a serious problem, far beyond just Khalid Ibrahim, which must be addressed. We're now facing a potentially serious state-level constitutional crisis where the state monarch may be exploited to abandon his supposedly apolitical status to take sides.
We know that this cannot be solved with a little pixie-dust or some hocus-pocus magic.
The key lies with PAS. In order to allay this potential constitutional crisis, such as that seen in Perak, PAS must now declare that, being a component party of Pakatan, they're bound by the principle of lex majoris partis or the law of the majority.
In other words, where each of the component party has equal rights, the will of the coalition shall be that of the majority; and it is sacred as if a unanimous decision has been reached by all of its constituents.
To do otherwise is a sure invitation to destroy not only the delicate and necessary balance as among the component parties; but also to subject the royal institution to potential humiliation at the exploit of the self-serving politicians.
Jk7462000: I'm a Selangorian who voted for Pakatan in GE13. Though Pakatan didn't win nationally, the tremendous increase in seats in Selangor made me very proud that Selangorians can lead the way to show the country and BN that enough is enough.
This recent fiasco is very confusing but the latest developments cleared the water. I am extremely disappointed in the MB for betraying the voter's trust.
This is utter betrayal. Khalid must go. I no longer want this man as my MB.
Headhunter: The disappointment come not so much from Khalid Ibrahim because we know form way back that he will betray his party. But PAS is a total letdown.
In spite of initial misgivings by many non-Muslims, they still supported the Islamic party by voting many of their reps in the state assembly because PAS presented themselves as fair and clean. Their betrayal comes as a shock and they will pay for it in the near future.
Although much damage has been done, it's still not too late for them to do the right thing. There are many good and sincere moderate leaders in PAS but will they be able to influence the top leaders?
Albertan98: I think what Khalid Samad also implies is that time is needed for the progressives in PAS to win over the conservatives in their own party over the MB issue.
If you want Pakatan to remain intact, you have to give the progressives in PAS time bolster their position and if it also includes giving enough rope to Khalid to hang himself, so be it.
Sometimes speed is not the only factor. Public opinion is already damaged, what remains now is to salvage Pakatan so that they have a chance to redeem themselves in Selangor and elsewhere before the next GE.
Hplooi: This is certainly putting a positive spin on the whole issue. But while Khalid Ibrahim may be hanging himself (with enough rope), the state of Selangor is in total disarray.
Let’s hope that Selangor will not be left in ruins or go back under the control of the extreme right-wing reactionary forces.
Mushiro: Not only enough rope to hang the MB but plenty to make a fool of many institutions. -M'kini

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