
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Rosmah's Qatar Friends Torpedo Gaza Truce

Kepada sahabat-sahabat yang sudah lebih dua minggu tidak makan Big Mac di McDonald's atau minum Latte di Starbucks, sila baca laporan ini dengan teliti.

Perjuangan asal mempertahankan hak umat Palestin di Gaza telah lama terpesong menjadi percaturan politik dan permainan tunjuk kuasa ('Great Game') antara pak Arab, terutama sekali antara Mesir, Qatar, PLO-Fatah, Hamas dan Arab Saudi. Kesengsaraan umat Palestin di Gaza menduduki tempat yang jauh terpisah daripada kepentingan puak Arab yang lain.
  • Qatar's hand in collapse of Gaza talks 

"Ya Habibi, let us share the money generously. One for you, two for me. He he he"
Mahmoud Abbas (left) Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal (right) 
then Emir of Qatar, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (center) 

  • efforts to end fighting could hinge on how Qatar wields influence over Hamas which has few friends left.
  • Qatar helped scuttle a lasting truce in Gaza
  • an exile home to Hamas' Khaled Mashaal since 2012 
  • key financial patron for Hamas, buying influence
  • threat to expel Mashaal if accept Egyptian proposal
  • Abbas' Fatah : Qatar torpedoed peace talks
  • Qatar "has no interest" to see Egyptian-led talks succeed
  • Qatar & Ikhwan working to undermine Egypt
  • Hamas demand Egypt grant Qatar role in crisis
  • Cairo demand Qatar apologize for policy towards Egypt 
  • Qatar indirectly responsible for talks failure
  • Qatar unfortunately part of problem
  • Qatar has "enormous influence" over Hamas 
  • pushing Mashaal to take extreme position 
  • Qatar main problem and not part of solution
  • a dangerous game emir is playing
  • not first time Qatar accused of unpopular stance 
  • Saudi, UAE, Bahrain recalled ambassadors from Qatar 
  • meddling in other nations' politics
  • backing groups threatening stability
  • Qatar's support for Islamist groups 
  • emir first to visit Hamas, seized control in 2007
  • wants to show Egypt "not only dominant player"
Qatar has long been penetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwan Muslimin. The "ketum" or ketua umum of the Ikhwan ie Yusuf Qardhawi has long been resident in Qatar. He has been kicked out of Egypt. 

When the Ikhwan took over Gaza in 2007 (thru Hamas) and then steam rolled over Egypt in 2011 they looked formidable. Ikhwan offshoots penetrated post Gaddafi Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and elsewhere. Ikhwan also has their candidate in Malaysia (that liwat fellow). The emirs of Qatar, hosting Yusuf Qardawi as well as Ham as leader Khaled Mashaal in Qatar,felt elated.

Perhaps the Qataris were hoping that if the Ikhwan overthrew all the decadent Arab regimes - including the tribe that rules Mecca & Medna - then tiny Qatar would become the new epicenter in the Middle East.  Qatar is home to Al Jazeera - the most influential satellite TV station in the Middle East. So like Erdogan in Turkey, the emirs in Qatar do like to wear oversized shoes.

Now in just two years, the Ikhwan has been kicked out of almost all these countries - well perhaps still hanging on in Tunisia.  Those who wore oversized shoes have tripped and fallen down.

Gaza is now the final vestige of the Ikhwan. If the Hamas (aka Ikhwan) is kicked out of Gaza the Ikhwan will be reduced to preaching in village mosques. It will take them another 40 years to recapture a country like Egypt.

While Gazans suffer, here are some pictures of the Hamas leaders living in luxury.

 Above : Hamas leaders travelling in pivate jets
Below : Daily routine
Below : Burning off calories in a private gym

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