
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Good Samaritan in ‘rude dispenser’ incident speaks up

Another patient says the incident did take place and she was the one who helped Solie Hussain.
hkl300PETALING JAYA : The incident at the Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) where a dispenser was rude to a patient has angered many FMT readers. Some were even sceptical if the incident really did take place.
Solie Hussain, in her letter to FMT said a dispenser at the Pharmacy Department in HKL threw a box of medicine at her and it fell to the ground.
Solie said: “She did not bother to apologise for throwing my medication at me nor did she help me pick it up. I use a walker and it is difficult for me to pick things up from the floor. Fortunately, one of the other patients who saw what she had done, came to my aid.”
Two days ago the ‘good Samaritan’ contacted FMT to say that the unpleasant incident did take place.
“I was the person who helped Solie Hussain that day by picking up the medication that was thrown on the floor by the dispenser.
“I had not met Solie Hussain before the incident but I feel it is important for me to state what happened that day. I was at the pharmacy when I saw a box of medication being thrown over the counter.”
“I did hear the dispenser shouting rudely but I did not quite catch what she actually said. She did look belligerent. And Solie Hussain did look rather crushed.”
“A few words of comfort was all I could offer Solie as I walked with her to the main door. I have tried to give as objective as possible an account of the incident that took place.
“I am not sure of the ethnicity of the dispenser in question. All I can remember is that she was quite young, fair and wore quite a lot of make up.She was not wearing a white coat. It is a pity she did not smile as she was rather pretty!
“Whatever her reason, she need not have been so rude and aggressive. HKL has a spanking new pharmacy, but it is a pity this one dispenser gives the whole department a bad image.
In a response to the incident Director at HKL Dr.Zaininah Mohd Zain said: “We (HKL) would like to clarify that the change in drug from U-Lite to Utix was the result of a change in contract by the Health Ministry and as far as we are aware, the Pharmacy Department has not received any formal complaints related to the product.
“The Pharmacy Department of HKL was also very upset to read about the incident of the rude dispenser. However once again, there were no formal complaints lodged against any counter staff during the year 2014.
“Lastly, we would like to clarify that drugs are only prescribed by doctors while pharmacists provide the medication as directed by the doctor on the prescription slip.”

Rude dispenser at Hospital KL

From: Solie Hussain via e-mail
HKLI am a patient at the urology clinic at Hospital KL (HKL) and went a couple of weeks ago to collect my medication at the pharmacy.
One medication I was prescribed was Utix, a urinary alkaniser. I have tried this medication before and found it extremely bitter and vile and I was unable to take it. Every time I tried, I threw up. Previously, the pharmacy used to prescribe U-lite, which was more pleasant to take.
Some of the other patients at the urology clinic also complained about Utix because of its bitterness. Some said they had stopped taking it altogether.
I asked the pharmacy personnel who served me, if it was possible I be given U-lite instead.
I also asked the pharmacy personnel why I had only been given five drugs when the doctor had prescribed six. I was directed to a Sikh woman at another counter.
I was shocked at how rude and arrogant she was.
First she threw the box of Utix at me and as it fell to the ground she said that if I wanted U-lite, to go and buy it outside.
When I asked about the medication I was not given, she shouted, “Ask your doctor to write properly”. I did not understand what she meant. She just walked away.
She did not bother to apologise for throwing my medication at me nor did she help me pick it up. I use a walker and it is difficult for me to pick things up from the floor. Fortunately, one of the other patients who saw what she had done, came to my aid.
Such incidents should not be taking place in our public hospitals. This woman in the pharmacy is quite young and looks new on the job.
The least she could have done was explain why I was not being given the medication prescribed.
Such people should not be allowed to interact with patients. She has no understanding that some degree of patience and compassion is required for an occupation such as hers. Paper qualifications alone are not enough.
Doctors when prescribing medication should also be more careful. It would be more helpful if the doctors discussed the medication being given with the patient themselves.
I still do not know why I was not given the medication the doctor prescribed.
I sense there seems to be some antagonism between the doctors and the staff at the pharmacy. However it is the patients who are caught in the middle and suffer the consequences.
I also fail to understand why U-lite, which was popular with patients, was suddenly changed to an unpleasant concoction that has not gone down well with us.
Ever so often, we hear horror stories of how not the best or the cheapest medicine is ordered as a result of “shady deals”. The case of GlaxoSmithKline in China immediately comes to mind.
Many patients including me go to public hospitals because we cannot afford to go to private hospitals or buy our medication “outside”.
Does this mean we have to stomach the indifferent and rude treatment dished out to us by the hospital’s pharmacy staff? Sometimes, it means going without the medication prescribed.
It is hoped the authorities in HKL will look into this matter and take the appropriate action.

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