
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 15, 2014


HRH the Sultan of Perak was vilified for what he did. Now HRH the Sultan of Selangor is being vilified for not doing what the Perak Sultan did.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Back in the ‘old days’ I used to whack Muslims to kingdom come (many non-Muslims now whack me because I do not do that much any more). Let me repeat that: I whack Muslims, not Islam. Anyway, because of that, Muslims said I had become a murtad (apostate) and was anti-Islam.
My anti-Muslim stand (yes, when you are critical of Muslims you are said to be anti-Muslim) was interpreted as an anti-Islam stand and that resulted in my detention where I was subjected to religious rehabilitation classes in Kamunting.
Some websites even carried stories about my conversion to Christianity. Why do they say that? Well, because I am critical of Islam (when I am actually critical of Muslims, not Islam). Hence this is proof I have now become a Christian.
Now I am also critical of Christians (and now the Christians are also upset with me). So now they say I am an atheist. Since I am critical of all three of the Abrahamic faiths or Semitic religions I must be an atheist. I cannot be anything else.
Yes, that is how small minds think. They think small. If you are not this then you must be that. If you criticise Muslims then you must be a Christian. And if you criticise Christians then you must be an atheist.
The same goes with politics. If you criticise Barisan Nasional then you must be a Pakatan Rakyat supporter. If you criticise Pakatan Rakyat then you must be a Barisan Nasional supporter.
What if you criticise both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat? No, you cannot criticise both. You must only criticise one and support the other. If you criticise both then you are a lalang. And a lalang is the worst kind of animal (actually it’s a grass, not an animal).
See how Malaysians think. As ex-Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said: Malaysia is a country with first-world infrastructure but third-world mentality. Malaysians are no better than the Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIS, ISIL, IS, and many more, who are doing much damage in Africa, the Middle East and other places — very small-minded people.
The current Selangor political crisis is a perfect example of how small minds think. Even the so-called senior lawyers, constitutional experts and what have you demonstrate this small mind. They are incapable of rationalising.
When Anwar Ibrahim was sacked from the government in September 1998, many screamed that he was unfairly sacked. No doubt Anwar was sacked for reasons of misconduct but then those are merely allegations, allegations that have not been proven yet. Anwar should be regarded as innocent until proven guilty. The allegations against him should first be proven.
Then they put Anwar on trial to either prove or disprove his crimes, as what the people were screaming for. And the court found him guilty. But still the people would not accept the verdict. Anwar is innocent. The trial was a sham. Anwar is a victim of a rigged trial.
Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim is now facing what Anwar faced in 1998. Khalid, too, is facing allegations of misconduct. And because of these allegations Khalid must resign and if he does not resign then he must be sacked and removed.
Why is no one screaming that Khalid must be tried and found guilty (at least by SELCAT) before action is taken against him, like they screamed regarding Anwar in 1998? No need. Allegations are enough. No need to prove anything. And Khalid must be punished just on the basis of these allegations alone.
That appears to be the Pakatan Rakyat system of mob justice.
His Royal Highness the late Sultan of Perak was vilified for giving the Perak government to Barisan Nasional. They demonstrated in front of the Kuala Kangsar palace (mostly Malay PAS supporters) and threw stones at his car, the first time in history this has happened.
And why is this?
This was because three Pakatan Rakyat supporters (four if including the Umno chap who crossed over to PKR and then crossed back soon after that) had declared themselves ‘independents’ and Pakatan Rakyat lost its majority in the Perak state assembly.
Pakatan Rakyat wanted the Perak state assembly to be dissolved so that fresh elections can be held. HRH the Sultan felt that since Pakatan Rakyat had lost its majority then no need for new elections. Clearly Pakatan Rakyat had lost its majority.
So HRH the Sultan gave the government to Barisan Nasional who now commanded the majority in the Perak state assembly.
And this outraged the people. They did not agree that just because four people had crossed over or declared themselves independent (resulting in Pakatan Rakyat losing its majority) is grounds for giving the state to Barisan Nasional. This matter must be resolved through fresh state elections (or at the very least a vote of no confidence in the Perak state assembly).
And that is why they protested outside the palace and threw stones at the Sultan’s car.
Now the situation is being repeated in Selangor. Thirty of the 56 state representatives have openly declared their support for the removal of Khalid, to be replaced with Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. So they want Khalid removed to make way for Dr Wan Azizah.
Is this not what HRH the Sultan did in Perak? But when HRH did it in Perak the people were very upset. They protested outside the palace and threw stones at the Sultan’s car. But now they are upset because HRH the Sultan of Selangor would not follow the example of Perak and do the same in Selangor.
HRH the Sultan of Perak was vilified for what he did. Now HRH the Sultan of Selangor is being vilified for not doing what the Perak Sultan did.
The Perak Sultan was accused of being an Umno stooge for doing it. The Selangor Sultan is now accused of being an Umno stooge for not doing it.
So, one day you are accused of being an Umno stooge for making a certain decision. And the next day you are accused of being an Umno stooge for not making that same decision.
That is how small minds think.
And that is why I whack both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, just like why I whack both Muslims and Christians. Both sides are hypocrites of the highest order. They have one standard for themselves and a different standard for others. And the Selangor political crisis is proof of this.

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