
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 15, 2014

Wan Azizah, standing by her man

COMMENT Poor Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, back in the maelstrom of politics again; this time, over whether she is qualified to be the next menteri besar of Selangor.

I guess if she is not the wife of Anwar Ibrahim, then there would not be this entire hullabaloo whether she is eligible or not. But the reality is she is the wife of Anwar Ibrahim, a name that stokes envy, jealousy, vindictiveness or revenge and, sometimes, even fear.

Come to think of it, I cannot recollect of any politician in this country who has been as vilified as this man has had to endure so far.

Anwar Ibrahim may have had a mixed record when he was with Umno and when serving the government, but this record pales in comparison when one compare him with the track records of many other leaders and ministers in Umno but also in BN.

The man is vilified because the biggest threat that has emanated from this man to the current leadership is that he probably has the best credentials to become a prime minister of Malaysia! Next best? Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah? But he missed the opportunity.

Maybe, there may be some truth that Wan Azizah’s stepping up is not of her own volition but that of her husband who, obviously, has this vision to influence a change for the better in Malaysia which, as it stands, is not getting any better.

In Pakatan itself, in the absence of a suitable alternative, Anwar is the man to lead the coalition to take over Putrajaya. Definitely not Hadi Awang! Given a choice, voters would rather go for Lim Guan Eng than the latter.

Pakatan Rakyat has been the biggest threat to Umno and Anwar Ibrahim is the cause of this. The latter, the architect of this coalition feels there could not be a better time than now to unseat the current government. The results of the last GE13 nearly proved that. All portends well for the future. The road to Putrajaya is getting nearer.

Many ought to understand, especially our dear friends from PAS, that this change of MBship in Selangor is not a mere cosmetic change or to fulfill the ego of one man or for that matter for the sake of kicking out Khalid Ibrahim (who thoroughly deserves it anyway) but part of a bigger plan to wrest Putrajaya from BN.

To do so, Anwar can think of no other frontline state then the state of Selangor itself to lead Pakatan’s march to Putrajaya in 2016. There is ample justification to support this view and to lead this march is logically the man himself. Since he cannot as he has been thwarted from doing so, who would be the next best leader in the state to lead the march? Azmin Ali? Rafizi Ramli? A PAS MB? Not possible to have a DAP MB.

Who? I can think of no other replacement to replace Anwar in Selangor than the lady herself, Dr Wan Azizah. 

Selangor has to be in the forefront again

Wan Azizah becoming the menteri besar of Selangor is because Anwar Ibrahim wills it so, just as much as Anwar feels that in preparation for the next GE 14, Selangor has to be in the forefront again to lead Pakatan’s march to Putrajaya and form the next federal government.

Many may not like Anwar Ibrahim but sadly we cannot escape the fact that the man’s destiny in this country is a given - whether for good or bad, time will tell.

Meanwhile, many, particularly his former friends and colleagues, now his nemeses, have to reckon with this man for the very fact is that you just cannot take away Anwar Ibrahim from the current political equation in the country today as much as many would like to see the back (or end) of him. Whether they like it or not, fact is Anwar Ibrahim will be staring into the eyes of many of his friends and foes for years to come.

Since Anwar has been thwarted from leading from the front for Pakatan, Wan Azizah, just as she had been so devoted and loyal to her husband for so many years, has to rise to the occasion again to try and fulfill the objectives of not just her husband but more importantly, that of Pakatan Rakyat.

This lady of steel has to come to the fore again, for the sake of Pakatan and I would further hasten to add - for the future of Malaysia.

Not only is she stepping up again, but I can think of no other person in recent memory who will ascend to the seat of the menteri besar with a clean slate, free of any baggage.

Aside from this, the next biggest question asked is whether Wan Azizah is qualified to become the next menteri besar and lead the state of Selangor? But we ought to ask ourselves - who are we to judge others? Perhaps, we ought to be reminded by a Buddha scripture which says ‘How we judge others is how we judge ourselves’.

Wan Azizah sacrificing herself again for a noble cause for Pakatan and country is necessitated by the exigencies of the parlous or most unsatisfactory state of affairs in our country. In doing so, Wan Azizah would probably go down in Malaysian history as probably one of the more remarkable women who is not afraid to stand by her man.

If you were to ask me, to me this is the mother of all qualifications for her to become the next menteri besar of Selangor.

RONALD QUAY is a native of Kuala Lumpur. Although a fairly well-known personality in the sports, business and communications community, his true passion has always that of an activist, trying to do his bit to contribute towards a better Malaysia. He contributes articles to online news portals and the occasional mainstream newspaper.

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