
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 12, 2015

Does IGP need Sedition Act for this too? Convoy carrying supplies to flood victims hijacked!

Does IGP need Sedition Act for this too? Convoy carrying supplies to flood victims hijacked!
KUALA LUMPUR - Volunteers were left disappointed and worried after hearing of a convoy carrying aid and supplies for flood victims being hijacked en route to Kota Baru, leaving those accompanying the vehicles stranded by the roadside.
Facebook-based charity organisation We Love, We Care, We Share founder Ivan Bernard Zuzartee said security measures for disaster relief operations must be looked into following the hijacking.
“This is to guarantee the safe passage of public-assisted flood relief efforts,” he said.
“It ensures that aid and supplies safely reach the victims and are appropriately distributed.”
He said coordination with other volunteers is also vital for smooth relief efforts.
“Flood relief teams should coordinate among themselves so that there is no overlapping.
“We did this with other organisations. If one organisation says they are covering relief in Kota Baru, everyone else can focus on other areas so more ground is covered.”
In terms of a long-term solution to the floods, Zuzartee said relocation of houses is in order so less people will be affected in the future.
“Now, houses should be built on higher grounds, away from the floods,” he said.
“What is the point of people staying in the same area when they will have to deal with the floods again next year?”
On Saturday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said a standard operating procedure (SOP) for major floods will be drawn up and tabled in the Cabinet within six months.
He said the new SOP will cover aspects such as increasing assets, command and control, communication equipment, simulation training, meteorological services and power supply.
Zuzartee said the government should also consider emulating disaster relief SOPs from other countries that have proven to be effective.
“A good example would be Japan and their tsunami aftermath SOP,” he said.
“The Japanese have managed to come up with a guideline that works well by keeping the people safe and we need to learn from them and adapt the guidelines to our situation here.”
Social activist Syed Azmi Alhabshi, who has been collecting supplies from Kuala Lumpur for distribution in Kota Baru, said it was important for the government to identify needs based on the phases of the disaster.
“For example, if it were to flood today, we would need search and rescue teams and not for lorries of diapers and food supply to be delivered,” he said.
“If a proper and clear guideline is drawn up, resources are not wasted and all efforts to help the people will be effective.”
The three needs-based phases are search and rescue, supply of resources and clean and salvage.
Syed Azmi said pre-packed care packages should be made available based on the needs of the people.
“It can be school supplies, food or even cleaning supplies,” he said.
He said it was a good move on the government’s part to take on the initiative to draw out a SOP for disasters.
“The time is now. It is high time something is done,” he said.
“They should also consider a website or database for those helping out with flood relief so that water levels can be identified before the right action is taken to tackle the issue.” - Malay Mail

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