
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 12, 2015

GANGERSTERISH BUFFOONS: The price Malays have to pay for Perkasa's 'defence' of their rights

GANGERSTERISH BUFFOONS: The price Malays have to pay for Perkasa's 'defence' of their rights
‘True to your character. Gangster-ism if there is such a word.’
Ferdtan: This has to happen sooner rather than later. The fight between Perkasa members, many of whom are doubling up as Umno members, and the rest of Umno members are expected as there are no clear signals from the top Umno leaders on the actual standing or position of the role played by the Umno-sponsored NGO, Perkasa.
Obviously for political reason they cannot admit to that fact - the close relationship between them. Many know Perkasa was formed as Umno’s unofficial outsourced right-wing Malay faction to do their dirty job by frightening the Malays to return back to Umno without offending its non-Malay partners in BN, such as MCA and MIC. It worked to a certain extent.
However, due to the perceived impunity granted by the BN government and the enforcement agencies like the police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the judiciary, obviously Perkasa cum Umno members believed that they are more privileged than other ordinary Umno members.
Thus it is not surprising that fact gets into their swelling heads making them arrogant in their daily dealings with small-time state Umno leaders.
Well, Umno had created a monster and now they have to live with it. Indeed even Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali sometimes talked down to PM Najib Razak; it shows how powerful Perkasa is.
Let this be the warning to Umno; ignore the danger of Perkasa destructiveness at their peril.
Game Changer: Wait a minute, fight over flood aid? I still can't put together this picture, isn't the flood aid supposed to be distributed fairly?
That is why a state of emergency should be called during the disaster, the army should have been used to the fullest as they have the logistic and manpower to get the job done.
An incident like this would not have happened if the army was in control of distributing the flood aid.
Guna Otak: Well, that is the price to pay to protect a certain race. The Perkasa guy was punched by a person of the race that Perkasa is trying to protect.
It should be okay to be punched since Perkasa has always claimed that it is trying to protect Malay race. He should take it as a compliment.
Otakechik: Well done guys. True to your character. Gangster-ism if there is such a word.
Kerana Benar: Serves you right being punched. This is what Perkasa has been doing to others. What goes around comes around. This is the law of karma.
Bluemountains: Has it finally accepted the fact that Malaysia has laws and that disputes should not be resolved with violence? Is it because Perkasa is now at the receiving end?
Lim Chong Leong: Perkasa lawan Pemuda Umno, Mahathir lawan Najib, gangster lawan samseng, 14K lawan 3 Line. Sama-sama lah.
Who is attempting to murder the truth?
FranklyX'roy: It is very clear that there are untruths and half-truths in this case; the minister claims the letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was requested by the legal firm Chesnoff & Schonfeld that is representing alleged kingpin Paul Phua and his son.
If that is the case, why the letter carbon-copied to lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah? Was it Shafee who asked for the letter?
The police chief seems rather annoyed by Shafee. Annoyed probably because a letter was sent to the a law firm in the United States without consulting him, contradicting information given by his officers to FBI and bringing him and the police force into disrepute.
The lawyer is avoiding the press and as Malaysiakini rightfully asks, "Who in the first place wrote the letter?"
If it was authored by someone else as it may well be the case, there is a serious internal security problem in the country involving the home minister - was he held to ransom?
Odin: Consider this carefully. Some state secrets have been allegedly sold to a foreign party by someone. That someone may be you. Two reasons you may be the one:
1. At the time the sale might have been made, you were not only in the position to have access to such sensitive information, but you also have had supreme authority over the entity that stored it.
2. Your complicity in serious criminal offences to which the sale may be connected can be inferred from various events that have transpired.
The sale of state secrets is a traitorous act, and traitors are hanged from the gallows till they expire.
Someone else later assumed your position, as you have progressed to the top of the pecking order, and that someone has stated publicly in no uncertain terms that the alleged crime, that is, the alleged sale, has never been committed.
At a later date, that someone got himself into serious trouble, and by right you ought to act against him. What will you do?
Remember, he has not only saved you from relinquishing your perch in ignominy, but he has also saved your very neck from making acquaintanceship with the noose. Furthermore, that someone may be privy to any crimes that you may have committed but have been kept under lid.
Swipenter: Truth is a rare commodity in Bolehland. The Umno Baru-dominated government has been concealing, twisting, spinning and telling us half truths for decades. This is nothing new.
Chung Kuo Hsien: This article is a suspenseful read, which is now awaiting the final scene. - M'kini

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