
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hadi's May 13 remark no different from Umno's

YOURSAY ‘The sooner Pakatan dumps PAS, the sooner it can focus on GE14.’

Puzzled DAP flays Hadi over racial riot caution

Proarte: The pertinent question is what is DAP doing collaborating PAS when its president can make such incendiary, racist and divisive comments which are a total repudiation of basic notions of democracy?

Abdul Hadi Awang has spoken like a true fascist. And Pakatan Rakyat keeps scratching its head why it cannot even come close to getting to Putrajaya.

The answer is that Pakatan is in total disarray and its raison d'etre to bring in good governance, enhancing democratic and human rights, realising a more equitable society is nothing more than a sham when you can have the PAS president attacking DAP in a most shocking manner.

This is open warfare but yet DAP is so keen to keep PAS within Pakatan purely for selfish political calculations.

DAP is not thinking about the future of the country when it can collaborate with such an unprincipled and treacherous party whose president behaves like a fascist and who is doing his damnednest to destroy the coalition and is using the same rhetoric as Umno.

Jiminy Qrikert: Indeed, DAP had better get real. There is no way DAP's Chinese supporters are going to vote for PAS in GE14 after this May13 threat by Hadi.

The sooner DAP and PKR dump PAS, the sooner Pakatan can focus on preparations for GE14 without having to watch out for Hadi's treacherous antics.

Many Pakatan Chinese supporters would rather spoil their votes than to cast them for PAS.

Onepen: Hadi is a case of trying to adapt to changes around him but finds it difficult to be among those who want change for the country.

People like him do not fit into the new paradigm - we are all Malaysians first. Until this principle is recognised and accepted by all leaders, we will all be led into the May 13 cave.

We should reject these kinds of leaders and leadership. I am a Malaysian and I love Malaysia.

Fair&Just: Here’s the answer to DAP leader Anthony Loke's puzzle - Hadi is Umno's no 1 Trojan horse in Pakatan. Just kick Hadi out of Pakatan before he ruins Pakatan.

World Citizen: May 13 was a day of shame, a national man-made disaster and a failure of the national government. Yet, like Umno, this PAS chief is using it as a tool to threaten the minorities. It is nothing to be proud of.

Cmfoo: Pakatan should just work with PasMa and look beyond Hadi's PAS.

Like how the country’s non-bumiputeras have moved on and survived in spite of all the oppressive and restrictive policies of the pro-bumi government, let PAS stay behind like those rent-seeking bumis that relied on BN handouts.

Anonymous_1419577444: Loke, the best way to get back at Hadi on this is for DAP to ignore him altogether.

Hadi wants DAP to retaliate and in the process, his PAS supporters will rally around him.

Ignore him and move on to deal with more important issues of the country, like chipping in to help flood victims in Kelantan to rebuild their houses and lives.

Anonymous #05023297: It looks like Hadi's head is becoming too big for his songkok and the rakyat that voted for him. It is always the power seekers to use religion and race to pull wool over the eyes of many.

Gggg: Umno and PAS have only one agenda. So why bother with elections at all? -Mkini

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