
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Will the Cabinet save Malaysia’s honour? – J.D. Lovrenciear

The Altantuya murder episode is truly disgracing Malaysia’s honour in the eyes of the global community. How long more must patriotic Malaysians endure this unending spinning of probably the world’s most brutal, heinous killing?
With the convenient escape of one of the highly trained VVIP bodyguards, Sirul, who has been sentenced to the gallows, Malaysia’s reputation now stinks even more. Yet the Cabinet seems to maintain such a deafening silence.
Do we Malaysians not realize that this Altantuya murder is bringing so much shame to our nation? Or are our appointed leaders sworn to the tale of the three monkeys – see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil?

Every turn and stage of the case development seems to become even more ridiculously strange that even Agatha Christie’s spine-chilling mystery murders cannot match. But our leaders seem to maintain a diplomatic silence as if this mother of all murders is a non-issue.
Yet none of our political masters are seriously eager to save the name of the nation. Not even the Tun Dr.Mahathir, who is so gung-ho in rescuing Malaysia from poor leadership, has whispered a single concern for the country's reputation.
The crime being one of a non-underworld involvement or mafia-related killing, and the fact that we had a long nine-year Court case, the world has covered so much on its news rounds. The murder was many times speculated and even perceived to be linked to the corridors of power and yet we are unable to put the case to rest in a manner that the world can respect and salute our justice.
The powers that be and the political gravy train dependents will be held responsible for their failure to champion the deliverance of justice in the Altantuya case.
The many NGOs who claim to be the vigilant vanguards for the sanctity and glory of religion too should be asked, ‘why are you all so silent in this matter?’
Malaysians, let us come to terms with some fundamentals. This is not just a murder case. It has far reaching implications for our national pride and badge of honour.
We talk so much about suspected corruption. We fight so hard for custodial deaths. We do not hesitate to charge citizens and leaders for fabricated sex-sins. We even can go ballistic when growing-up youths get hugged in public.
We scream our lungs out for honour, dignity, pride, sanctity. We swing into immediate action hauling up citizens under concerns of treason, sedition and national security.
But why are all our leaders and Cabinet members and Members of Parliament so silent on the Altantuya case? Are we expecting that time will heal this crime and soon all will be forgotten? Or are we so afraid to rock any boat?
Some netizens even have the audacity to condemn any public concern for the growing disgrace that this murder case is earning Malaysia. And some media have conveniently gone 'on the minimum' in following up with the every twist and turn that keeps the mystery getting more intriguing.
Malaysian leaders have a duty and responsibility to come together to save the dignity and honour of this nation. Those not willing to marshal the powers that be to resolve and ensure that speedy justice is rendered are seriously guilty of the highest order of treason against the nation, its citizens and Rulers.
We must remember that when it comes to taking the life of a fellow human, the sin of ommission, sin of indifference and the sin of killing – all share the same premise before God.
Truly the failure to bring timely and speedy justice to the soul of the late Altantuya will hang like a millstone on the neck of the ruling political party coalition, Barisan Nasional; the judiciary; the police and MACC.
Worse, all of us Malaysians will be saddled with that global shame for a long time to come.
Well, if Malaysians fail miserably, hopefull the Australians, their civil society and political big-wigs will ensure that democracy prevails and justice is returned to Malaysia given their long tradition of 'without fear or favour' philosophy.
J. D. Lovrenciear reads The Malaysian Insider.

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