
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Perkasa and Isma, thanks for awakening Malaysians

YOURSAY ‘Why is Perkasa so blind with bigotry that it can't even recognise itself?’

Perkasa files defamation suit against Kurup
Asitis: Let the court decide whether Perkasa is indeed racist, chauvinist and extremist. The court of public opinion has definitely decided that this is indeed the case. Let the civil court now judge the matter.

We have nothing to lose. If the court judges in favour of Perkasa, we will all not be surprised. Just another allegedly biased judicial decision in Bolehland. We are used to it by now.

But should the court surprise us by judging against Perkasa, then Perkasa will not be able to deny that it is indeed a racist, chauvinist and extremist group that we all know it is. Yes, so bring it on.

Well Thats Fantastic: Indeed, nothing like having a court order that finds you racist when you lose this one, Ibrahim Ali.

Lamborghini: Any true Malaysian who believes in a pluralistic, multiracial and multi-religious society and has eyes to see and minds to think will agree with Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Joseph Kurup.

Why is Perkasa so blind with bigotry that it can't even recognise itself and is vehemently denying the truth about itself and angry with the national unity minister, who clearly and rightly sees it as a danger to unity in our country?

Baiyuensheng: Actually we have Perkasa and Isma to thank for the changes happening in our country. They speed up the awakening process of all Malaysians on the need to change the government.

The moderate Malays are starting to find their voices and speak out. It is a good thing.

Sali Tambap: Let them fight it out in court. The more is revealed about Perkasa, the more informed the public would be of this NGO.

Also, let's see what Kurup is really made of. Much opinion, especially among the Kadazan group that he is supposed to represent, is that he is a mere lackey in the BN government.

A court case could somehow bring to the surface more of his inner being and character. Perhaps.

Spinnot: No problem, all Kurup or his lawyer has to do is to retrieve all the racist speeches and press statements of Perkasa and its leaders and present them as court exhibits.

Survivor: Perkasa is a good for nothing group. What good can this type of group do for a society? If they are not a racist group, then what are they?

Kurup is absolutely right to call them "racist and chauvinist".

Anonymous_3e06: If Umno leaders are too afraid to take on Perkasa, then someone else has to. Kurup has nothing to lose for saying Perkasa is racist.

East Malaysians who voted in Kurup have to back their leader for taking a stand against a group that is slowly destroying the Malaysia that we know.

But Umno will not say a thing, they know they have lots to lose.

BH Yap: This NGO has too much money and no substantial issues to fight for. Soon it may file cases against Umno leaders who don't agree with its activities.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Perhaps Perkasa's panel of advocates ought to advise them that a group or association cannot be defamed. Suing the person who is alleged to have said that is not going to stand in law.

Concerned Malaysian: However you look at it, a threat to burn or even mention the burning of a holy book is racist to the core, it shows no respect to the sentiments of others.

Anon1: A defamation suit filed at the High Court when the Sessions Court already has powers to hear this type of cases? Hopefully when the High Court dismisses the suit, heavy costs are ordered to be paid to the minister.

What irks me is that there are lawyers out there who believe that Perkasa has a cause of action. Such a disgrace to the profession to take sides with a slimy frog.

Smallbigblob: So, Kurup, as the minister overseeing national unity, have you ever asked the PM why is such a group of racists being funded by the government, and why no action has been taken by the Royal Malaysian Police (PRDM) of 1Malaysia Bolehland?

Anonymous #40538199: The government must stop funding NGOs that work against national unity. And don’t provide funding to NGOs that sue a cabinet minister.

Slumdog: Kurup was only making a friendly reminder that Perkasa was "racist and chauvinist". Why is Perkasa so sensitive and insecure?                 

Pakatan-Ku: Well done, Minister Kurup. As the minister in charge of national unity, it is your duty to defend peace-loving Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or culture.

Jae K: I hope this will get to the court and see how our learned judges define racism and extremism. -Mkini

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