
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Terror In Paris: You Reap What You Sow

The Western world never seem to learn from their mistakes when come to dealing with the Muslims world. They make one mistake after another. 

They want to impose their way of life on a culture completely alien and opposed to theirs.

Why do fanatical Muslims want to hurt and kill Westerners? 

The story goes since way back to the creation of the state of Israel and Jewish atrocities against the Palestinians,  the Iraq War, the war in Afghanistan, the Arab Spring and to the present Western involvement in the dismantling of Assad's Syria. 

In Syria with the help of the Saudis they again created another monster, ISIS.

The 9/11 attack in the US was the culmination of Muslims anger against the West. The lull was only a calm before the storm. The Muslim ogre has grown bigger, richer, more organised and crueller.

Over the decades the West, with their 'might is right' attitude had cast aspersions on the Muslim world. Many of the attacks on Western targets were retaliations and revenge. The tit-for-tat kind of thing. Thousands of Muslims killed as collateral damage in the indiscriminate bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen mean nothing to the West, Muslim lives are cheap and can be done with, but they make a big show out of a few beheading of their own by fanatical Muslim. Fanatical Muslims were appalled with this kind of double standard.

Claims by the US that their weapons have bullseye accuracy were pure fabrication because every attack on so-called terrorist targets killed more bystanders than the target itself.

Muslims also see the West as untrustworthy and horrible user and abuser. The Mujahideens, Saddam Hussien and Al Qaeda, financed and used by them to fight a common enemy have all turned against them.

The attack on the newspaper office purportedly because of the cartoon insulting Mohammad and Islam is, to the attackers, the end justifies the means, seemingly trivial to the Westerners but a big insult to some crazy Muslims.

The Paris attack may only just be the beginning. More frequent attacks should be expected coming from ISIS, which have cells in every Western countries.  

Fanatical Muslims who are prepared to die for their cause.

Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, senior leader and official spokesman for ISIS has called on the members to take retribution to kill without question and by any means necessary, civilians and soldiers from the Western alliance.

The world has become a very unsafe place, you don't know where and when they are going to strike.

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