
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 8, 2015

THE FALL GUYS OF UMNO: No amount of money can ever heal the hurt, repair the damage they have wrought

THE FALL GUYS OF UMNO: No amount of money can ever heal the hurt, repair the damage they have wrought
Retired chief justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad was largely unknown, until he decided to join Malay Rights Group Perkasa. He refused an initial offer to head Putrajaya’s National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) claiming that it would fail to protect the interests of the Malays, even though there was talk that he demanded a five figure allowance plus a company car and driver, only to find out that the role was purely voluntary.
Today, he joins the ranks of other provocative extremists like Ibrahim Ali, Abdullah Zaik and Ridhuan Tee. Many others have tried to emulate the quartet above with limited success but have faded out of the limelight. Either their statements weren’t provocative enough or their benefactors are running out of budget to support their activities.
Funding extremism doesn’t come cheap and these guys have to prove their worth in salt. In order to attract attention, they have to resort to extreme provocation or they will be ignored. They also have to invoke religion or race to justify their claims, knowing full well that nobody can argue with them.
So these four shady characters will continue to hog the limelight in 2015 with the blessings of Umno to holler like mad mullahs, spewing poisonous rhetoric in the name of race and religion and sometimes even royalty, knowing full well that they will get away with it.
Ibrahim Ali is well known for his trademark as ‘King of Frogs’, not so much for his hopping ways, but his stockily built physique which makes him look more like an over bloated frog than a man, from a distance. His incessant croaks are so tiresome, that nobody will believe him, even if he speaks the truth.
Isma leader Abdullah Zaik is the new kid on the block trying to make its mark in the harsh competitive world of extremist NGOs. Pretending to sound like a religious professional with his holier than thou rhetoric, Zaik mixes intellectualism with race and religious elements in his spin, hoping no one will see through his hollow facade.
Then, we have a thick skin plagiarist who is infamously known as the Ridsect Tee or Rodent T who happens to be the lone ranger on a religious mission to save the nation from the clutches of the Non Muslims.
And of course the latest to join the cue is our hilarious ex CJ Tun Hamid.
These four are designated to be the fall guys in Umno’s grand scheme of deception. Other than deliberately diverting attention from Umno’s numerous scandals, they deliberately tear into the fabric of racial unity by rallying the various races to despise each other. Umno and BN’s future lies in the hands of these insane clowns, and they represent Umno’s last hope and last line of defence to face the next election.
The hell hounds of BN
In the past, our nation has never before experienced nor encountered such extremist elements, until BN lost its two thirds majority. Wounded, insulted and enraged, BN decided to unleash the hell hounds of extremism to terrorize and bring the nation to its knees.
Suddenly, radical and religious extremism began to sprout like mushrooms with the birth of NGOs like Perkasa, Pekida and lately Isma. Although, we know that Perkasa owe its presence to the Mahathir faction, there is talk that Isma and Pekida are funded by other rival Umno factions.
If not, how do we account for Pekida suddenly making police reports to counter an Umno division leader for his police report to investigate Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and 1MDB? And why does Perkasa continue to chip mercilessly at Najib’s credibility?
There is even talk, that all these extremist NGOs are actually funded by the taxpayer’s hard-earned money, as Umno is too miserly to fund them from their own pockets. Now, wouldn’t that be absurd?
The three musketeers and the ex CJ
Although non of the three clowns ibrahim, Zaik or Ridsect can be considered eminent or prominent enough for Malaysians to take notice; Hamid however, was conferred the nation’s highest honour: a Tunship and who once occupied the highest position in the judiciary as the chief justice for nine months, from 2007 to 2008.
Of course, Malaysians recoiled in horror, at the once prominent ex-CJ who managed to stoop so low with his dubious claims that only the Malays had fought for the country’s independence, and lately asking political arch rivals Umno and PAS to unite to check the non-Malays, especially the Chinese, from further consolidating political power.
He also said that both the federal and Kelantan governments should repent and start prioritising on bigger issues such as religion and race, instead of party interests. In short Hamid wants an UMNO-PAS government in Kelantan to check the Chinese, as if Kelantan has a lot of Chinese.
But can an Umno and Pas unity survive on a ONE race policy? Can Malaysia survive with just having trade with just Islamic countries and break of ties with ‘kafir’ countries like China, India and the West, to be totally Islamic with their ONE race policy?
The chameleon has showed his colours
Such distorted and delusional views coming from a highest ex-judge is truly unbelievable and reeks of racism, extremism and plain idiocy. He is either blind, senile or he has totally lost it!
How on earth was he ever appointed the chief justice in the first place, when he clearly failed to understand what our constitutional laws are? Isn’t it a judge’s responsibility to uphold the law fairly, irrespective of race or religion? Isn’t it scary to know that the ex-Chief Justice is a racist hiding behind his position as the number 1 judge of this country during his tenure?
Like a leopard, Hamid has now shown his true colours as an insincere man with no integrity. With his racist opinions, he has destroyed the institution which he once served.
Everyone is asking, how he arrived at his decisions on the cases he once presided over? Lawyers, who lost their cases under him, should attempt to have these cases reviewed and retried again. In a more advance country, he would have to face the court for dishonouring and misleading his peers with intent for malice in his past actions.
Is he immune to the Sedition Act?
Although, Hamid is entitled to be given space to express their views, the Police ought to investigate to see if his racist views have broken the law.
GOD save this country, if we have racist provocateurs disguised as judges given the leverage and the belief that they'll remain unpunished to continue with their distorted views and demands.
It is people like Hamid who underlie the statistics that shows the failings of the government in picking the right person to helm the important positions in government.
BN has failed to govern the nation
Race biasness & religion based politics has no place in this 21th century. The role of government should be to serve the people and confined to providing security, health & education. Whoever elected, should uphold the constitution and rule of law without fear and favour of race or religion.
Top priority should be given to the improvement of people’s needs, economy, response to emergency situations, and the nation’s competitiveness before we lose out to emerging third world nations, instead of harping on religion and race.
It is also tragic and shameful that Malays continue to tolerate leaders who are forever looking down upon the Malays, to a point where they must be protected from competition by legal laws and statutes! Accordingly, there is nothing more destructive to a person than being robbed of their sense of pride, self esteem and self confidence!
But sadly, the government has failed miserably in every aspect of good governance, while the cabinet has chosen to endorse domestic terrorism and extremism by failing to rein in the radical NGOs, but letting these 4 lunatics loose to continue terrorizing the nation. - MAILBAG

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=434961:the-fall-guys-of-umno&Itemid=2#ixzz3OClxi2Jb
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