
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 23, 2015

MURDER MYSTERY: If Najib is innocent, who then instructed his bodyguards to kill Altantuya

MURDER MYSTERY: If Najib is innocent, who then instructed his bodyguards to kill Altantuya
One is innocent unless proven guilty.
In this article, I shall begin by saying that our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor are innocent where death of Mongolian lady, Altantuya Sharibuu is concerned.
After all, two operatives have been convicted of the murder and the present Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar has absolved the couple of any wrongdoing.
This, Khalid has said after claiming that he had sent someone to investigate one of the convicted murders who is now under detention in Sydney, Australia.
Of course, Sirul Azhar who is awaiting the hangman’s noose like his fellow colleague, Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, denied that anyone from the Royal Malaysian Police had ever met him in the detention centre.
Someone must be telling a lie. Who is the rogue policeman?
Waiting for Sirul to spill the beans
PM Najib
The whole nation, of course, is waiting for Sirul to spill the beans, but Sirul has remained silent after saying that he carried out the murder under someone’s order. Would anyone believe a rogue policeman?
Someone appears to believe Sirul’s version of the story. This is none other than the old giant, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who for now, is occupied with one mission: to remove that “naughty boy” called Najib from being the class monitor. It was Dr Mahathir who appointed Najib as class monitor, but now, Dr Mahathir wants him removed but not that easy.
But Dr Mahathir would not stop asking the question: Who ordered the killing of Altantuya? After all, who would not ask the same question? Everyone is asking the same question in coffeeshops, hawkers’ stalls, bus stops and God knows where!
Najib was only prepared to go on record to say that he did not know who this girl Altantuya Shariibuu is, but then, how come everyone from Dr Mahathir to the ordinary man on the street is trying to link the couple to Altantuya’s death? It’s not fair, is it?
What would Tun Razak say
I wonder if former Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, were still alive, would he defend his son or reprimand him? Reprimand may sound a little too gentle for a brutal murder suffered by one Mongolian lady who, like “bandits” in our corrupted society, was merely asking her fair share of US$500,000 from the purchase of the infamous Scorpene submarines.
Would Najib’s father call his son to find out the truth, nothing but the whole truth? Would Tun Razak, like Dr Mahathir, also be interested to find out the truth?
It is a known fact that Altantuya was the mistress to Razak Baginda, who was a special advisor to Najib. Razak Baginda has since been acquitted by the Malaysian Courts, so he is free for now enjoying probably a good life in the United Kingdom – unless, of course, Sirul is prepared to spill the beans. For now, Sirul appears to be quiet.
But, who can stop Dr Mahathir from his ranting? He is asking who ordered Sirul and Azilah to carry out the murder. Is it too much of him to demand for an answer from Najib? Let’s look at the facts that are already in the public domain.
A mere denial that he ever knew Altantuya is all that Najib could say on TV3 interview last week. But, the people working for him seem to be involved in the murder episode, so how can Najib’s good office exorcise the ghost of Altantuya which is apparently still haunting Najib for an answer.
What would Altantuya say
If I had the chance to even speak to Altantuya, I would tell her that even both former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and retired Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan were satisfied that Najib was not involved. Therefore, Altantuya should stop disturbing Najib who is currently our sixth prime minister.
But I guess she would be asking me, “How come both murderers were linked to Najib? They were his personal bodyguards, were they not?” Both Sirul and Azilah reported to one DSP Musa Safri, who was aide de camp for Najib, whose was both Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence.
Questions are also being asked how the military-grade explosive C4 was “smuggled” out from the military depot and used by Azilah and Sirul to carry out the job. How come there does not appear to be any outcome from the investigation carried out on the C4 explosive? Who could have sanctioned the release of the explosive? Should the person not be prosecuted?
When both Sirul and Azilah carried out the arrest, Lance Corporal Rohaniza Roslan accompanied them. Rohaniza was a personal bodyguard to Rosmah.
Private Investigator P. Balasubramaniam who is better known as PI Bala was hired by Razak Baginda, and he had two Statutory Declarations – one which obviously false. The late PI Bala later claimed that the first SD was the true story but that was the end of the story.
The first SD had of course alleged that the killing of Altantuya was linked to some very important people. Let’s assume that we do not know the identity of these people.
But during the court trial, it was revealed that an sms had been purportedly sent by a man who has the same name as our Prime Minister. To Abdul Razak, he said: “I am seeing IGP (Musa) at 11am today … matter will be solved … be cool”.
Wow! Anyone can see the IGP! And what “matter” will be solved? That must have comforted Razak Baginda, who was haunted by Altantuya and her cousin, Burmaa Oyunchimeg.
Immigration records
Now, during the trial, we have not forgotten that Burmaa had testified that even their immigration records were erased. There was no record of hers and Altantuya’s arrival to Malaysia.
How is it that the immigration records could be lost? Let’s be upfront with Dr Mahathir: it was some virus that had attacked the name Altantuya Shariibuu! Is this enough to satisfy you, Dr Mahathir?
Looking back, there was another character, Nasir Safar who was in his blue Proton Saga driving to Abdul Razak’s mansion. His job was to monitor the apprehension of Altantuya. He was also a special advisor to Najib.
With this background facts, it is only understandable why Dr Mahathir is crying foul. To silence Dr Mahathir, Najib only needs to call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the people who are linked to the brutal murder, to see who ordered the killing of Altantuya. After all, it is in his interest that Najib should clear his own name and his good office.
The people are still waiting to see what Najib would do. After all, the RCI is as powerless as the toothless tiger in this country. If they found out who the real culprits are, it’s nothing but an academic exercise. What can Dr Mahathir do if Najib is still in power? - Mailbag

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