
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 3, 2015

NAJIB ALONE & BEING CIRCLED BY UMNO-BN WOLVES: Only lightweights defend him from Dr M's wrath

NAJIB ALONE & BEING CIRCLED BY UMNO-BN WOLVES: Only lightweights defend him from Dr M's wrath
Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been edgy lately because of his inaction and his own doings. So many things have gone wrong under his premiership and none of them have been really closed. There are so many loose ends. These loose ends are like bloodied wounds attracting sharks to attack their prey.
Najib is basically out of control and those whom he trusted are not willing to give him the fullest support anymore. They only do things just for show and to the limit instructed by Najib and not a step further to fully execute the assignments especially in cutting loose ends.
When it seems that the PDRM is on a dragnet in arresting the opposition leaders, in the end no drastic action was taken against them, similarly with the arrest of the editors of The Malaysian Insider. The whole adhoc effort was executed half-heartedly.
AT STAKE: Morality & injustice in Altantuya murder, economic destruction & robbery of the people's wealth in 1MDB
There are also loose ends in the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu since there are so many questions not answered and resolved by the authorities. Could this murder be the cause of the downfall of Najib? He has been trying to protect others in this murder case but in the end could Najib be the one who needs protection? We shall find out later.
PM Najib
The 1MDB money-siphoning scheme by those involved is still unfolding and there is nothing Arul Kanda Kandasamy could do to solve the financial problems and prevent more embarrassing exposés. Najib kept dodging the questions and the explanations on the whereabouts of the money kept changing.
Alone, with only BN lightweights MCA and James Masing speaking up for him
Najib is now practically at ‘war ‘with those against him and the attacks are from every front. There are also signs of his supporters abandoning him. Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has not been bothered to take action against the editors of The Malaysian Insider and Najib had to instruct PDRM to do it himself!
Despite the so-called unanimous support for Najib in the recent gathering with the Umno division heads, there is no real commitment in giving the real and sincere support by their actions. Nobody has come forward to defend and give the answers to all the questions on behalf of Najib. Mahathir is right - no one trusts Najib anymore.
Dr Mahathir - he says what he means and means what he says
Therefore in reality Najib is fighting the ‘war’ alone. This shows that people are starting to distance themselves from Najib. They have either sensed or have reliable information that Najib would be history soon.
Even the television channels under the Media Prima group have given prime time slots to criticize Najib. Ku Li has been vocal in asking Najib to answer the allegations by Dr. Mahathir.
After a lull, the anti-Najib group has renewed their attacks and could the one led by the “Field Marshall” in the form of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad be the final one to burn or destroy Najib?
Dr. Mahathir has not only put on the heat back, he is like going for the final attack by asking who gave the order to kill Altantuya in his blog. Many people in the social media have daringly blamed Najib as the main culprit. Unfortunately despite having his own cyber troopers and his own Facebook account, Najib has not answered back. He has failed to convince the people and has not been able to prove his innocence.
So far, savvy Umno warlords have watched the spectacle unfolding before them with a cautious eye. Only the Najib 'regulars' like Shahidan Kassim, Nazri Aziz have spoken up for him. Even stalwart Tengku Adnan has been hesitant to take on the Dr Mahathir juggernaut, while Nur Jazlan has been careful to seem neutral.
In BN, only the lightweights - such as the MCA and Sarawak's James Masing - have spoken up, showing their true colors by completely ignoring the people's interests and rights to be protected against injustice and the possible massive loss of public money from the 1MDB scandals.
Powerful Chief Ministers such as Musa Aman and Adenan Satem have zipped their lips. Why should they antagonize Mahathir when Najib's foibles are indeed indefensible? Governments come and go and it looks like the Najib administration is on the way out. Another will roll in - who knows it could be Musa's brother Anifah Aman who might take over & be the first ever East Malaysian premier for Malaysia.
Mother of all battles for control of Umno and Malaysia
In Mahathir's 23 points article titled “Umno dan PRU14” every paragraph was aimed at Najib. Dr. Mahathir has portrayed Najib like the ‘pest’ in Umno who will make Umno/BN lose in the GE-14.
However Umno is facing a huge dilemma; to destroy or not to destroy the pest!
Who really killed Altantuya - does Dr M have the answer? Is this his secret weapon against Najib
It is like demolishing a tall infested building or a huge structure, surrounded by residential buildings. The tall building has to fall and collapse neatly onto its foundation within its own enclosure without damaging or even disturbing the surrounding.
Of course there are ways of doing it but Umno has to be very careful in not destroying itself in the process.
But will Dr. Mahathir push the plunge of the detonator? - MAIL BAG

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