
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

OPEN LETTER TO DR M: Help us to get rid of Najib, don't let him turn Malaysia TOPSY TURVY

OPEN LETTER TO DR M: Help us to get rid of Najib, don't let him turn M'sia TOPSY TURVY
In all my thirty odd years of writing over 10,000 pieces in the media (check Google), I have never once written in the first person. But today, inspired by your open admissions and determined manifestations of recent, I appeal to you Sir to put a stop to the reality of the day, i.e. Malaysians are walking in shame in the eyes of the world community of professionals, honorable investors, and within the revered hallways of academia.
Tun, never has a nation in recent times had its citizens walk in such shame as is happening in Malaysia.
The unstoppable reports of corruption, extravagance, inept leadership, wastage and profiteering at the expense of nationhood, systemic attacks and compromises on our Institutions of nationhood and the horrendous crime against Altantuya – all of these and many more that you are cognizant of has eroded the dignity, honor and reputation of this nation.
Yes there is no perfect nation. But when Malaysians are forced to bow their heads and walk with so much of shame, what do we do?
Sir, your paying of respect to the late father of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim which was reported in the online portal Malaysiakini re-ignites my hope in you. I am sure, millions of Malaysians are also surprised by this most humbling act of yours. It can only come from a man who truly cares for the future of this nation.
Dr M
Never mind about how much I (and certainly millions more) may dislike your style of leadership or love you as a leader who took Malaysia down and out through many dangerous rapids. The fact is your actions today speak louder with hope re-ignited.
Your bringing to the open the case of the Altantuya murder; your open admission of loss of faith and confidence in the current leadership of this nation under the helm of Dauk Seri Najib and his muffled and well-laced supporters; your no-nonsense stance towards the 1MDB baffles – these actions of yours Sir truly re-ignite a deep seated hope in all of us ordinary citizens who care enough for this country.
Sir, I humbly register this my appeal to you:
Altantuya Shaariibuu
If the nation needs redress, it has to begin with the Sodomy II charge against Anwar Ibrahim.
If the nation needs to redeem its honor, it has to begin with the Altantya case.
If the nation needs to restore its benchmark as a country of people who know how to fight corruption, it has to begin with the stripping bare of all those individuals who have amassed profane wealth beyond their competitive salaries and generous perks paid out by the government.
If national sovereignty is sacred to our future, we must review the GST and checkmate the Americanized TPPA. Our long history of being colonialised cannot be allowed to re-appear in any form in a nation where democracy and a Constitutional Monarchy was fought hard and won in 1957.
If Malaysians are to rise from the sinking gutters of shame and walk tall, it is time to think outside the box of narrow political party fences and see the bigger picture of nationhood through a coalition of good men and women. Period.
In a nutshell, this nation, that crooks and villains swear to care for while honorable, helpless citizens pray for a miracle of salvation, desperately needs a remedy. The dispensation perhaps, is now well within your means Sir.
Will you do the right thing Sir, for in no uncertain terms, to stop Malaysians from walking down the slippery route of shame, it has to be a case of “It’s now or never”.
Thank you Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. - MAILBAG

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir. You are the most appropriate person to help us to recover the dignity of our Nation, to get the truth to prevail, to give the chance for economic recovery more importantly to stop this bleeding our Nation's wealth and reputation.With the prevailing conditions created in the administration of our Nation, it is just unthinkable for an under privileged citizen or even MP to act or say anything effectively to cause a remedy to the damage of our Nation. We have a responsibility to our next generation and to Almighty Allah. Just do it for us and be assured that we are all behind you.


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