
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Which side is the DPM on?

Muhyiddin cannot wait too long to show whom he supports in the war between Mahathir and Najib.
Time is running out for Muhyiddin Yassin to grab the brass ring offered to him by Mahathir Mohamad. Sources have told FMT that Mahathir is growing tired of waiting for Muhyiddin to choose which side to join in the former premier’s war with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Muhyiddin has of late been wavering between Mahathir and Najib, one second agreeing to some of the questions raised by the former and appeasing the latter the next.
As the current Deputy Prime Minister, he is closest to the throne and will likely assume the post when Najib steps down. It is only a matter of time before Najib has to pass the baton. Thus, staying on his boss’ good side is a wise political strategy in most scenarios, but those scenarios may not take into account the influence and authority of Mahathir, who still commands the respect and adulation of many Malaysians regardless of race, religion, or party.
Not fully grasping the brass ring may make Mahathir doubt Muhyiddin’s character and force him out along with his boss. In a scenario where Mahathir was won the war and Najib resigns peacefully or otherwise, Muhyiddin stands at risk of leaving the office along with him, unless he changes his tack now and rides the Mahathir wave currently seizing the national consciousness.
However, should Mahathir lose, unthinkable as that may be, siding with him means that Najib will soon be looking for a new, more loyal deputy.
In all truth, Muhyiddin has long been seen as a Mahathirist, with some believing his reign would resemble the iron-fisted style of the elder statesman. He has, on occasion, disagreed with several initiatives set into motion by Najib. Perhaps the most infamous example was his refusal to identify with the 1Malaysia concept introduced by the Prime Minister. Muhyiddin announced that he was Malay first and Malaysian second, sparking a wave of criticism from netizens and politicians alike.
But the criticism may have been unfair. After all, race consciousness is a typical Malaysian trait and does not necessarily make one a racist. Many of us do think of ourselves as Malay, Chinese or Indian without feeling any less patriotic. In any case, our source indicates that Muhyiddin is a pragmatist much like Mahathir. According to him, the DPM found the reaction to his “Malay-first” pronouncement rather overblown. Indeed, if had been as racist as he was made out to be, he would likely not have allowed his daughter to marry a Chinese man.
Muhyiddin does possess many qualities that could be considered desirable in a candidate for Prime Minister. As the son of a religious teacher, he has a connection to the faith that Najib does not, and can likely communicate with PAS at a much deeper level than the current PM. Speaking of his daughter, he also earned brownie points with some of the rakyat with the lack of ostentation at her wedding, which was low-key and largely under the radar, unlike some other recent ceremonies.
In fact, his family has kept out of the spotlight, in stark contrast to Najib’s family, which showcases luminaries such as Hollywood producer Reza Aziz and, of course, the First Lady of Malaysia, Rosmah Mansor.
Muhyiddin  could be an option for  Prime Minister. But he must choose a side before it is too late, or else the opportunity may pass him by.

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