
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bouquets and brickbats for PM's divine merit tweet

It has become the norm that whenever Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has a new Twitter or Facebook post, it will elicit mixed responses.

His latest tweet on the coming Ramadan was no different.

"There is less than a month left before we celebrate the arrival of Ramadan. Let us prepare to garner divine merit (pahala) in this blessed month," he posted.
Insya-Allah,tinggal kurang sebulan sblm kita sambut ketibaan Ramadhan.Moga kita persiapkan diri utk kumpul pahala di bulan penuh barakah ini
Several Twitter users reminded the prime minister that divine merits should be earned all the time, and not only during Ramadan.

One user even asked Najib if he had been "chalking up sins" prior to this.

@Farhanuddean tweeted: "Pahala akan berlipat kali ganda kalau mansuhkan GST untuk rakyat. (Divine merits will multiply if GST is abolished for the people)."

He was referring to the goods and services tax which was implemented on April 1, and has been the source of much discontent.

Similarly, @muh_stilmaju said: "Tok bila nak hapus gst ? Tak cukup lagi ke duit tu (When are you going to abolish GST? Not enough money is it)"

On the other hand, Tweeter user @mzs82 asked: "Betul ke dato najib nak letak jawatan? (Is it true that you are going to resign?)”

Najib, who is now in his sixth year as prime minister, has been facing tremendous pressure from Dr Mahathir Mohamad to step down.

The former premier has warned that if Najib continued to helm the post, Umno and BN would be defeated in the next polls.

The prime minister’s latest tweet also saw users supporting him giving Najib the thumbs-up sign and tweeting "Hidup Najib (Long Live Najib)."

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