
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, May 16, 2015

DR M IS RIGHT: Only 1 medicine can cure Malaysia - Najib's ouster

DR M IS RIGHT: Only 1 medicine can cure M'sia - Najib's ouster
In recent years, the elite in this country are guilty of flogging the backs of the Malaysian workforce while systematically fleecing and burdening the rakyat which are the root causes of much unhappiness and misery among Malaysians now.
Power is supposed to be with the people but it looks as if Malaysians are powerless against the evil oppression, bullying and tyranny that have come upon them to the point where life has become hard and harsh.
What gives? What really has happened, where the elite who comprise a minority group accounting for about 20 per cent of the 30 million--strong Malaysian population, are able to hold sway over 80 per cent or a 24 million population?
This must really be the last straw as scandal after scandal rocks the nation and the elite become thick-skinned and unashamed of fleecing and shifting the weight of the burden on the rakyat and thereby escape all accountability and responsibility.
The worst fears are being confirmed as now this fleecing of the rakyat and burdening them has become very glaringly open as if there is nothing that the people can do and the elite in this country can get away and continue to thrive no matter what.
Since the tenure of Mahathir
Dr M
Ever since Mahathir Mohammad swept to power, he not only brought about sweeping changes but came down hard on dissidents and critics of his policies and way of government to the point that Malaysia was governed like a junta of some kind.
Mahathir was more than autocratic and authoritarian in his rule, he was likened to a dictator and brooked no nonsense by people who went counter to his ways slamming them under detention with the use of the Internal Security Act, his most favored weapon against those who disagreed with him.
There was a severe and painful clampdown of the press and the media were basically reduced to churning propaganda for the state and failing to highlight the many abuses and atrocities and the way and manner in which people were suffering in silence.
It was Mahathir, who skewered the New Economic Policy or NEP, to establish the minority elite in this country on the specious grounds that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government was working out its affirmative action program for bumiputeras.
This was really a fallacy, a folly to believe in as the bumiputeras are still languishing and lagging behind to this day even though affirmative action programs are still in place for them which simply means that they have been made used of and deceived by BN leaders.
Scandals that the rakyat bear
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin and PM Najib
The numbers of scandals that have rocked the country from the time of Mahathir’s tenure as prime minister are far too many to be listed but the victims who suffer and carry the burden or cost of all these scandals are the ordinary rakyat.
Malaysians must be asking – when will it all end and when will our hard earned money be used in a constructive and healthy manner without being given to satisfy the greed, selfishness and self-seeking ways of our leaders?
This is why the trust between the rakyat and the government has been broken as people witness the arrogant, high-handed way and manner in which their money which they have toiled to earn is being frittered away by foolish and corrupt leaders.
While Mahathir himself is guilty of corruption, mismanagement of the nation’s wealth and misappropriation of funds it is good to see that he is now fighting to set things right by demanding answers to pressing questions to BN leaders on the status of the rakyat’s money.
It might be a case of being a bit too late as much irreversible damage has been done by the Najib Administration. But it is better late than never and right now the time is to set asides distrust and suspicion among government leaders and set things right.
Get rid of the deadwood
The bloated government machinery of 1.6 million civil servants is probably the largest civil service in the world and filled with numerous deadwood and parasites that are leeching the taxpayer’s money while doing nothing much in return.
It is the corrupt-ridden civil service that needs to undergo spring cleaning and transformation before this country can get back on the right track to peace, progress and prosperity. Only by tackling the root of corruption in the government sector can Malaysians be spared further scandals.
As long as government enforcement and crackdown on corruption is limp and weak, the country will not be able to move forward but instead will continue to regress further to become a backward nation incapable of pulling its weight in a globalized world.
The end result is inevitable as Malaysia becomes a failed state and already the international community is viewing Malaysia as a rogue nation. This means if things do not change in the governance of this country, Malaysia will just end up doomed. - MAILBAG

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