
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 23, 2015

3 WAYS TO OUST NAJIB - ALL GOOD & READY TO GO: PM quakes behind Zahid's 'no confidence vote' smokecreen

3 WAYS TO OUST NAJIB - ALL GOOD & READY TO GO: PM quakes behind Zahid's 'no confidence vote' smokecreen
I will address the following issues.
1. Zahid’s obsession with the plot to overthrow the PM and Government
2. PM Najib says he is elected by the people- yes, as MP not PM.
3. Aziz Kaprawi’s monumental stupidity. How on earth such a person of this quality can be made deputy minister. The PM must be mad.
Zahid’s tangled web is being weaved.
Let’s begin with Zahid.
Curiouser and curiouser
You will see how the story about the dismissal of the errant government and its Dear Leader, is becoming bizarre and more bizarre.
Or like Alice in her Wonderland, Alice, after eating the cake that is labelled eat me exclaims, it is becoming curiouser and curiouser. By the day we might add.
When Alice ate the cake , it made her a "telescope" up to 9 feet tall. Hence her reaction "curiouser and curiouser."
So when we ate the cake labelled overthrow the government hook, line and sinker as to what is a legitimate plan by MPs to dismiss the government and PM, we all become telescopes more than 9 feet tall.
The whole story that is built around the fiction of ‘criminal overthrow’ becomes curiouser and curiouser.
The use of the phrase
The phrase is used in irony or with a sarcastic manner. It is used to describe and defend the conduct of the boss when it is clear that the boss is operating in a completely different level of reality than others are.
PM Najib, our Dear Leader, is operating in a completely different level of reality from the rest of us.
Because of the -er on "curiouser" the phase also implies that one is being drawn further and further into some bizarre world or circumstance where one is an honest observer to the odd and even maniacal behaviour of others. The ‘others’ being the PM and his band of defenders who ae detached from reality.
Illicit money or forbidden money becomes legitimate and halal.
It is similar to the fictional term ‘donation’ to what looked increasingly as laundered money. It became curiouser by the day, because we accept the term donation.
So everyone builds a story around the term donation. Each layer or lies is added on the previous ones. An ant hill becomes a mountain.
Dismissing the errant PM and government using legitimate and lawful means.
It is the same about the term overthrow the government. By illegal means added to it. If we indulge Zahid and build a layer of lies on the layer of previous falsehoods, what is a perfectly legal means to dismiss the errant PM and his government, becomes the official and true narrative. Yet the story began with a flight of fancy on the part of Zahid Hamidi.
We must resist being manacled by the web of deceit. Let us all remain as honest observers of reality and courageous enough to state the reality. Zahid wants to stay relevant by inviting people to debate and discuss his take on the attempts to kick out the PM. His ‘take’ is the cake labelled plot and overthrow. He sees it as a plot. He wants to criminalise the actions of the MPs.
Zahid says his narration is based on solid intelligence reports but he is also a co-plotter
To add credence, he says he received highly credible intelligence police report. I thought he told everyone, he got information from a person sitting in a particular meeting where the plot was hatched.
Then the person must be one of 2. My own intelligence sources, which are as good as Zahid tell me that only 2 people have the instruments to secure allegiance from the MPs.
The instruments being the statutory declarations and the list containing the MPs - all from UMNO who want to do the right thing by removing the chief menace to our country’s health. That bogus Dear Leader bugis warrior.
But then again, wait a second. On the evening he met Dr Mahathir alone, only he, Zahid, sat in the meeting with the chief plotter. So Zahid must be a co-plotter.
If we indulge Zahid and start glossing and mulling over the plot, very soon it becomes a self-fulfilling flight of fancy. Then indeed we have to tampal koyok and salonpas on our foreheads.
But let us remain calm and collected. No need to pull our hair or roll over the floor with legs flailing. That would be discriminatory to my colleagues from Serdang and Segambut. They have no hair to pull.
Let us not also roll up our sleeves like Sharizat once attempted to. What if some ladies get carried away and roll up their sarongs and skirts up?
I am afraid small children will get nightmares that night. Spare our children.
How to dismiss a sitting government
The cold facts are as follows. Other than a general election, a sitting PM can be removed in a number of ways permitted by law and parliament. But Zahid adds some diabolical twists to his defence on the bizarre conduct of his boss. He is free to attack against the ways in any manner he wishes. But let us remind him- he must do it also legally.
He starts by declaring that to move a no confidence motion has suddenly become criminal. MPs discussing with one another on many issues involving the idea of dismissing the PM is criminal.
Which is all balderdash
What if there is a person of some standing being able to convince an appropriate number of MPs to declare to the Agong that Najib has lost the confidence of parliament? That would be perfectly legal. It is now the law of the land.
There is no law preventing MPs to unite in a common cause.
It could be 25 MPs as indicated by Rafizi. We will have a simple but no so comfortable simple majority of 113. Or it could be 123 as indicated by Kit Siang.
It does not matter. But of course the scenario assumes all 88 non BN MPs will vote Najib out.
When reminded that the Perak government was thrown out in the same manner, Zahid Hamidi added a racist twist to it; he says the move in Perak was necessary because Nizar then was controlled by evil DAP and therefore by ungrateful Chinese.
Apa lagi Cina mahu?
So let us ask him- out of the 88 non UMNO MPs, how many are Malays? The majority are.
Let us suppose for a moment, a person of some standing is able to secure support from all the 88 non BN MPs and from 25-35 BN MPs most of whom are Malays,- this person especially if he is from UMNO, will lead a combined group of MPs consisting in the majority of right thinking Malay MPs.
That is good, no?
Now suppose again, this person forms the next government with the majority of cabinet members being Malay, wont that preserve the political reality of Malaysia? It will be reflective of the demographic reality of Malaysia. Indeed, that person will be able to reset the political balance.
Now we understand why Zahid is acting incoherent. It is necessary and mandatory for Zahid to criminalise whatever plans the MPs have. He has to invite the public to build a layer of lies over previous layers of falsehoods.
We say thank you but no thank you to Zahid.
3 ways to say goodbye
We, the people and the MPs drawing strength from the reservoir of right thinking principles, will decline his invitation. Thank you Dato Zahid but no thank you.
The opposition’s desire to take out the PM is no secret. It must be taken as a given.
There is no plot. Dr Mahathir has said it clear ages ago. It’s no secret that he wants Najib taken put from the premiership.
It’s a question of how to do it. We can move for a motion of no confidence. That will be in October 2015. Or we can elect to vote against the budget. If the bill is defeated, Naib is out.
Or we can play the numbers game. Suppose the BN suddenly finds it has a total of 100 seats or less which means the MPs not in BN make up the rest with 122 seats. BN is out. - http://sakmongkol.blogspot.com/

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