
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Message From The Opposition To Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed

Image result for najib cabinet meeting

The comments below were posted into the previous post. Obviously by someone from the Opposition. Thank you. 

I am happy to know that many of my Blog readers are from the Opposition. As well as UMNO folks and plenty of BN folks. 

It is very easy for me to reach out to both sides of the political divide not because saya pandai sangat ke apa. Folks we are all onboard the same boat. This is the 21st century. There are more and more everyday things, real things, that unite us than divide us. There is a real convergence among all of us - tak kira Melayu, Cina, Iban, Kadazan, Indian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian etc.

There is a huge convergence now in how to raise the standard of living of all our people and progressing the entire nation almost in lockstep.  Unfortunately the present crop of UMNO boys have lost the plot.

Anyway here is that comment from the Opposition. My comments in blue.

From an Anonymous commenter. Thank you.

The opposition could agree to Mahathir's suggestion under the following conditions:

1. A unity government to be installed as an interim until the next GE, which should be called within 18 months.

My comments: Contrary to many views, UMNO is still the strongest party in Parliament. It has 88 seats. 

The only problem with UMNO now is the corrupt and criminal leadership. There are only about one dozen or less of this group holding on to power. When this corrupt leadership is thrown out, there will not even be a piece of dried cow dung that will miss their presence. Not one person will demonstrate in the streets when they are thrown out. Just wait and see. 

Once the leadership is thrown out, UMNO has no more issues that can divide the party. In fact UMNO will become stronger. If the leadership is changed and ALL the Cabinet morons are replaced, UMNO will win more than 88 seats in PRU14.  Sarawak and Sabah will return to supporting the BN fully. (Provided Sabah and Sarawak are treated as equal partners in the Federation and ALL their grievances are sorted out. I really mean ALL their grievances.)

What I am saying is that the 3 million UMNO party members are actually quite united. Once the corrupt leadership is thrown out, the 3 million party members will be more united than ever.  Compare this to PAS and PKR. PAS is dead. They have no future. Hence PAS will demand their 'satu mangkuk hati nyamuk' to form a unity government. Because they are now nyawa-nyawa ikan already.

Similarly PKR is also pulling along.  They are also desperate.

As a political party, only the DAP is more united and more focussed than UMNO. The DAP can pull its own weight, no matter what happens to the Pakatan. Or to the BN.

Hence a unity government may not only be unnecessary but it will be 'numerically' not necessary (in Parliament).   

My advice to the Opposition is to be realistic in your demands. The agenda should be "cooperation to kick out the corrupt and save the nation from collapse". 

Then after that let the established election processes take their course. I am certain the voting public will not forget your sacrifices. You can depend on that.

2. The prime minister of the interim government should be from any party that commands the majority.

My comments : This goes even without saying. That is why the unity government bid will not work. Once Najib and his crooks are out, UMNO and the BN will hold the majority again, just like they do now. The people want Najib out. 
3. The entire current cabinet be replaced with a new team to reflect the unity government.
My comments : The entire current Cabinet should be replaced.  Only a very few selected members should be reappointed.

4. The Election Commission (EC) should be made a totally independent commission answerable only to Parliament.

My comments : Also the MACC, the AG, Petronas, Bank Negara and more.

4. The current inspector-general of police, attorney-general (AG), Bank Negara governor, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) commissioner and all the other various key government agencies including the chief secretary, director-general of the civil service and others to be replaced with more professionally-minded and independent people of integrity.

My comments : I get the point but again this becomes debateable. Hair splitting issues.  Another method is these people should not be appointed for a term of more than three years. Change their contracts, terms of appointment etc. No matter how great they are, their term should not exceed three years maximum. After that get new blood.

5. The same measures should be undertaken at state level.
My comments : Dont bite off more than you can chew. Be realistic in your demands.

6. The interim government's work should go unhindered without interference from any quarters.

This will include correcting all the wrongs done by the previous administrations.

Saturday, August 22, 2015 11:02:00 AM Delete

My comments : Same as above.  Dr Mahathir has actually asked quite the impossible from the Opposition : help in a vote of no confidence to get rid of the corrupt Prime Minister BUT the BN stays in power after that.

Without a doubt this is for the self preservation of the BN.  As I said, it goes without saying - the BN has 134 seats in Parliament. Minus Najib, the BN will still rule. This is arithmetic.

Why should the Opposition help in a vote of no confidence against Najib now? 

Najib is the Opposition's secret weapon. Why not just wait until 2018 and kick out the whole damn lot, lock, stock and barrel? And it will happen.  Sounds like a better idea too.

Well we may not have a country by 2018.  As Dr Mahathir says these crooks may suspend the elections. They are desperate. What if they declare an emergency and impose rule by decree or something?

This is Malaysia. People dont say anything. People dont do anything. Everyone is so chicken shit frightened.  The crooks know this. So they can take advantage of the situation.

The other thing is, if Najib stays in power, the Ringgit might hit RM5.00 to the US Dollar. There will not be any economy left. 

Yes I agree, Maggi Mee may cost RM5 per packet by then. 

If that happens, the Malays will be the first to eat grass, especially in the rural areas. The Ibans, Kadazans and Indians will follow next. The Chinese may switch to eating kangkung for a little bit longer but that too is doubtful. We will not have an economy  left.   The country will be in chaos.

My suggestion to the Opposition is look beyond political self interests. Let the Parliament remain as it is - status quo (you cannot change it anyway, until 2018).  This means the power ratio also remains ie BN controls the Federal government, the Pakatan runs Penang, Selangor and Kelantan. 

Lets rid ourselves of the corrupt and the criminals. Then we take it from there.  Tun Dr Mahathir knows what he is saying.  

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