
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 8, 2015

ABU abandoned?

Much as I did not wish to disagree with Brother Haris, I still refused to support the ABU campaign in the last election for the reason there have been UMNO pollies I like and even respect, people like Saifuddin Abdullah and (much as he sometimes had been a brutal head kicker) Nazri Abdul Aziz, while the converse has been true too, that there have been Pakatan pollies I detest (wakakaka).

Take the case of Saifuddin Abdullah, former MP for Temerloh, who was deposed in 2013 by PAS' Nasrudin Hassan. The PAS MP is a man who has made sheer stupendously stupid statements that abandoned babies (through illicit births) were the result of non-Muslim events like Valentine's Day and New Year's Day celebrations.

Malaysiakini reported in 2010 in its Valentine's Day blamed for baby dumping that Nasrudin Hassan had blamed the festivity celebrations on those two days as encouraging free sex that led to ... yadda yadda yadda ... culminating in baby dumping.

Nasrudin claimed: "It's an indication that the 'mating season' occurred during the New Year's Day celebrations."

But of course, what he meant was that happened ONLY in Malaysia but nowhere else in the world, those parts which celebrate Valentine's Day and New Year's Day celebrations every year. Why? Well, I'm sure he has an answer as he a cleric must have consulted god.

That's why I couldn't and didn't support ABU because it would bring about, and it did, the accidental importation of blokes like Nasrudin Hassan into parliament.

But to my surprise, it would seem DAP or at least its leader YB Lim Kit Siang has now discarded ABU, though I can't say I'm delighted by its late awakening.

The reason for my hesitation in finding delight in DAP's awareness of the politically blind peril or, if you want to be kind, silly-ness of the indiscriminate ABU campaign is that it has come about because Lim KS has recently sought to ally himself and presumably his party with Mahathir and Muhyiddin against Najib.

He has even forgotten basic concepts in 'conflict of interests' in asking Mahathir to head a Royal Commission of Inquiry to probe 1MDB. Ah! Must be due to the excitement of his new found alliance though sadly, Mahathir has spurned, snubbed and sneered at his effusive too-chummy overtures.

Then - we'll get those MACC bastards

Now - we support our MACC

And not only that, in his support for 1MDB, Lim Kit Siang has found himself in very "good" company - Perkasa which has "very" strong links with Mahathir also supports MACC in its investigations of Najib.

Nice mates you have, Uncle Lim.

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