
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 24, 2015

Bersatu teguh, bercerai bangsat

The Malays are reminded that being united and the unification through UMNO which was born  on 11 May 1946, had been the key success factor for them to be successful in turning everything around and move forward  in changing their fate which include achieving Kemerdekaan.
Bernama.com story:

Malays Will Become ‘Bangsat’ If UMNO Loses Power, Says Najib

KANGAR, Aug 23 (Bernama) — Malays will become “bangsat” (destitute) if UMNO loses power, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
The UMNO president said as such, UMNO members must defend the party which helms the leadership of the country.
“I have asked before, if UMNO loses power what will happen to the Malays and Islam?
“In the many words in the Kamus Dewan Bahasa dictionary, some said Malays will fall head first, Malays will fall by the wayside and others said Malays will never be a force again.” he said.
Najib said this when opening the delegates meetings of the Padang Besar, Kangar and Arau UMNO divisions at Dewan Wawasan 2020 here today.
Commenting further on the matter, Najib said he picked the word because no other words could depict the situation of the Malays who would be hardpressed if UMNO lost its power.
“I choose this word. ..because no other words can better depict the lot of the Malays if UMNO loses power. They will be very hardpressed, lose everything, their dignity and future (if UMNO loses power),” he said.
As such, he said all problems in the party must be solved to ensure UMNO stayed in power.
“Find a solution if there is a problem, whether at the national or state level, don’t tell me there is no solution,” he said.
The He said the party had gone through a myriad of ordeals and problems and they were all successfully solved.
“The founder of UMNO left UMNO and set up another party, the religious bureau left and set up PAS, UMNO was banned, UMNO president was challenged and won by only 41 votes, the 1997 financial crisis, Confrontation, communists and many more…but we successfully emerged from the crises,” he said.
Najib said there was no reason why UMNO could not remain as the ruling party with unity in the party.
“As a party, we cross the broad ocean, often turbulent, and sometimes lashed by storm.
“The UMNO ship is actually strong and has been tested for so long and has changed the political, economical and social landscape to the extent that the world regards Malaysia as a model and successful nation,” he added.
The message is even harsher, appeared in The Star:
Published: Sunday August 23, 2015 MYT 2:03:00 PM
Updated: Sunday August 23, 2015 MYT 2:38:06 PM

Malays will lose out if Umno not in power, says Najib

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (center ) at the opening of the delegates meeting of the Padang Besar, Kangar and Arau Umno divisions at Dewan Wawasan 2020 Hall, Sunday. -- BERNAMA
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (center ) at the opening of the delegates meeting of the Padang Besar, Kangar and Arau Umno divisions at Dewan Wawasan 2020 Hall, Sunday. — BERNAMA
KANGAR: Malays will be on the losing end if Umno loses power, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The Prime Minister said that as such, Umno members must defend the party.
“I have asked before, if Umno loses power what will happen to the Malays and Islam?
“In the many words in the Kamus Dewan Bahasa dictionary, some said Malays will fall head first, Malays will fall by the wayside and others said Malays will never be a force again,” he said when opening the delegates meetings of the Padang Besar, Kangar and Arau Umno divisions at Dewan Wawasan 2020 here Sunday. – Bernama
The fact is that at the point in time, the Opposition is crumbling down. The (un)holy-marriage-of-(in)convenience-between-backstabbing-strage-bedfellows had failed. Their internal squabbles are getting more vicious and the issue on Hudud being enacted in Kelantan and PAS Central Committee support, broke the camel’s back.
On its own, each of the Opposition pack have deep internal issues and facing a lot of problems with their own grassroots and supporters.
The Oppositions' guild, dead (2008-2015)
The Oppositions’ guild, dead (2008-2015)
DAP members at grassroots level have demonstrated their distrust with the top leadership and its effort to remain dictatorial had been clearly demonstrated in the tainted Dec 2013 party elections. In fact, the Indians within DAP openly attack the leadership for slighting them out systematically.
Time and again, PKR has been proven to be a sordid personal agenda of a hedious sexual deviant criminal. It had been formalised in a brilliant twist of emotions, trumped up sentiments and a series of falsehood issues, which were managed to be gelled into  a political movement.
Through time, many personalities came to realisation that they were hoodwinked into the political oblivion to fit a personal agenda and left. The very few in the top inner circle fake too many dramas, where their politics have gone seriously irrelevant and already proven to be futile, for the sake of their party struggle.
The more recent is the failed ‘Kajang Move’ and the ouster of Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as Menteri Besar Selangor last year, where PKR Secretary General Saifuddin Nasution admitted Khalid was a victim of slander to politically assassinate him.
PAS grassroots came to realisation that they have been hoodwinked and their party leadership and direction was stolen by Anwaristas and they have been steered away to fit into the agenda of the hedious sexual deviant criminal.  Hence, recently the grassroots majority have risen and ostracised the Anwaristas.
PAS is already on the brink of having a challenge with Anwarista splinter group forming a new party. This is actually a history repeating itself when Ahmad Fuad and the Dewan Ulama’ within UMNO revolted against then President Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra and formed a new party when their demands were not met.
Hence, UMNO as the backbone of Barisan Nasional and the party representing the interests of the Malay and Bumiputera majority should be the realising and capitalising all these weaknesses of the failed Opposition pack and seize the moment.
However, UMNO itself is undergoing a series of very stiff challenges where the test of loyalty, confidence and faith of some of the party leaders and members across the board on the leadership, is at its most tricky point.
Some of the leaders capitalise on issues that looms the nation into confusion as the point of contention to challenge the relevance of the leadership, when the party decided on the overwhelming support slightly less than two years ago.
Even they pronounce their loyalty and steadfastness to the party and perjuangan, expanding the point of contention aloud would just add confusion at the grassroots level within the party and the Malays’ support and  confidence for UMNO in general.
In the age where information move seamlessly in speeds a fraction of blink of an eye, the truth could be easily drowned with the more sassy and sexy manipulated and fabricated stories often laced brilliantly with lies.
In the last 13GE, BN saw a reduction of seats in the Dewan Rakyat from 140 to 133, However, UMNO an increase from 79 to 88. In a nutshell, as BN being weakened UMNO actually managed to fortify itself, especially amongst the majority of  the Malays and Bumiputera (Sabah).
84% of the eligible voters in the 1955 Federal Consultative Council general election are the Malays, who were 'Subjects of HRH Rulers'.
84% of the eligible voters in the 1955 Federal Consultative Council general election are the Malays, who were ‘Subjects of HRH Rulers’.
UMNO provided the mainstay for the Malayan support when the Alliance Party led by Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra got an overwhelming 51 out of 52 seats in the Federal Consultative Council election of 1955, where 84% of eligible voters then were the Malays. The mandate plus the social contract with HRH Rulers to opt for Constitutional Monarchy was the bargaining chip to earn Kemerdekaan.
UMNO leaders and members should aspire to be this formidable again, for the sake of the Malay struggle and survival. History have demonstrated that there is no other party that provided so much more for the Malays and Bumiputera, compared to UMNO.
The challenges of the globalisation and dynamism of the modern and evolving world provides the disparity for the Malays and Bumiputera continue to be widened unless its being systematically and structurally checked and affirmative action put in place.
No doubt with UMNO itself there are issues. In fact, as an organisation of over three million registered members, it is expected that there are issues crop up every now and again.
However, these issues shouldn’t  be translated into catastrophic set back but instead amicably solved internally and without individuals and certain groups capitalising the moment into opportunity of the dramatisation and to project themselves as ‘heroes’. In all and sundry, it is at the expense of the big picture and perjuangan in totality.
Hence, it is right for UMNO President Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak to warn the Malays about being ‘Bangsat’ if UMNO is no longer in power. Unity and steadfastness with the perjuangan, is they success factor to ensure this is followed through. -bigdogdotcom

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