
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 3, 2015

Beware!! Operation Lalang 2.0 Crackdown Could Be Launched

Prime Minister Najib Razak talks a lot but the perceived de-facto Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor keeps a low profile. Retiree Mahathir talks a lot but precious son Mukhriz Mahathir keeps a low profile. The Crown Prince of Johor talks a lot but Sultan of Johor keeps a low profile. So, adviser Kit Siang should talk a lot while precious son Guan Eng keeps a low profile.

The same goes to the Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) of Selangor Azmin Ali. He should keep a low profile. Actually, Azmin rarely opens his mouth as far as 1MDB scandal is concerned, and that’s pretty smart. On the contrary, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has been too “kiasu” shooting madly on the scandal, and that’s quite disturbing.
Lim Guan Eng - Learn When To STFU
The only exception is PAS President Hadi Awang. He needs to keep talking so that his stone-aged hudud law could get Najib administration’s blessing in order to start chopping off Muslims’ hands. Most importantly, Hadi needs to bark and protect controversial Najib so that UMNO-PAS alliance could materialize. Maybe Hadi could get a ministership for his son.

Yes, two items on the drawing board could be unleashed soon. First, copycat of Mahathir’s infamous “Operation Lalang”. Second, the long awaitedalliance between UMNO and PAS. That’s precisely why the opposition parties DAP and PKR should start preparing for the worst case scenario, in case the desperados at Putrajaya do the unthinkable.
Operation Lalang 1987 - Mahathir - Newspaper Cuttings
The first Operation Lalang in 1987 was architected by former Prime Minister Mahathir which saw the arrest of 106 persons, all of them who opposed Mahathirism, and later detained without trial under the draconian ISA (Internal Security Act). Publishing licenses of “The Star”, “Sin Chew Jit Poh”, and “Watan” were revoked to clamp down on press freedom.

Less than a week after being promoted as Deputy Prime Minister but retains the powerful Home Minister portfolio, Zahid Hamidi has done everything to impress master Rosmah-Najib that he is the right Mr Despicable ready to beat anyone who says Rosmah ain’t the most beautiful girl on planet Earth. Already, harmless students who protested during #TangkapNajib (#ArrestNajib) were dumped into police trucks like rubbish.
Sogo Protest TangkapNajib - Police Arresting Protester
Proud of his intimidating and thuggish trademark, Mr Zahid has a message to all the press, social network users, bloggers, publishers and any brand of printers ready to publish negative news about lovely Romeo Najib and Juliet Rosmah – “the time for warning is over and now is the time to act.”

Such threat from a newly installed deputy prime minister was so serious that it has even sent shivers down the spine of once dictator Mahathir Mohamad. He has sworn on his mother’s grave not to mention 1MDB anymore (*grin). Even “The Star” columnist Joceline Tan has started composing articles of praises as if Zahid Hamidi was North Korean Kim Jong-un.
Zahid Hamidi and Joceline Tan
Prior to the sacking of former Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and the present mass arrests of alleged government “leakers”, Joceline was writing with a tone not knowing which side of the bread to butter. But now she writes passionately with “Hmm … Ahh … Ohh” praising Zahid’s hairy chest, six pack abs, muscular arms, sexy butt and thighs, and whatnot.

No rocket science here. Jocelyn is under MCA payroll hence when shechanges her tone you know something is brewing at the Ministry of Home Affairs. As the person in charge of the police force, Zahid has the option to unleash Operation Lalang 2.0, 28-years after the first one, and finish all the opposition big guns under the pretext of “National Security”.
Operation Lalang 2 - 2015 - Zahid Hamidi - Protesters in Police Truck
That’s why we suggest that key persons such as Chief Ministers Lim Guan Eng and Azmin Ali tone down their criticisms and let those who can afford to be sent to jail do the shooting. This is not an act of coward but everything about“risk management”. Nope, superhero Barack Obama will not come to your rescue even if you get killed or sodomised in prison.

As we’ve mentioned, desperate times call for desperate measures. Now that desperate Rosmah-Najib has just recruited a mad scientist Zahid, every tool would be used to protect the controversial RM2.62 billion. Even the usual loudspeaker Ibrahim Ali is trembling about whispering the 1MDB scandal.
UMNO and PAS Unity Govt - Romeo Najib and Juliet Hadi
In fact, the desperate Rosmah-Najib have go bonkers and are willing to support Hadi Awang’s hudud law in exchange for the Islamic party’s 21 MPs support, which coincidently is the same number of Barisan Nasional’s parliamentary seats in Johor. A simple arithmetic shows that a loss of Johor’s 21 seats could be compensated with PAS’s 21 seats (*tongue-in-cheek*).

Najib Razak, a golf buddy of President Obama, is also thinking aboutregulating the Internet. From deploying China Great Firewall to North Korea’s isolation policy, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, WhatsApp could be outlawed altogether under the present corrupt but arrogant regime.
Najib Razak and Kim Jong-un - Waving
The question is: can the arrogant and corrupt regime shuts 20,140,125 Internet users, from which 13,589,520 were Facebook users alone (as of Dec 2013)? The answer: yes, they can but that would transform Malaysia to a country on the same league as North Korea. Perhaps Malaysians should start learning how to bow and worship Rosmah-Najib-Zahid like they are some kind of Gods and Goddess? -financetwitter

1 comment:

  1. Hudud is not merely confined to merrily & hastily chopping off (Muslim) hands ... stringent check-list - eg, is it failure of the state to provide welfare, employment, etc. Even if it is implemented, theft incidents wd be low ... eg in Mecca.


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