
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

GO ON LEAVE, YOUR 1MDB IS 'CANCEROUS': Another professional group tells Najib

GO ON LEAVE, YOUR 1MDB IS 'CANCEROUS': Another professional group tells Najib
A total of 159 counsellors and social workers has become the latest professional group to write an open letter to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak over the deposits of RM2.6 billion into his personal bank accounts, and apparent attempts to scuttle probes into the matter.
The joint statement by the helping professionals followed a similar statement by a group of 80 academics who called on Najib to go on leave in light of the controversy.
The helping professionals said it will not be the last professional group to voice concern, quoting Mahatma Gandhi, that a government that defends immorality does not command respect.
The joint letter is as follows:
Letter to Malaysia’s prime minister, by group of counsellors/ social workers/ helping professionals
Dear Mr Prime Minister,
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
--- Martin Luther King Jr
We, undersigned, a group of concerned social workers / counsellors / helping professionals, can no longer stay silent and ignorant to what is happening to our beloved homeland, Malaysia.
Our professional training has informed us to promote human and community well-being, and this purpose is actualised through its quest for social and economic justice, the prevention of conditions that limit human rights, the elimination of poverty, and the enhancement of the quality of life for all persons.
As trained professionals, we place an utmost commitment to this ethical principle and moral responsibility in our works to improve our nation’s overall well-being.
We were first shocked by the grave allegations of financial abuse and corruption related to 1MDB including the transfer of RM 2.6 billion into your personal accounts.
We are even more shocked now by how our media and state agencies have been deliberately sabotaged from carrying out the investigations and informing the public:
1) The blocking of independent portal Sarawak Report on July 20;
2) The three-month suspension of two financial newspapers, The Edge Weekly and The Edge Daily, beginning on July 27;
3) The abrupt removal of the Attorney General (AG) on July 27;
4) The paralysing of the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) with the co-optation of its chair and three other members into the executive on July 28;
5) The harassments, arrests and/or investigation of senior officials in the AG’s Chambers, MACC and Bank Negara Malaysia;
6) The disbandment of the Special Task Force on 1MDB - consisting of the AG’s Chambers, MACC, Bank Negara Malaysia and the Police - as revealed by the MACC on August 5.
The 1MDB scandal is cancerous to our economy and public institutions. It has eroded the confidence of both Malaysians and international community.
This and the uncertainty have unquestionably contributed to the drastic depreciation of ringgit against major currencies – now dropped below the rate of RM 4 to USD 1.
The burden of our political and economic crises is felt by most Malaysians, especially the vulnerable and marginalised groups whom we serve.
We take note of the journalists-initiated #AtTheEdge rally on August 9 in support of the Edge Weekly, the Edge Daily and Sarawak Report; as well as the joint statement issued by 87 academics and public intellectuals on August 10 calling for greater transparency in the 1MDB investigation.
Echoing these calls, we feel duty-bound to speak up as concerned citizens and put forward the following demands to you, who have the power to realise all of them:
1. The prime minister to go on temporary leave pending the investigation by the various agencies to ensure the credibility and integrity of these investigations;
2. The independence of AG’s Chambers, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Bank Negara in investigating the 1MDB scandal to be fully respected by the government, police and all other agencies by ensuring that there will be no harassment, arrest and investigation repressive which could be construed as attempts at obstructing investigations;
3. The PAC to resume its investigation immediately under the stewardship of its deputy chair Tan Seng Giaw (photo);
4. The AG’s Chambers, MACC, Bank Negara Malaysia and PAC to update the public on their investigations;
5. The three-month suspension of the Edge Weekly and the Edge Daily and the blocking of Sarawak Report to be lifted immediately.
With heavy heart and genuine hope, we sincerely appeal to you, our dear prime minister, Dato' Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, to put the nation’s interest above personal and partisan interests.We believe we will not be the last occupational grouping to make this call.
I can retain neither respect nor affection for government which has been moving from wrong to wrong in order to defend its immorality.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Endorsed list by a group of concerned Helping Professionals as at 24 August 2015, 11.59pm:
1. Cheong See Yeang - Counsellor
2. Chen Sheue Ling - Counsellor
3. Chinaun Ng - Counsellor
4. Connie Wong - Counsellor
5. Gan Hui Hoon - Counsellor
6. Goh Siew Lin - Counsellor
7. Goh Sze Mei - Counsellor
8. Hew Mun Moi - Counsellor
9. Hor Kean Hao - Counsellor
10. How Wendy - Counsellor
11. Koe Siew Hong - Counsellor
12. Kok Lee Fong - Counsellor
13. Lim Guat Ping - Counsellor
14. Lim Keng Lan - Counsellor
15. Lim Yeong Yeong -Counsellor
16. Loh E Laine - Counsellor
17. Loh Kuo Hao -Counsellor
18. Lok Huey Chuen - Counsellor
19. Low Yiing Jia - Counsellor
20. Lum Chee Seng - Counsellor
21. Neriah Chu - Counsellor
22. Pheh Kai Shuen - Counsellor
23. Poo Yi Woon - Counsellor
24. Sin Sing Wei - Counsellor
25. Tan Pei Min - Counsellor
26. Tan Swek Huey - Counsellor
27. Teoh Gaik Kin - Counsellor
28. Wong Feai Voon - Counsellor
29. Catherine Koh - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
30. Chan Shu Jiun - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
31. Chen Siew Khoon - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
32. Chua Chee Heng - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
33. Davamani Wilson Muthu - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
34. Ee Jun Lee - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
35. Emily O. Mathius - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
36. Fion Lee King Fen - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
37. Hen Kar Er - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
38. Jackie Tan -Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
39. June Chan - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
40. Kenneth Wong Tuck Weng - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
41. Kerk Liu Chia - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
42. Lee Itianne - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
43. Lee Siew Chen - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
44. Lee Soo Choo - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
45. Lian Chee Sim - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
46. Liew Chooi Mei - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
47. Mandy Teoh Yee - Leng Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
48. Michelle Tan - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
49. Ng Mei Theng - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
50. Ong Neer - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
51. Rebecca Kavita - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
52. Sim Yen Nee - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
53. Tan Boon Heng - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
54. Tan Sin Yin - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
55. Wong Juin Wei - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
56. Yeo Yan Hoon - Counselling Volunteer / Para Counsellor
57. Annamaney Arumanayagam - Social Work Volunteer
58. Arul Aruleswaran - Social Work Volunteer
59. Chang Hon Wah - Social Work Volunteer
60. Chiok Ann Nee - Social Work Volunteer
61. E-Maine Loh - Social Work Volunteer
62. Eric Tan Kiong - Social Work Volunteer
63. Fabkian Augustine Pereira - Social Work Volunteer
64. Fun Loh Social Work - Volunteer
65. Ho Yoke Yee - Social Work Volunteer
66. Ivy Loo Boon Yen - Social Work Volunteer
67. James Marjez - Social Work Volunteer
68. Joseph Foo - Social Work Volunteer
69. Kan Ean Seok - Social Work Volunteer
70. Loong Kam Ching - Social Work Volunteer
71. Low Yih Bian - Social Work Volunteer
72. Muhammad Yasir bin Osman - Social Work Volunteer
73. Ong Yoke Eng - Social Work Volunteer
74. Philip Chin - Social Work Volunteer
75. Regina Rathi a/p Raman - Social Work Volunteer
76. Soo Mee Hun -Social Work Volunteer
77. Suganah Bibi Abdul Kader - Social Work Volunteer
78. Teoh Soo Cheng - Social Work Volunteer
79. Yong Kar Wei - Social Work Volunteer
80. Ain Nasiehah binti Amiruddin - Social Worker
81. Andy Teng Wei Huang - Social Worker
82. Ang Hoon Ai - Social Worker
83. Ang Siang Ping - Social Worker
84. Anne Wong Poh Guat - Social Worker
85. Aw Chan Yann - Social Worker
86. Chey Siow Wei - Social Worker
87. Chong See Mun - Social Worker
88. Chong Yong Teng - Social Worker
89. Cindy Chan Wei Sean - Social Worker
90. Edward Devadason - Social Worker
91. Evelyn Ngui - Social Worker
92. Florence Santhiavoo - Social Worker
93. Gary Chia - Social Worker
94. Hasra othman - Social Worker
95. Heng Fook Tai - Social Worker
96. Hepzibah Peter - Social Worker
97. Hii mee Ying - Social Worker
98. Hwa Hui-En - Social Worker
99. Ita Bah Nan - Social Worker
100. Jacy Then - Social Worker
101. Jay Anderson - Social Worker
102. Jecyrina Nagarajah - Social Worker
103. Jenny Pui Wan Lee - Social Worker
104. Joanna Andereas - Social Worker
105. Joshua Hor Hung Jian - Social Worker
106. Karen Ngooi - Social Worker
107. Kau Mei Kee - Social Worker
108. Kharis Low - Social Worker
109. Khor Phei Cher - Social Worker
110. Le Hui Yi - Social Worker
111. Lee Chuan Ping - Social Worker
112. Lee Ming Ern - Social Worker
113. Lee Thai Min - Social Worker
114. Lim Hong Tat - Social Worker
115. Lim saw gaik- Social Worker
116. Lochna Chandran Menon - Social Worker
117. Martin Claude Balhetchet - Social Worker
118. Neoh Kean Soon - Social Worker
119. Ng Shiuh Shuen - Social Worker
120. Ng Xin Zhao - Social Worker
121. Ooi Kiah Hui - Social Worker
122. Pang Yan Chyun - Social Worker
123. Rachel Shanti Kathiripillai - Social Worker
124. Tan Wai Wai - Social Worker
125. Teh Chian Yi - Social Worker
126. Teh Chian Yi - Social Worker
127. Tham Foo Fah - Social Worker
128. Ting Ju Teen - Social Worker
129. Tristan Gwee - Social Worker
130. Warren Tan - Social Worker
131. Wong Su Zane - Social Worker
132. Wong Xiau Jian - Social Worker
133. Yao Sin Liew - Social Worker
134. Yap Khen Siong -Social Worker
135. Yew Kuan Yee - Social Worker
136. Yong Oi Ling - Social Worker
137. Yong Shu Kuan - Social Worker
138. Zainon Ghazaley - Social Worker
139. Chai Huey Shyan - Others (Caseworker)
140. Khor Ai-Na - Others (CEO, Asia Community Service)
141. Jeff Tan - Others (Child Protection Officer)
142. Frances Lim Chin Pei - Others (Clinical Psychologist)
143. Lydia Lee San San - Others (Community Development)
144. Leong Hap Choy - Others (Community development worker)
145. Lim Suan See - Others (Community Worker)
146. Mark Anthony Ambrose - Others (Community Worker)
147. Tina Yap Li Yan - Others (Community worker)
148. Tan Sin Ee Others - (Former counselling volunteer)
149. Chuah Chong Hong - Others (Former Social Worker)
150. Connie chen -Others - (Home supervisor)
151. Ong Gim Beng - Others (Life Care Consultant)
152. Tan Shu Yi - Others (NGO Worker)
153. Erwin Tan - Others (Outreach Worker)
154. Keng Shian Ling - Others (Psychologist)
155. Ng Lai Oon - Others (Psychologist)
156. Tan Yan Xun - Others (School counsellor)
157. Chong Shy Huai - Others (Special education instructional aide)
158. Divya Mariam Chandy - Others (Youth Leadership Facilitator)
159. Chong Keat Lim - Others (Youth worker)
- M'kini

1 comment:

  1. http://english1.cari.com.my/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=895680 - Please read/ Kelakuan Ong Sheue Yin


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