
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Image result for RM2.6 Billion scandal

That yacht was fake. It was not owned by that camel shagger fellow. It was a rented yacht. The super moron was made to believe that it was owned by the camel shaggers. The rental for that yacht was paid using our money.

There is a video going around showing the Fei Low fellow wining and dining that girl, to whom he allegedly proposed but she turned him down. Two 'white skinned' guys land by parachute bringing the proposal ring etc. Actually that video was also staged. The whole thing was a set up, even the story about the girl turning down the proposal.  It was purely a publicity stunt.  The whole lavish dinner, jewellery, parachute guys etc were paid for - using our money.

Partying with Paris Hilton was also staged. Paris Hilton was paid money (our money) to party with Fei Low. She has a public relations company which takes care of renting out her services. Anyone who has enough money can pay Paris Hilton for her company.  She is not the only 'socialite' who provides such services.  It was all paid for by us, using our taxpayers money.

The offices in London were all fake - at that time. They were rented just for a few days. Complete with fake signboards, fake Mat Salleh secretaries pretending to look busy etc.  The kampong boys were completely fooled. Itulah tak reti cakap omputih.

Hold on folks, Liwat did the same thing. Liwat brought in a Thai porn actor (whom he said looks like him). To prove to the world it was that Thai porn actor and not him who was in that China Doll sex video.  They came to their senses at the last minute (in Penang) and told the Thai guy to go back to phorn-land.

In very sharp contrast to all this, the transfer of the billions was NOT fake. It was real. And there is a secure record all over the world.  You cannot erase those records. 

This has become an international money laundering crime. Singapore is investigating this. So are Australia, UK, the US and maybe other countries as well.

Which is why that Punjabi woman who was investigating the crime from the money laundering  point of view (AMLA) was arrested. She was just doing her job.

Those billions were transferred electronically. That means only one thing = SWIFT. 

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is a service provided by the bankers to transfer funds electronically around the world. SWIFT is based somewhere in Belgium. They keep an electronic record of all money transfers. 

(This is what Zeti has most likely assembled in her dossier - the one which is now causing all that pressure and stress on her. Hang in there Zeti. Dont give in to the thieves.)

The electronic record of the funds transfers is already there, including in Singapore, Belgium etc. They cannot erase the records.

It is really too late for Fei Low to hire another  fake camel shagger, a fake Mat Salleh secretary, a fake bank account, a fake shelf company, a fake yacht, a fake wedding proposal etc to step into the role of 'Thai porn actor' who donated the billions. Its too late. 

So what will they do? They will have to 'mikir bab iku kasebut kanthi teliti, mungkin kita bakal ngomong  jawak'. That is one option.

It is a real comedy that this is the strange angle they are playing now ie that some mysterious camel shagger did give billions in donation.  Even children are not going to believe that some mysterious camel shagger would donate all those billions to moron. 

This is getting simply too stupid. Much worse than a third rate drama script on TV.

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