
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Malulah : Police FAIL to get remand order !!

Well folks, I am NOT the ex MACC Advisor who has been arrested. (Just for the record I did not meet Claire Rewcastle Brown.) 

Latest news is the Police have failed to get a remand order for Tan Sri Rashpal and Jessica Kaur.  Here is the Malaysian Insider :

The other two, Tan Sri Rashpal Singh and Jessica Kaur, will be released tonight after police failed to get a remand at the Petaling Jaya police headquarters this afternoon. - 

Itulah buat kerja yang buang masa saja. They could not even get a remand order from the Court. 

Here is a photograph that I received. No reason to doubt its authenticity :

This is a picture of the former AG Gani Patail with an armed Police escort. Rest assured that this is not his regular bodyguard. I dont know if he had one.

This is Gani being escorted out of his office after he was let go. No farewell ceremonies, no final punch out event etc. Escorted out by an armed guard. What a way to treat an Attorney General.

The reason for the summary treatment is because the AG was doing his job. No one dares say  that the AG was not doing his job.   

The Chief of the MACC Abu Kassim and his Deputy Shukri are both believed to be on leave.  Abu Kassim's leave is till sometime next week. (So I heard).  Abu Kassim is the other member of the Task Force.  

The third member of the Task Force who has a mind of her own is Zeti Akhtar Aziz. Sources say that even Zeti has not been regular in the office since Gani was fired. 

To recap: 

The AG got fired. 
The MACC Chief is on leave. 
The Bank Negara governor is irregular. 

Only the fourth member of the Task Force, the IGP, is blowing safe and strong - like Moby Dick.  (In that story, Captain Ahab was relentless).

The DPM has been summarily dismissed. Also for doing his job. 

Shafie Apdal has been dismissed. Also for doing his job. 

When so many people are punished just for doing their job, you know the toilet bowl scum has risen to the surface.  

Then that ex MACC Advisor (a Tan Sri) has been arrested. So has a DPP? Just received an sms (6:40PM)  that Police are still conducting raids. 

I can say quite certainly that support for the PM, UMNO and the BN is hovering at close to zero.  Everywhere you go, you hear people cursing and swearing the PM. 

If you need proof just visit his own Facebook page. Never has a leader of this country been so despised by so many people - all across the board. 

Only the prepaids are still supporting him.  And there are actually very few of them.

Legally (ie according to the law)  the PM is still in office because a few dozen powerful people (all of them in gomen of course) still support him. And some of them have the power of arrest, prosecution etc. Outside of these few dozen few or none support him. 

When he goes to Pahang (his home state) they have to rent a crowd. Guess what? The rents have increased.  There is interesting news from another East Coast State (there is some spin here, I am not divulging). I may have a new friend. (Bro, dulu marah saya. Sekarang sudah lain. Apa pasal lama tak komen?).  Meaning if you think the PM's support is increasing, you are delusional.

To digress, yesterday a motorcade went by. I think it was the PM. The security detail was very unusual.  There was very heavy security, much more than the usual UTK, heavy police escorts and a bunch of other escorts. All driving at super high speed.  I think the PM's security detail has been increased a few notches. 

Well if you are popular (like Dr Mahathir) you dont even need a security detail.

The PM now has to withdraw inside an increasingly smaller cocoon, safely guarded by his aides, defended by the prepaids and speaking only to those who say yes.  

He will be getting lonelier and lonelier. 

The feng shui guys and vasthu guys say bad omens rule his future.  I strongly disagree with them. 

I think the PM has been in deep sh*t for quite some time already. Its an ongoing thing. Only now we are coming to see his really suey bad luck. And it sticks onto anyone he comes into contact with - including us, the ordinary people.  This is a really suey fellow.  A bad luck fellow.  To those who are the PM's b*ll carriers, better watch out. Enjoy while you can. Ahab is always over the horizon. 

When you have done wrong things, you really dont know what the morrow will bring. Try to sleep tight.

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