
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 8, 2015

MOTHER OF ALL DONATIONS: Najib must stop 'milking' the nation

MOTHER OF ALL DONATIONS: Najib must stop 'milking' the nation
‘The PM has had many chances to come clean on the ‘donation’.’
Anonymous_3e86: Yes, nobody is perfect. The problem is that our PM refuses to change. He refuses to admit his mistakes. And these were not minor mistakes. In fact, they were not mistakes - they were intentional.
When a cop takes RM50, it's corruption. When a minister takes RM1 million, it's commission. When the PM takes RM2.6 billion, it's a donation.
Anonymous #44199885: The PM has had many chances to come clean on the "donation" issue, on the RM2 million cash allegedly deposited into his wife's account and the RM42 million from SRC International allegedly deposited into his own bank account.
He did not take the numerous opportunities afforded by Malaysia to explain these matters.
Instead, he sacked the attorney-general (AG), the DPM and an Umno vice-president, did not stop the police from actions that are perceived to be detrimental to the investigations of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), and virtually paralysed the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) with a ‘brilliant’ political move.
Prudent: Receiving huge sums of money in one's private bank account by the PM, who is a public servant - RM2.6 billion from unknown 'donor/s', RM42 million from SRC, a company owned by the Finance Ministry which borrowed RM4 billion from pension fund KWAP - is widely seen by many as a humongous crime.
Najib should go on leave immediately and let the institutions, established to safeguard the nation's integrity and enforce the law, go through the due process of investigation and prosecution.
That is Najib's only hope of a second chance in the event that he is exculpated. But he must go on leave immediately and not be perceived to be interfering with the investigation by the MACC, such interference being another very serious crime.
If he continues to act as PM during the investigation and is perceived to be interfering with the due process of law, the rakyat will not accept the outcome of the investigation and will seek justice by other means.
Speaking Sense: Dear Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, it is not Najib who should be given a chance; he has had his chance and blown it.
It is Najib who should give the people a chance to have a better country by bowing out now and taking Umno with him, before he causes more damage.
CQ Muar: Tengku Adnan, upon reflection, were you as thoughtful and forgiving when former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was convicted a second time for sodomy as a result of Najib's instigation?
Anwar is now 'languishing' in Sungai Buloh prison, why don't you plead for him to be given a chance, too?
CHKS: How many chances have we given Najib? And these are not mistakes that he unintentionally made. He seems to be promising one thing (good), but in reality he is a hypocrite.
An example is when in 2012 he said all political funds must go to official account but now he himself deposited the funds into his own personal accounts.
MVA: Because of mistakes he made he is coming down hard on the country’s key institutions and taking Malaysia backwards.
What he should be doing is admit his mistakes, come clean, account for whatever funds he received as ‘donation’.
I am sure if he shows his sincerity everyone in Malaysia, including the opposition, will support him because nobody gains when Malaysia becomes a failed nation, more so when we were on the verge of becoming a developed country.
Kingfisher: This is a very frivolous if not a clownish request by Adnan considering the serious concern of the public concerning Najib's alleged indiscretions in respect to his prime ministerial responsibility.
Adnan should recognise that holding certain positions disqualifies one from making mistakes of the nature currently discussed.
Amateur: To err is human. Everyone makes mistakes. If one is remorseful of one's mistake and turn over a new leaf, it's commendable.
But if sins are repeatedly committed, neither you nor I can do much. We shall leave it to Judgement Day.
Justine Gow: This is a sign of desperation. They are exploring different ways to stay in power - from the soft approach (pleading for a second chance) to the hard one (remanding citizens for bringing up the issues).
What they have not done yet so far is to admit their mistakes (I mean sincerely, not like what this man is now doing, and not in the generic "everyone makes mistakes" sense) and take responsibility for these mistakes.
NNFC: Personally, I am tired of what appeared to be more cover-ups, lies and deceit. I am tired of the lack of transparency. I am tired of the use of government agencies to tell more stories, and I am definitely tired of intimidation by parties involved.
Up to now, we have not got a single piece of truth from the government. How can we give them a chance? - M'kini

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