
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

MUKHRIZ NEXT TO BE ARRESTED? Kedah MB posts video of Najib on Facebook

MUKHRIZ NEXT TO BE ARRESTED? Kedah MB posts video of Najib on Facebook
Mukhriz Mahathir, the son of the former premier, has uploaded a video clip on his Facebook account featuring of all persons, the prime minister himself saying that all political funds must be channeled into official accounts of political parties.
According to Mukhriz, the speech was made by Najib Abdul Razak in the lead-up to the last general election. How then does Najib explain himself now that we all know the money channelled into his private accounts are political funds in such a humongous amount?
Based on the latest spin, the money funnelled into his private accounts came from foreign donors as Umno’s political fund, where Najib acted as a trustee for the party.
It is strange that the party president was made a trustee, but not many people who are Umno members knew about it. Not even former deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin knew where the money had come from except to hear it from Najib that it was from the Middle East.
Tell us what is a trust fund, unless the people entrusted with the money are able to account to fellow party members who donated the money and how it was used. A trustee has the obligation to account for the money he has received on behalf of a third party.
In the case of the United States of America, for example, we know how much money was raised by Barack Obama and who contributed towards the political fund, but the money funnelled into Najib’s private accounts remains one big mystery.
Please stand up
The question is, will we see even Mukhriz, son of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, being removed as menteri besar of Kedah, or will he also suffer the same fate as the opposition?
What is happening in the country now is a major concern of all Malaysians. Instead of the people involved in the 1MDB scandal being pursued by the authorities, it is the people who are standing up for the truth that are being hunted down.
It is also a historic moment for all Malaysians to come together in a spirit of unity. Najib boasted that 3 million Umno members are solidly behind him. While he can say that of his own cabinet now, he certainly cannot say that of the entire party and the whole nation, especially since the electorate had ditched Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) for the opposition front in the last general election.
The popularity vote against Umno and BN will surely increase for as long as Najib is still in power, and as long as his deputy Zahid Hamidi continues to use the iron fist. The ‘rule of reap what you sow’ cannot be challenged; it is an eternal law of the universe. Those who sow wickedness will reap wickedness many times in return.
At this juncture, it is not only Mukhriz or his father Dr Mahathir who are apparently against Najib. I am going to ask those who are aligned to Muhyiddin and Shafie Apdal to please stand up. There is no better time to show solidarity to your own leaders.
I am asking those aligned to Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Musa Hitam to join forces with Dr Mahathir’s camp for once to ensure that the culprits are purged from Umno. We have to stop the rot, or else see this nation going to the dogs.
It is also time for those who are aligned to Saifuddin Abdullah and CIMB chairperson Nazir Abdul Razak to work together with Dr Mahathir and his men to remove the party president if he is found to be lying or corrupt.
In my opinion, Nazir would make a better prime minister and Saifuddin a better deputy, if Umno still remained in power. Even if you are aligned to the new opposition coalition, it is not wrong to align yourselves now with Dr Mahathir to reconstruct Umno from within with whatever it takes.
Dr Mahathir, too, has to bury the hatchet and show solidarity to members of the 1MDB task force or opposition leaders who have spoken up against the 1MDB scandal, whenever they are being arrested or prosecuted. After all, Dr Mahathir is the leader of the pack, as pointed out by Najib himself.
I am also asking those who are aligned to former Bersih co-chairpersons Ambiga Sreenevasan and A Samad Said (Pak Samad) to please stand up and be counted now. Take time to spread the word to the rural folk about the current political situation, in order to prepare everyone for the next coming general election.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Musa Hitam
Also, those who are aligned to the Hindraf movement, whether you are with P Uthayakumar or P Waythamurthi, to stand up now and make your voices heard. The amount of RM2.6 billion could have done a great deal to eliminate the poverty from your own community.
I urge the Group of 25 (G25) eminent Malay former civil servants to now rise and speak up, and urge the sultans to also act to stop the country from going down the drain. If you do not speak up now, you will have to remain silent from now on. Remember the words of Edmund Burke, who said, “The only thing necessity for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
I am urging the parties aligned to jailed former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), the Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Gerakan Harapan Baru (GHB) to form the coalition as soon as possible amidst the fiercest attack on the opposition and the dissenters.
There is no better time to consolidate the forces now than when you are being persecuted, intimidated and prosecuted. We will stand with you. We may not have weapons of war, but we have a voice of conscience to tell us what is right from wrong.
Time for the truth to emerge
PM Najib
With Najib saying that the money was political funds, we take it that he is a trustee for the funds channelled into his private bank accounts.
Therefore, as rakyat, we also demand that the trustee in his capacity as prime minister give an account of the money received as political funds, telling us where it came from and how the money has been disbursed. This is, after all, the job of a trustee.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Paul Low has a duty to tell all, especially since he is the minister in charge of transparency and integrity. If he cannot even protect the attorney-general and members of the task force, he should resign.
If Najib chooses not to tell non-Umno members, then the full account should be made transparent to Umno members. This is not a small sum of money. It is equivalent to the entire reserve of the Selangor state government.
It is more worrisome going by the latest spins made by BN strategic communications director Rahman Dahlan and newly-minted minister Azalina Othman, who said the money is political funds, and if the source is from a foreign source, then this amounts to treason. The sovereignty of the nation is at stake. - M'kini

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