
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 23, 2015

REMEMBER ALTANTUYA, P.I. BALA? Sacked AG officer Jessica must keep herself safe

REMEMBER ALTANTUYA, P.I. BALA? Sacked AG officer Jessica must keep herself safe
‘Why was Kaur persecuted? After all, she did not draft the charge sheet.’
Odin Tajué: The upshot of all this (with Jessica Gurmeet Kaur filing an explosive affidavit) and what has been happening point to three important things:
1) The charge sheet did exist.
2) Former attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail did draft it.
3) PM Najib Razak was indeed about to be charged for corruptly obtaining RM42 million from SRC International, first through Gandingan Mentari and then through Ihsan Perdana.
That is the reason Abdul Gani was given the sack immediately, with his termination letter backdated, and people like Kaur have been harassed before their removal.
And, once again, we see that an exposé by the Sarawak Report is based on solid fact.
Pemerhati: It must be remembered that Najib has shown by his past actions that he is an expert in dealing with situations where his wrongdoings are about to be exposed.
With the late private investigator P Balasubramaniam he chose the ‘exile cum cash’ strategy. The big question now is what sort of strategy he will choose this time.
One thing that Kaur must do now at all cost is to look after her safety.
Real Truth: Yes, this reminds me of private eye Balasubramaniam's first affidavit and subsequent fake affidavit drafted by a very prominent lawyer.
Once Kaur’s SD (statutory declaration) is out, there will be a flurry of action with a new affidavit and immediately Kaur and her family will be sent to a foreign country thus neutralising her first SD.
ACR: According to a The Sun report, Kaur has children, and given that she has been living here for more than 20 years, she is likely married to a Malaysian, hence the red identity card.
Terminating her without following due process as it appears to be and revoking her residency rights is an affront to natural justice with the irony of ironies being her employer was the AG’s Chambers.
Wg321: Why was Kaur and her family persecuted? She did not draft the charge sheet. Her only crime was she worked under then AG Abdul Gani. I wonder when this witch hunt is going to end.
Anonymous 706151436780066: All Kaur needs to confirm under oath is the existence of the charge sheet against Najib. The court of public opinion will take it from there.
Ian Teh: Indeed, the effect of Kaur’s affidavit, no matter how explosive, would only be felt in the court of public opinion. The court of law in Malaysia no longer offers security of justice.
Kangkung: Manipulation upon manipulation, just to make sure one man stays in power and is not charged for alleged embezzlement - a grave offence a leader of any country could commit.
What the people in power are doing has gone too far.
Mohican: Kaur is a brave and courageous woman. She dares take the bull by its horns whereas Abdul Gani is tainted beyond repair and is unable to strike back.
This is divine punishment for the injustice he perpetrated on former deputy minister Anwar Ibrahim. Now he knows how it feels to be humiliated to the core.
Tok Karut: Yes, Kaur apparently has more guts than Abdul Gani. A toast to the tenacious the ex-Singaporean.
But yes, the Singapore’s Internal Security Department (ISD) is not to be trusted. In Operation Lallang the Singapore authorities, physically handed over to the Special Branch at the Causeway, a Malaysian whose name was on the Operation Lallang list.
Quigonbond: This affidavit is likely the nail to Najib's political coffin. It will make Malaysians very angry, enough to mobilise more to turn up at Bersih 4.
Myrights: I don't understand why someone would disclose her intention so openly to file an "explosive affidavit" before she has left Malaysia.
Umno's tentacles stretch far and wide, so she really needs to be extra careful now.
Anonymous_3e21: Take the bull by the horns, that is what Kaur is doing. Only highly principled and courageous person would dare to do this here.
Retired Citizen: Kaur, not to worry. If you are forceful enough, Najib will pay you off, provided you shut your mouth.
Make sure you ask a good sum. After all, he is a good paymaster to his ball carriers.
Prudent: It's likely they will buy her silence. Unless she has moral fibre of titanium, she will have her price. After all, she was working in the AG’s Chambers and very likely had seen it all.
GE14NOW!: The crimes committed by those in the highest levels of office must be addressed from many angles - bu
Kingfisher: Someone should alert her and family to have added security to her person while she contemplates her "explosive" affidavit. "Explosive" is a dangerous word. - M'kini

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