
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 6, 2015


Hello! Idiots! What Pakatan Rakyat? Did not DAP announce that Pakatan Rakyat is already dead? Did they not say that Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists? So what Pakatan Rakyat are you all talking about? The already dead and no longer existing Pakatan Rakyat?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
It has certainly been a fun week of joloking those Pakatoons and Chinese DAP supporters with my last three articles: DAP is a threat to racial harmonyPakatan Rakyat is a fooking liar and How I had to become Chinese.
Wow, did those Chinese readers (and some Indians and Malays as well) really crawl out of the woodwork to whack me, call me a racist, accuse me of being a turncoat, and say that I used to be a strong Pakatan Rakyat supporter but now I have changed.
If there is one thing I have learned by now is mention either Chinese or DAP in any article and we will see the Chinese or DAP supporters foam at the mouth and bark like mad dogs. They just can’t stand it when either the Chinese or DAP are whacked.
Yes, it is true. I am a racist. I am a racist because I think that Malays, Chinese and Indians are full of shit. I suppose when I have a Bugis great-grandfather and an Orang Asli great-grandmother and a Welsh mother, plus a Thai-Chinese wife thrown in, I tend to look down on the Malays, Chinese and Indians.
The question would be, of course, is: am I being unfair for looking down on them or do they deserve being looked down on? That, no doubt, is a matter of opinion and based on your perception.
For example, the Chinese used to call the Kwailo (white skins) foreign devils or barbarians or Ang Moh Kui, etc. They thought so highly of themselves and regarded all foreigners as inferior and, of course, barbarians.
China invented paper, gunpowder, and many other things. They taught English how to drink tea and the Italians how to make spaghetti. The Chinese were leading the world in science and technology.
But the foreign devils whacked the Chinese good and proper in the Opium War and then imported opium into China and turned millions of Chinese into opium addicts. And the opium growers were overseas Chinese who used British boats to ship the opium to China.
So you see, the Chinese are not really that clever after all. They had 300 million Chinese and yet a handful of English with a few ships sent from Singapore could conquer China. And it was the Chinese who turned Chinese into opium addicts and they blamed the white skins for that.
There were 300 million Indians in India but yet a country like England with only 10 million people was able to colonise India and control 300 million Indians with only a few thousand soldiers. So the Indians are also not really that clever after all as well.
The Malays were no better. At first they were Hindus and some of them Buddhists. Then their Sultan converted to Islam and the entire population also converted. The reason they converted to Islam was because their Sultan did so and anything the Sultan says must be followed. The Malays actually did not know two fooks what Islam was (and many, in fact, still do not until today).
Then, of course, the Malays allowed themselves to be colonised by Cambodia, Srivijaya, Majapahit, Siam, Riau, Portugal, Holland, Britain and Japan. Then, when Japan lost the war, the Malays invited the British back with open arms and were, in fact, so grateful that the British came back to Malaya.
Now tell me, with that history, are the Chinese, Indians and Malays really as clever as they imagine themselves to be? At least my Welsh ancestors fought the Romans who conquered half the world except Wales and Scotland. Yay! Hidup Wales!
Anyway, that is all in the past. Today, we have Malays, Chinese and Indians complaining and grumbling about this, that and the other. Nothing is satisfactory to these people. Everything about the country is wrong. The same goes for the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. They complain, moan, groan, bitch and grumble.
But then, back in 1999, I told you all that we need a strong two-party system. Did you vote for the opposition in 1999? Did you vote for the opposition in 2004? No, you felt that you needed a strong government that can manage the economy and make Malaysia prosperous so you did not want change.
Then, in 2010, I said we need a third force so that we can keep both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat in check and make sure that both coalitions behave themselves. But no, you said we need only Pakatan Rakyat and it has to be ABU and not a third force.
I said, fine, but you are going to regret it when you find that Pakatan Rakyat is disintegrating because the members of the coalition do not share the same ideology and what they have is merely a marriage of convenience which will not last.
Today, many readers are saying that I have changed. I am a turncoat. I used to support Pakatan Rakyat but now no longer do and am now against Pakatan Rakyat.
Hello! Idiots! What Pakatan Rakyat? Did not DAP announce that Pakatan Rakyat is already dead? Did they not say that Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists? So what Pakatan Rakyat are you all talking about? The already dead and no longer existing Pakatan Rakyat?
DAP also said that they are going to form a new opposition coalition called Pakatan Rakyat 2.0. And PAS is not going to be invited to join this new Pakatan Rakyat. Instead, DAP is going to finance the setting up of a new Islamic party called GHB a.k.a. PAS Baru.
So, Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists and even if it did PAS is no longer part of it. And, as I have said hundreds of times before, I support Abdul Hadi Awang and PAS. So, since we have been kicked out of the coalition and the coalition no longer exists, why are you all still talking about me no longer supporting Pakatan Rakyat?
No wonder your countries were colonised by just a handful of white skins. It is because you all are so stupid.

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