
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 8, 2015

The woes of the Malays

Say whatever you want about Utusan Malaysia, it uttered the truth when it said the Malays were clueless.
by Mariam Mokhtar
In October 2013, five months after GE13, Utusan Malaysia ran a controversial story with the headline “Apa lagi Cina mahu?” (What else do the Chinese want?). It attributed BN’s poor performance in the election to the Chinese community’s “rejection” of Umno-Baru, a political party that the Chinese cannot join. It accused them of wanting to remove Malay political power and warned them to stop playing racial politics.
Utusan accused the Chinese of being ungrateful, arrogant and insulting towards the Malays.
It praised the Malays for being a tolerant, courteous and patient race, and said that it felt sorry for them because, “despite continually giving in to the Chinese, they continue to be hurt and betrayed by them.” It claimed that Malays gave favours to the Chinese, but were repaid with poison.
Despite its inflammatory rhetoric, the article contained one speck of truth. It said “the Malays remained clueless.”
Today, two years after GE-13, the 1MDB scandal drags on, the implementation of GST has affected every household in Malaysia, corruption scandals remain unresolved, infighting in Umno-Baru and the break-up of the opposition coalition affect national harmony, whilst racial and religious rhetoric continue to scare the rakyat. People are suffering. Money changers in Thailand will not touch the Malaysian ringgit and investors prefer to open businesses in other Southeast Asian nations. As one political pundit said, “Will the Malays ever learn?”
Despite blatant corruption and abuse of power, by this administration and the previous administrations, Umno-Baru remains in power.
Despite its use of racial and religious rhetoric, Umno-Baru still rules the country.
Despite the outsourcing of violence to religious and Malay extremists and NGOs, Malays still retain political power.
Despite the NEP, the BTN, the warped national service and the various affirmative action policies, Malays retain the upper hand in ruling the nation.
Despite the global slowdown in the economy and the drop in oil prices, the budget for the Prime Minister’s Department remains huge.
Despite the various fiscal initiatives to help the Malays, more and more Malays are joining the exodus out of the country to seek employment elsewhere.
Despite putting their faith and trust in Umno-Baru for 57 years, the Malays have found that the gap between the rich and the poor is wider than ever.
Despite the declaration by former PM Mahathir Mohamad that Malaysia is an Islamic state, many Malays, including the mullahs, are ignorant about Islam.
Despite getting rid of one colonial power, the Malays suffer the yoke of colonialism under Umno-Baru.
Despite the nation’s wealth, the Malays have not progressed much in terms of intellectual, social, economic and spiritual development when compared with the non-Malays, who have had little choice but to excel through competitiveness.
Despite the opportunities given to them on a silver plate, the Malays blame the non-Malays for their failures.
Despite knowing that Najib faces allegations of corruption and refuses to answer questions about his involvement in 1MDB, Malays still place their trust in him.
So, what more do the Malays want?
Mariam Mokhtar is an FMT columnist.

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