
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

TWIN SALVOS FROM JOHOR PRINCE & NAZIR: Wolf in sheep's clothing or dead bull, time for Najib to quit

TWIN SALVOS FROM JOHOR PRINCE & NAZIR: Wolf in sheep's clothing or dead bull, time for Najib to quit
KUALA LUMPUR - Inspired by his father's well-received speech today, the Crown Prince of Johor Tunku Ismail has added on comments that again appear directed at embattled Prime Minister Najib Razak and his hapless administration.
"There are wolves that lead sheep, then there are wolves that lead wolves," wrote Tunku Ismail on the Johor Southern Tigers Facebook page, in a seeming comparison between the recalcitrant PM and the Johor Sultan.
The Prince appeared to be enlarging oh his father's advise to the Najib administration not to take the people for fools and feed them 'rosy news and information to hide what is really going on.'
Asking Najib to 'deal with the problems at hand immediately, the Johor Sultan had warned against the "unstable political and economic situation" in the country.
The Johor ruler urged the Najib administration to take responsibility and show leadership in managing the Ringgit, which has free-fallen to 17-year-lows of as much as 4.2685 to the US dollar.
"I am aware and sensitive to the concerns of my subjects. The unstable political and economic situation the country is in now is a major issue which has to be dealt with immediately," said Sultan Ibrahim in a speech in conjucntion with the Johor Special Forces Regiment's 50th anniversary.
"I urge the ruling government to deal with the problems we are facing now, among which is the deteriorating value of the Ringgit."
"I would also like to remind representatives elected by the people to shoulder public responsibilities entrusted to them, and to set aside personal interests.
"The rakyat (people) today are a generation of smart and learned people which can dissect information they receive, so please do not take them as fools by feeding them rosy news and information to hide what is really going on. Deal with the problems at hand immediately."
Exacerbating capital flight with stupid comments & 'turning Malaysia upside down'
Najib (left), Mahathir (right)
The Johor Sultan did not go into details but over the past weeks, Najib and his Cabinet including Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi have been blamed for exacerbating the flight in investor confidence from the country's stock and currency markets.
Indeed, Najib and his supporters have given voice to some of the most ridiculous explanations to justify the discovery of a scandal-tainted RM2.6 bil cash donation in Najib's personal bank accounts.
Zahid too had roiled the nation with threats of tough action against 'plotters' out to overthrow Najib with a no-confidence vote in Parliament, which he went as far as to describe as 'activities threatening to Malaysia's democracy'.
Their political circus prompted former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad to step in and declare that a no-confidence vote was legal and within the bounds of the Federal Constitution.
Mahathir also slammed Najib and his supporters for turning Malaysia "upside down".
'Dead bull' stubbornly clinging on
Today, as the Ringgit sank, Najib's banker brother, Nazir Razak, also urged for swift and decisive response to the currency turmoil - the worst since 1998.
Nazir's Instagram post
The CIMB group chairman told Najib to accept and adjust quickly to the new economic situation. Although Nazir did not mention names, it was clear who he was referring to. Najib is not only the Prime Minister but also Finance Minister.
The well-respected Nazir posted a picture of a fallen Wall Street Bull on his Instagram account.
"Dead or wounded? China will determine, but a new normal (of relative values) will prevail for most emerging markets. Accept and adjust quickly.
“Meanwhile, capital is super sensitive; bad news and bad signs amplified, so 'power' people must avoid saying stupid things,” wrote the CIMB chief.
It is not clear if Nazir intended the symbolism of the 'dead bull' to indicate Malaysia's current economic woes and the lack of leadership to counter it, or if he also meant his brother's failing political career.
"It doesn't matter but it's no secret Najib's brothers have longer ago advised him to resign. But Najib is stubborn as a bull on this and his wife Rosmah is on his side on this too. Even so, their sunset can no longer be delayed," a political watcher told Malaysia Chronicle.
1. The term Bangsa Johor is nothing new. My late grandfather, Sultan Ibrahim, in his foresight realized that the Johoreans should be united under Bangsa Johor.
In fact, long ago, the state anthem was titled "Lagu Bangsa Johor". Therefore, outsiders who do not understand Johor's history, I advise to refrain from interfering in Johor's affairs.
I hope that Johoreans of all cultures and faiths will stand united and live in harmony for the peace and prosperity of our state, Johor Darul Ta'zim.
2. I am aware and sensitive to the concerns of my subjects. The unstable political and economic situation the country is in now is a major issue which has to be dealt with immediately.
Though as a sovereign ruler, I cannot interfere in political matters, but as a ruler I am responsible for the well-being and prosperity of my state and subjects.
Therefore, I urge the ruling government to deal with the problems we are facing now, among which is the deteriorating value of the ringgit.
3. I would also like to remind representatives elected by the people to shoulder public responsibilities entrusted to them, and to set aside personal interests.
The rakyat today are a generation of smart and learned people which can dissect information they receive, so please do not take them as fools by feeding them rosy news and information to hide what is really going on. Deal with the problems at hand immediately.
- H.M. Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, The Sultan of Johor
"Ada serigala yang memimpin kawanan biri-biri, berbeza dengan serigala yang memimpin serigala."
- DYAM Brigadier Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor.
"There are wolves that lead sheep, then there are wolves that lead wolves."
HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, The Crown Prince of Johor.

1 comment:

  1. Awalnya aku hanya mencoba main togel akibat adanya hutang yang sangat banyak dan akhirnya aku buka internet mencari aki yang bisa membantu orang akhirnya di situ lah ak bisa meliat nmor nya AKI NAWE terus aku berpikir aku harus hubungi AKI NAWE meskipun itu dilarang agama ,apa boleh buat nasip sudah jadi bubur,dan akhirnya aku menemukan seorang aki.ternyata alhamdulillah AKI NAWE bisa membantu saya juga dan aku dapat mengubah hidup yang jauh lebih baik berkat bantuan AKI NAWE dgn waktu yang singkat aku sudah membuktikan namanya keajaiban satu hari bisa merubah hidup ,kita yang penting kita tdk boleh putus hasa dan harus berusaha insya allah kita pasti meliat hasil nya sendiri. siapa tau anda berminat silakan hubungi AKI NAWE Di Nmr 085--->"218--->"379--->''259'


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